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Notice Adding: Non-Sexual Requests Subforum


We agree on certain things, me and this bear.
Staff member
Mar 8, 2012
Dirty Souf but takin' a baff

Over the years there have been requests for a non-sexual or story driven forum on this site. We have generally sided with expressing your preference within your intro, stating if you prefer plot or smut (perhaps the dawn of the controversial plot/smut ratios?) and then connecting with writers with similar preferences. With smut heavy plots being more commonplace, meaning more to sort through for those not seeking such, we felt that a section for non-smut focused writing would benefit those with a preference for story.

We are adding a Non-Sexual Requests section and placing it in both RP seeking forums (On-Site & Off-Site forums). It will be found as the fourth subforum in both sections, just beneath the Roleplay Requests by Non-Binaries. While non-sexual storytelling often doesn't have gender preferences, we will be enabling the use of the prefix feature, so members will be able to list their thread as MxF / MxM / FxM / FxF / NBxAny etc. PRO TIP: You can sort this via the FILTER found in the TOP RIGHT of the page, and then search via the PREFIX field.

Rules specific to the Non-Sexual Requests section are as follows:

No listing or linking of kinks/fetishes within a Non-Sexual Request Thread.

Yes, you may list LIMITS, as many limits are not sexual in scope. Examples being no drug use, no capture, no murder or abuse, no 1st/2nd/3rd person etc.

Due to character reference pictures and art being rather particular and often erotic in nature, we will NOT be policing the use of erotic images used for character references, but we will still be requiring the inclusion of -NSFW- in the thread's title should there be visible images found within. Any character reference picture links found within the thread that are NSFW must also be labeled as such. You may not post random erotic pictures however, so no pics or gifs of sexual intercourse or spunk covered beauties just for the fun of it. If they are NSFW type images, they are to be character references only. The onus is on you, a community member, to respect the scope of the non-sexual section. Anything questionable and unrelated to character reference pics, which are generally visage oriented, may be removed at the discretion of staff.

We will also NOT be policing the use of F-List type links found within member signatures. A member may post a non-sexual RT and have an F-List type link found within their signature, but they shall not have an F-List or similar linked within the thread itself.

We will also not be policing consent between writers. Should you and your partner desire to turn a non-sexual story into a sexual one, due to characters falling in love or it just making sense for the story, then your story is permitted to turn sexual in nature, that is your and their mutual prerogative. That being said, this section is for people who are specifically looking for stories that do not contain erotic content, but how it evolves will not be policed by staff.

PLEASE NOTE: If you are a smut favored writer, or you prefer not to write stories that contain no erotica, then do not post your thread in this section -ALSO- do these non-sexual writers a favor and do not peruse this section to contact any of them. You have your RTs, people will contact you if they're interested, and you can still peruse the many RTs within the erotica favored forums on site. Please stay in your lane.

This section will be limited to two total RTs per member. The use of different prefixes will NOT grant you additional RTs. Examples being two MxF RTs, then using two FxM prefixes for two additional RTs. Nope. Two RTs in total.

Happy writing.
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This section will be limited to two total RTs per member. The use of different prefixes will NOT grant you additional RTs. Examples being two MxF RTs, then using two FxM prefixes for two additional RTs. Nope. Two RTs in total.

So just to clarify: there will NOT be "non-sexual by female Main Character / non-sexual by male Main Character / non-sexual by non-binary Main Character" areas, it's just going to be one "non-sexual" forum where ALL non-sexual RTs will go?

EDIT: nevermind...just re-read the post. All good. :)
I have a question. i understand this is a non sexual rp zone. But what about romance? Kissing? Holding hands... Im thinking like in a rom com sort of way... couples kiss, fade to black, next morning type of writing... Will that be allowed?
Ah yes, holding hands, the lewdest of things.

But in all seriousness you raise a good point which leads to my questions.

For example, if character A is a painter/photographer, etc and character B volunteers to pose/model in the nude would that be erotica? Would it be in a gray area because it coule more easily lead to erotic situations? Or what about walking in on a character showering?
Ah yes, holding hands, the lewdest of things.

But in all seriousness you raise a good point which leads to my questions.

For example, if character A is a painter/photographer, etc and character B volunteers to pose/model in the nude would that be erotica? Would it be in a gray area because it coule more easily lead to erotic situations? Or what about walking in on a character showering?
If sex come naturally in the story between characters, that is allowed. This section is mainly for writers who focus on plot and story, as opposed to the writers that want a lot of smut and less story.
Since this subforum won't have seperate gender specific sections is it possible to have another set of prefixes for those of us open to playing as characters of all genders? We only have prefixes that indicate we are willing to play against any gender right now, which works fine in the other gendered subforums but not as much in this new one where everyone will be lumped together.
Pretty sure I can Gandalfodumblebore an Any prefix in there somewhere. I'll have to dig into my bag of spells.
Pretty sure I can Gandalfodumblebore an Any prefix in there somewhere. I'll have to dig into my bag of spells.
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