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Mx Female Fandom, Celebs or Slice of Life. Let's Do It **21/07/2024 The Boys Craving Added**


Apr 25, 2023
Hello everyone and thanks for clicking on my thread! This was fairly basic but I've now finally gotten around to getting my interests a bit more clear. Click on the spoiler tags below to learn more. Just to be clear as well, all characters, roleplays and suggestions are following BMR's rules. If an existing character is mentioned, it is with the understanding that they will be 16+ in our play.

Currently craving content around The Boys. New additions to the thread, can be found below.

Hey all! I'm a man in my mid-twenties, with quite a bit of roleplay experience. I'm located in Australia so timezones might make things a bit difficult, but I'm happy to roleplay with you no matter where in the world you're located.

When it comes to the types of roleplays I enjoy doing, I do like a healthy mix of plot and smut. If I get into a roleplay and by message two, your character has a crush on mine that she's just met, it takes all the enjoyment from the story. Yes, you can have attraction. But dreaming of marrying mine, or begging for sex immediately, completely takes me out of it.
On the flip side, if I'm roleplaying with your character for two weeks (IRL) and there hasn't been any sort of sexual hints at least, then I'll also become bored.

There are exceptions to this of course, but this is just my general thoughts on the manner.

As for the writing side of things, please progress the plot. I enjoy posts that are several hundred words, and find posts that are less than 150 or more than 1500, completely difficult to write against.

For the characters I play as, I'm happy to play as male, female, or futa. Obviously as this is my male request thread, that will be the focus here. As I will later describe, I'm interested in roleplays involving celebrities, fandoms, or originals. While I prefer to play original characters, I am certainly capable with playing established characters or celebrities.

This isn't about how to play your characters, but more the types of characters I want to play against. In fandom roleplays, I do not enjoy playing against original characters. Fandoms interest me for the characters I want to play against, not just the setting. I will only play against original characters if you're playing as multiple characters at once (eg. in a Marvel roleplay, playing as both Black Widow and a female OC.
Same goes for celebrities. I dislike playing against original characters while I have to play a celebrity. I'll accept it if it is Celeb!M x Celeb!F x OC!F.
Obviously, original RPs are allowed to have original characters.

This is a sort of hard thing to put into words for my likes, but while I don't enjoy heavy smut in most RPs, I do enjoy smutty themes. The awkwardness of a wardrobe malfunction and its aftermath, a wet dream, things along this regard. A big kink of mine I like talking about for my roleplays, is teasing outside of sex. And I split teasing into three categories: Verbal, visual, and physical.
Obviously, this refers to any sort of teasing between characters, done with words. There are the obvious ones, flirting, friendly banter. But there is so much more that's possible. Unintended euphemisms, or accidentally saying things out loud. A character overhearing a phone call where they're talking to their friend. A side character mentioning something that was supposed to be kept secret. These are so exciting and help progress any sort of romantic or sexual plot.
Of course, this means teasing done with the eyes. But again, these things don't have to be direct. You may be thinking of the classic 'bending down in front of the character to show off their ass/cleavage'. Which definitely fits the category. But things can be so much more subtle, and hotter for it. A wardrobe malfunction is another classic which works wonders. But what about in a friends roleplay, where they invite someone over, not realising they've left some rather sexy panties out in the open? Or even a sex toy she's forgotten to hide away? Or even more subtle, leaving a phone or computer unlocked, with some sort of search on google that would be rather embarrassing to find. For example "Why am I squirting so much from anal sex?" Could be something that your female character searches. Of course, I'm not roleplaying your character for you, but this is just to give an idea.
Physical teasing is the hardest one to do in a subtle, indirect way. It's definitely not Step One when it comes to flirting. But it can be done. Sitting on someone's lap is the most direct physical tease a person can do. But what about them lightly falling into a character, her hand coming to his chest and rubbing it briefly? What about falling asleep while sitting next to each other, or waking up in an awkward way when two platonic friends sleep in the same spot. How about a slight pain in the shoulder, asking their friend to give them a massage. A slight moan leaving their lips when he starts.
Obviously, this is a massive thing for me. Even in roleplays where your character is more submissive or shy, these ways of teasing can be done. Please keep this in mind for when we perform our roleplays. I don't expect a teasing aspect in every post, or every scene. But here and there, they are magical.

If you still don't understand, feel free to message me directly about this concept and I'll do my best to explain.

First, the obligatory F-List: F-list - Warning
Not every kink is there, and things are usually negotiable. Shoot me a message if you're wondering.

But this section of the thread will be about discussing other specific kinks. Teasing needed its own section, and here's a few more that need some elaboration...

There are some plots I have featured below, both in fandom and celebrity, that make use of mind control. I really hate mind control in the direct sense, where you simply say "come here and suck my dick" and then they do so. It's so BORING! I love the idea more of simply changing thought processes in someone's mind. Make them want to do it, instead of forcing them to do it.

So Mind Control for me, is a slow process. Make too big of a change too fast, and you'll make them realise something isn't quite right. But make them mildly distressed with the colour brown (which happens to be their husband's eye colour), and slowly work from there until she can no longer stand her husband. Make her mildly aroused every time she enters your home. And soon, work from there until she finds herself crushing on you. Doing it slowly makes everything so much more fun!
I'll add more kinks that need explanations when I think of it...

See below spoiler tags for fandom/original pairings and plots I may mention, or they might be in this section too/instead. Currently I am craving the following:

Privately Owned Hospital
A dark plot hopefully involving aspects involving con/dubcon/noncon, hypnosis, surgery (physical and/or mental alterations). MC has gotten possession of a hospital that is not run by the government. Meaning he is responsible for all costs, but also reaps the profits or losses each year. When he takes ownership, he finds it is a money pit, despite the high traffic they get due to being the only hospital in the area. This is where he gets the idea for sexualising his nurses... though they might not enjoy such an idea...

The Vince McMahon Experience
I got this idea from just watching old WWE clips. Would love to use existing WWE superstars/divas (preferably the older era ones as I don't watch it much recently) though I'm also potentially open to a completely original character cast.
The idea is that Vince McMahon, the man who ran the WWE, brought in storylines that were very sexual, often to his own benefit. He's had divas kiss, fight for his affection, perform strip teases. So what if we RP'd a wrestling brand that involved a similar idea? We can involve diva x superstar pairings too as well as diva x GM, but the idea would mostly be behind the scenes stuff (though we can RP the actual matches when it is relevant for the story development. Excited to plot this one out!

Pornstars IRL
Based off my love of doing celebrity based RPs, I would love a plot where you play as a RL pornstar (active or retired). Plenty of different pairings or plots available for this, such as a blackmailer, a bodyguard, a fan, or even a new porn actor. Happy to plot this out!

So I highly enjoy fandom roleplays. The worlds built by those professionals are always so captivating. And the women in these movies, shows, games, etc. are always so attractive both in looks and in personality. If I have a plot for the pairing, I will give a brief summary next to it. Definitely not mandatory for the pairing, merely a suggestion.

I am also open to crossover RPs, which will become evident with some of the suggestions below. If you have separate ideas, please share!
Homelander x Many
A rather sexual look into the Boys universe, Homelander is disgusted by the women he has managed to surround himself with. Queen Maeve, Stormfront, Starlight, Kimiko, Firecracker, Sister Sage, Victoria Neuman... so many women with their own goals and ambitions, none of which seem to involve him. Why? He is the most important being in this world, they must know their place.

This would be somewhat of a harem RP, though mostly focusing on individual relationships between Homelander and each woman. Them trying to appease the god that rules all, and suffering the consequences if they fail. I would love to have scenes with the marketing guys who show off their degrading new super outfits, their sexualised movies, etc. too.
Billy x Maeve
In S3, it comes out of nowhere that Billy and Maeve are working together. Not only that, but they're sleeping together too. Why though? Let's explore the reasons that Maeve would sleep with someone like Billy, and why Billy would sleep with a Supe too. Is he blackmailing her for information on the Seven? Is his 'All Supes Are Bad' attitude a turn-on for the Wonder-Woman ripoff?
Many x Starlight
Similar to the Men Above All plot, but focused more on Starlight than anyone else. What if she didn't have the willpower to defy the Seven? That after the Deep forces himself on her, she began to submit? She might even enjoy some of the attention she gets.

This is meant to be a corruption story, dub-con turned con.

Characters I Can Play: Homelander, Butcher, Hughie, Deep, A-Train
Characters I Want To Play Against: Starlight, Queen Maeve, Victoria Neuman, Firecracker, Stormfront, Kimiko, Sister Sage, etc.

Harry x Hermione
Set after Harry's fifth year, he is distraught over the loss of Sirius Black. Heading to the Burrow with the Weasleys, Hermione and Harry soon discover a nefarious plot. Dumbledore has set up Harry to die. He has set him up, framing Harry as Dumbledore's poor apprentice, for the old man to kill Tom Riddle by the end, taking revenge and being known as the most powerful wizard ever, having defeated Voldemort and Grindelwald. Not only this, they find that Harry and Hermione are to be dosed with love potions, attracting them to Ginny and Ron respectively.
The two escape, finding out through Sirius' will that Voldemort has a bunch of Horcruxes that need to be destroyed. But how will they go when they have to face two dark lords?
Harry x Hermione and Fleur
Set after Harry's fifth year, he is distraught over the loss of Sirius Black. Heading to the Burrow with the Weasleys, Hermione and Harry soon discover a nefarious plot. Dumbledore has set up Harry to die. He has set him up, framing Harry as Dumbledore's poor apprentice, for the old man to kill Tom Riddle by the end, taking revenge and being known as the most powerful wizard ever, having defeated Voldemort and Grindelwald. Not only this, they find that Harry and Hermione are to be dosed with love potions, attracting them to Ginny and Ron respectively.
The two escape, finding out through Sirius' will that Voldemort has a bunch of Horcruxes that need to be destroyed. Not only that, but Fleur Delacour has the secret weapon to help destroy them.
Finding Fleur, they soon discover this weapon is love. But with feelings slowly growing between Harry and Hermione, how will they handle the fact that sex with another woman is what will help save the Wizarding World?
Harry x Fleur and Gabrielle Delacour
One thing not many people know, is if someone saves the life of someone else in the magical world, they are owed a life debt. Usually, this means that the owner can redeem this debt for any one favour, and the person that was saved must complete the action or else be magically killed (like an Unbreakable Vow). As a creature of sex and love, this works differently with Veela. Should a Veela's life be saved, they are forced into servitude with their saviour, needing physical contact with their master to remain strong. Stay away from their master for too long, and they grow weak and die.
During the Second Task of the Tri-Wizard Tournament, Harry makes a split-second decision to save Gabrielle as well as his own prize. This was a good choice, as Veela do not work well with water, and Gabrielle would have died. Unfortunately, the girl is now forced to be Harry's slave for life.
In the third task, an Imperius'd Krum attempts to kill Fleur, but pushes her out of the way of the spell. Unfortunately, this forces both Delacour sisters into his servitude, although it has to be better than being dead, right?

This RP is NOT SMUT BASED. This would be about romance, though plenty of smut would likely be involved too.
Harry x Tonks
Following the death of Sirius, Dumbledore continues to have members of the Order watch Harry to ensure he doesn't get into any more trouble. On one particular day, Harry notices the glimmer of an invisibility cloak. When investigating it (and ready to kill the next Death Eater he sees), he finds the clumsy Nymphadora Tonks. They decides that when she has her shift, they can hang out and comfort each other over Sirius' passing, and eventually they grow close. In this extended period of time together, Tonks notices his bravery and power, and even his metamorph abilities. This is when she reveals that not only is she an Auror, but an Unspeakable, a secret agent of the Ministry. Harry is suggested to join the program, learning to harness his powers.
Harry x Bellatrix/Narcissa, etc.
Set in Harry's third year, with him aged up, Bellatrix has escaped Azkaban the same time as Sirius. How? She's an animagus too! She got the strength to escape through the feeling of her master's return. She could feel that he was back. It was envigorating. Intoxicating. Erotically stimulating. But as she travelled back to find her master, she instead found Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived.
Staying in her animagus form, the death eater accompanies Harry, being his silent companion as she learns what is happening. Evidently, he is growing more and more corrupt, thanks to the horcrux within him. While he barely notices the changes in his thought patterns, he begins to dream of killing the Dursleys and fucking other students.
From her observations, she knows Harry has the potential to be a master. Someone who can command those around him, who exudes confidence and finesse. But only with a bit of training. How can she reveal herself and train this amazing magical specimen, without getting into trouble?
Harry x ???
A simple plot. What if Harry did not get raised by the Dursleys, but another family? The Grangers? The Delacours? The Patils? The roleplay would follow his new upbringing in this family, as well as his attraction to his step-sister(s).
Neville x Hermione
What if the prophesy applied to Neville instead of Harry?
Neville x Angelina/Alicia/Katie
Set in Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter just got a permanent ban on Quidditch. With Ginny also banned from the pains she's been giving Umbridge during the year, it's looking bad when it comes to finding a seeker. With Gryffindor lacking options, Neville is their last hope. Horrid on a broom, they have a long way to go before he is Quidditch ready...
Many x Hermione
As you may have gathered from the title, this will be a smutty RP. However this is also a slow burn RP. My main character will be the headmaster, either Dumbledore or Snape. However I will be playing a lot of characters in this RP.

Hermione Granger is a confident, strong woman with a lot of intelligence. She's often too confident though, showing up the Professors and annoying them to no end. Complaining to Dumbledore, they are given permission to give her tests far surpassing her intelligence, so she begins to feel dumber than her peers. Unable to get the usual points for her Gryffindor house-mates, her friends begin to turn on her, making her more alone.
She turns to Dumbledore for help with tutoring. He could help her, sure, but it is more fun corrupting her. Dumbledore says no to tutoring, but offers her points for sexual favours. Of course, she says no, but when she literally has no friends left, she has no choice but to accept his offer.
This RP is about Dumbledore corrupting her from a bookworm into a slut.
OC x Hermione

Characters I can play: Harry, Neville, Ron, Dumbledore, Snape (see 'That Bookworm Slut'. Otherwise, no), OC
Characters I want to play against: Hermione, Fleur/Gabrielle, Tonks, Angelina, Alicia, Katie, Bellatrix, Narcissa

Tommen or Joffrey x Harem
With Robert passing away in a freak accident, Westeros looks to their new king to lead them. But some opportunistic people in Westeros will seek to take advantage. Will the King prove to be as naive as he looks? Or will he overcome this and reap the rewards?

While this sounds smutty, I do want decent plot here too. Below is my ideas of the female characters that could be involved, and their reasons behind it. Not every character is mandatory, nor their reasons. Very happy to discuss!

CERSEI: King's mother. Seeks to protect him from the evil women of this world. Also wishes to ensure he never learns the truth of his birth.
MARGAERY: King's soon-to-be wife. Wishes to use King's position to make herself Queen. Also wishes to save her friend, Sansa, from imprisonment.
SANSA: Captured for the death of Joffrey. Eternally grateful to be let off, she begins to fall for Tommen, like she had with Joffrey. Thankfully he is a better choice.
YGRITTE: Captured and sent to King's Landing by the Night's Watch after the Battle at the Wall, Cersei plans to use her to sway the King away from Margaery, threatening the lives of her Wildling friends.
ARYA: After mastering becoming 'No One', Arya comes to King's Landing to find everything different to how she had left it. Finding her Sansa 'imprisoned by Lannister scum', she seeks to kill the new king.
MELISANDRE: After the death of Stannis Baratheon, she finds the new Lord of Light alongside an image of the Iron Throne. Understanding this to mean that the current king is her Lord, she travels to King's Landing to serve him.
MYRCELLA: Returning to King's Landing after her stay in Dorne, she hates her mother for letting her get sent there. She wants to get her brother as far away from Cersei's influence as she can.
MISSANDEI: Seeks to serve Daenerys, her Queen, wanting to serve her under the Iron Throne.
DAENERYS: Seeks to sit on the Iron Throne, believing the boy will be an easy target and easy conquest.
Bran x Harem
A popular theory going around at the moment, is that Bran helped orchestrate everything in order to become King. He forces people into decisions which help the war go whatever way he wants, or hinders them in the long run. He releases information that sows distrust between allies. What if we explore this idea more? Happy to talk details. I see this plot taking off probably when they escape and Hodor dies, but happy for suggestions.
??? x Melisandre
The Lord of Light is real, it's hard to deny. He's helped bring people back from the dead, shows amazing powers with fire, and helped bring down the Night King. But what if the Lord of Light was evil? If the fire god had world domination plans, and used the people of Westeros as pawns in order to destroy his one threat - the White Walkers.
Happy to discuss this with people who are interested!
Tyrion x Ygritte
Set in Season 1, the Wildlings have grown bold despite their lack of numbers. Attacking a weak spot in the wall, the Wildlings get through and are quickly defeated. Seeing their numbers fall, a few of the smarter few grab hostages, including Ygritte taking the small Lannister man. The Night's Watch ask to return the hostages for safe passage, and they do, except for Tyrion so then they know they won't be killed while leaving. Ygritte takes her prize and while Tyrion initially wants to return to King's Landing he remembers the bounty Catelyn Stark put on his head, and adjusts to his new life.
Sansa x Hound, Tyrion x Missandei, OC x Daenerys, and MORE!
This story starts where Season 6 left off, when Cersei sets fire to King's Landing, killing Margaery Tyrell, among others. But what is Margaery didn't die? What if months prior, she had found an alien amulet that activated when the wildfire wrapped around her body?
She finds herself becoming Queen of a dying alien race, who have come to Westeros to breed with their women. Releasing a toxin that kills and zombifies the male population, the aliens do not expect any resistance.
The story would start with that, and then properly begin three months later, following a group of two and a group of four. The first group is Sandor Clegane and Sansa Stark, the former protecting the latter from the monsters of this land, human and zombie alike. The second group follows Tyrion, Missandei, Daenerys, and an OC sellsword as they sail back to the mainland.

I can give more details to those interested.

Characters I can play: Tommen, Joffrey, Bran, Tyrion, Jon, Jaime, OC
Characters I want to play against: Daenerys, Missandei, Melisandre, Ygritte, Cersei, Margaery, Sansa, Arya, Myrcella

OC x Black Widow
After the events of the first Avengers movie, Nick Fury decides a second team of Avengers should be made in case the first team needs backup, or a second issue occurs somewhere in the world while the original team is busy. Enter the Junior Avengers, a team of teenage heroes. Each member is assigned a member of the original team to train with. This original Avengers member is their trainer/teacher, as well as their room mate. Yes, that's right. Because of Nick Fury's quickness, he failed to make room for the new team, so decided to have them bunk with their teachers. Two beds per 'apartment', as well as a shared unisex bathroom, awkwardness is bound to occur.
As you may have guessed, MC is paired with Black Widow. They train together and eventually do missions together, as well as eventually becoming lovers
Peter Parker x Black Widow
Steve Rogers x Black Widow
Tony Stark x Black Widow
Bruce Banner x Black Widow
OC x Kitty Pryde
Kitty Pryde loves to play videogames whenever she gets the chance. Slipping on her headset and talking crap to her opponents. One particular person she loves doing this with is (MC). They've become friends online for about a year now, and feel quite close.
One day, they are booting up their game and about to start, when MC says that he has to go. Kitty is disappointed but accepts. She hears him begin to turn everything off when the front door slams. His headset is still turned on, allowing her to hear the drunk male voice of his father yelling at him, before abusing him physically. Tracking his IP address, Kitty finds him and rescues him, bringing her friend back to the X-Mansion. While the rest of the mutants are a little annoyed at Kitty's recklessness (but understanding why she did it), Charles Xavier congratulates her on returning another abused mutant to their school. Apparently she didn't know he was a mutant, and neither did he!
Feeling unsafe in this new environment, he is allowed to sleep in the same room as Kitty as their friendship blossoms into love, and so much more.
OC x Lady Deadpool
Jumping from building to building, this female version of Deadpool fancied herself a superhero for the night, wanting to do some good to balance out the hundreds of men she had skewered a few hours prior. She soon found an alleyway with three large men about to rape a woman. About to jump down, she is interrupted by a young man entering the scene, trying to be a good citizen and saving her. While the girl did manage to run, the man got his ass handed to him, being beaten to a pulp. This is when Deadpool makes her entrance, killing the three men and bringing the cute guy back to her house.
When he awakens, he finds that she plans on turning him into a real life superhero!

This one would be a funny RP where she gets a 'superhero manual', listing off the ways people had gotten powers in the past, and trying to help MC get them too. Obviously since it is not real, MC would manage not to die from the failed attempts.
She can also put her own spin on things, like offering a radioactive dung beetle instead of a radioactive spider.
OC/Peter/Someone x Many

Characters I can play: Peter Parker, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Quicksilver, Hawkeye, OC
Characters I want to play against: Black Widow, Kitty Pryde, Lady Deadpool, Wanda Maximoff, Kate Bishop, Yelena Belova, Carol Danvers, etc.

OC x Harley Quinn
After a bank heist gone wrong, Harley is left abandoned in an alleyway, booted from the truck. It wasn't unusual, sure, but normally the Joker came back after he had his fun. But she waited for one... two... three hours and still nothing. Knowing that he would not return, she decided that she needed to be taken seriously for once. Maybe she should be the one to run Gotham, not Joker, and definitely not the Batman. She takes a crack at it, but realises she's just not intimidating. She has such a playful attitude, no powers, and her association to the Joker really harms her. That's when she gets a brilliant idea: train one of the thugs up to be a crime boss. One that would be strong and intimidating to everyone in Gotham, and she could be his right-hand gal. She would help him get a wacky persona, teach him the ways of crime, and show him the benefits of having Harley on his side.
This RP would follow my character as he turns from an innocent boy of 16 (or whatever age you prefer) into the corrupted individual that loves power. Preferably, you would play other female characters that get captured and bred, but it is not necessary.
Batman x Harley Quinn
Batman hears a police report of a bank robbery in progress. He's the first to arrive, only to find one person in the building: Harley Quinn, tied up next to a bomb. The wires are cut and when Harley is brought to safety, he finds that Joker "grew bored of her." She's unstable and upset, so Batman decides to bring her back to his batcave for observation. She's put in what is essentially a very comfortable prison, but as he becomes more comfortable around her, he finally reveals to her his identity, and she works with him to stop Joker.
OC x Poison Ivy
Batman x Poison Ivy
OC x Catwoman
Batman x Catwoman

Characters I can play: Batman, Superman, Green Lantern, OC
Characters I want to play against: Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Catwoman, Supergirl, etc.

OC x Many
This is a very very specific search, based off a fanfic I have read in the past. In this, the Overwatch characters are teachers in a school, and my character is a student. What crazy highjinks will my character witness?

Characters I can play: OC
Characters I want to play against: Any and all females.



Sirius Black x Sansa Stark
After being hit with an unknown spell, Sirius feels himself growing younger and younger. The once forty nine year old could feel his body revitalise. It was only a panic when he didn't see any sign of it stopping. Not until he entered the Veil, the mysterious portal in the middle of the Department of Mysteries, that he felt it stop.

Sirius found himself in a forest, unlike any he had ever seen. It was growing dim, and to his surprise, he could see a castle in the distance. It wasn't Hogwarts though. Perhaps another school on a different continent? But that wasn't the only sign of something being wrong. As he approached a lake to wash the sweat and blood from his face, he saw his nineteen year old self staring back at him. What was going on? It was only when he saw a redheaded girl (that looked oddly like Lily) and an older, likely abused male running away from the castle that he knew something was wrong. Very wrong. Reverting to his animagus, which now strangely was of a large, grey wolf, Sirius ran to help the fleeing duo, who looked to be in trouble...
Harry x Daenerys
The RP is set after the events of the Harry Potter series (Maybe a few years later), yet also set during the first few episodes of Game of Thrones. In this world, Harry Potter and Game of Thrones co-exist, on different continents of the same earth.

After a very quick training, Harry Potter has become an Auror. A perk of being the Boy Who Lived, Harry finally gets to use his fame for a good reason. He found himself enjoying the thrill of the fight, and the satisfaction of stopping the evil that harms the lands. But his job mostly consists of finding rogue Death Eaters after the fall of their dark lord. But soon, a particularly dark wizard was rumoured to be floating around Essos, a far off land that the magic community try and avoid. There, they lord over the lands and fight like savages. They know nothing of civilised magic, nor the ways men regard themselves in this modern society. But Harry is sent there, in order to stop this wizard.

Either this can be an overarching story in the RP, or can be finished immediately.

It does not take long for him to run into a beautiful blonde woman, scared for her life. Her brother has sold her into a marriage with a dothraki savage. Harry vows to save her, pulling her into safety and away from them. There, she admits her claim to a stolen throne, and Harry pledges his services to help her get there.

From there, we would RP the show from Daenerys' perspective, such as getting the unsullied and so on. There will be differences, such as not having a dothraki horde at her service, but she now has a powerful wizard by her side.
Tommen!Voldemort x ???, Tyrion x Hermione, Harry x Daenerys
Watching with satisfaction as Snape died at the hand of his master, Harry Potter left his professor to die alone, a just end to a horrible man. The trio left him behind, and with it, the knowledge of the accidental horcrux

With the final crack of Expelliarmus against Avada Kedavra, the reflected spell kills the dark lord once again. But wait, his body does not become lifeless. Turning into magical dark confetti, Harry Potter's worst fear came to light - there was one more horcrux. The onlookers cheer as the dark lord is defeated, not knowing the dark days that they will soon face. A month, a year, a century... at some point, Voldemort will rear his head once again.

It happened to be two years after the events of Harry Potter that rumours of Voldemort's return had arose. Clinging to the soul of a weak, innocent child, the Dark Lord became King of a Western Civilisation, known only as Westeros. There, he was gaining followers with magic they had never seen before, while learning things he never thought was possible. Harry notices the signs and heads off, knowing only he can stop this.

Harry Potter x Kitty Pryde
Same as the OC x Kitty Pryde plot, except Harry is mistaken for a mutant when he lets out some accidental magic (in this AU, Harry is aged up to 15+, and Hogwarts letters don't come until you're 16.)
Neville Longbottom x Poison Ivy
I don't know why, but this pairing just came to me while I was writing these all out. I love the idea of Neville somehow ending up in the DC universe. Appearing in Ivy's greenhouse, he is amazed at these sentient plants. Ivy finds him and is about to kill him, when she notices just how much respect he has for the greenery...

Homelander x ???
Playing the new Mortal Kombat, I love seeing Homelander enter this new world, treating it like a playground for him to run rampant. Which made me think, what would happen if he entered a world similar to his own, except the Supes were not treated like celebrities. Would he himself be viewed as a hero? Or villain? And what (or who) would take his notice?

John Wick x Black Widow

Celebrity roleplay is another aspect of RPs that I absolutely adore. What interests me the most is the power dynamic, the risk and reward of every action a famous person takes. Oh, and that the celebrities are incredibly attractive doesn't hurt too. While I rarely have plots for specific celebrities, I do have a list of celebrities I love to play against, and various generic pairings and some plots.

If you want me to play a celebrity against your own celebrity, tell me who you want. I cannot guarantee that I'll know them or be interested in playing them. Admittedly, FxF or FutaxF (Myself as the futa) would be much easier for me to accept playing as a celebrity.

Emma Stone, Emma Watson, Emilia Clarke, Natalie Dormer, Maisie Williams, Sophie Turner, Jenna Fischer, Scarlett Johansson, Daisy Ridley, Nicki Minaj, Ariana Grande, Rihanna, Jenna Ortega, Anna Kendrick Angela White, Bridgette B, Audrey Bitoni, Riley Reid, Asa Akira. SUGGEST!

A celebrity tasked with endorsing a new virtual reality console and videogame asks to first try it out, as she is a gamer herself. She gets strapped in and the headset put on, before finding herself in another world. All her senses work, able to smell the fresh air and touch the trees and animals she finds. It feels amazing, yet as she progresses through the introduction of the game, she feels something is wrong. The first task is to get 500 gold, and she can get 1 gold for each piece of dog poo she cleans up. Her senses now seem like a curse, as the texture and smell of each piece of fecal manner makes her want to puke. But what if there was another option? Continuing her exploration, she finds herself in a pub, offered large sums of gold for sexual favours. Disgusted, the celebrity goes to leave, finding that she can't - she must beat the game in order to leave... better leave those panties off!

This RP would be about corrupting a celebrity from an innocent girl into a woman that craves sex. Preferably very little limits for this RP, as it would require other races, beastiality, and non-con at the very least. Probably a little bit of transformation too. If you want a bit more plot, a romance side-story could occur between the celeb and a follower, but this RP is primarily smut.

A longterm RP with slow burn, this story is about a celebrity who is having issues with something. Perhaps sleeping, anger management. Something that affects her life, but nothing depressing or serious please.

She's tried lots of different things to solve this, until eventually she discovers hypnotherapy. Going to one hypnotherapist that was recommended to her, he puts her under his hypnotic spell, solving her issue and saying that she would need frequent visits to stay working. But as the sessions go on, he slowly manipulates her mind to become what he wants.

Please note, this is a longer RP. He will not be fucking her quickly. These manipulations will be about making her detest her current romantic partner, perhaps changing her sexual orientation if she isn't straight, and even affecting her job and reputation. This is one of my favourite plots when done right.

About time I add an originals section to this! While less appealing than Celebrity and Fandom roleplays, I still definitely enjoy them! Certain kinks can make these RPs more interesting for me, such as harem/multiple character RPs. But they are by no means compulsory.

Employee x Boss
Boss x Employee

Room mates
Babysat x Babysitter

Son x Mother
Nephew x Aunt
Father x Daughter
Uncle x Niece
Grandfather x Granddaughter

Teacher x Student
Student x Teacher
Student x Student
Parent x Teacher
Nerd x Cheerleader
Nerd x Popular
New Kid x Cheerleader
New Kid x Popular

Police x Citizen
Citizen x Police
Police x Criminal
Criminal x Police
Police x Police
Police x Nurse
Doctor x Police
Doctor x Nurse
Patient x Nurse
Doctor x Patient

I do have a lot of plots, mostly ones on my mind and not on my thread. I will put some below as they come to me.

Does not necessarily have to follow the characters, but if you've seen the show and want to play someone, I'm down for that too.

For those that haven't seen the show, the premise is a police procedural, where the main character is secretly a zombie. Each week, there is a new murder, and she secretly eats the brains of the victim. By doing this, she inherits their personality traits, flashes of memories, and stuff like that. This could be a fun premise, even in another field of RP. Maybe YC is a 'ghost whisperer' and is frequently possessed. Maybe you're like in the Matrix, downloading personalities and skills.

So one week, she might have eaten the brain of a stripper, and turns into a massive flirt. The next week, she might eat the brain of an artist, and becomes a painter. I don't have any concrete ideas, but let me know if this interests you!

Therapist x Lesbian Couple

As a couple begins to have issues with romance, sex, or anything else, they go to a marriage counsellor that is above and beyond the best in the profession. Their reputation is incredible, both in that their success rate is high but also in that their methods are a little unorthodox. The two still love each other and are quite wealthy, so they pay to see him, locking themselves into a contract for 10 visits.

Admittedly, the session are quite odd, sometimes extreme, but they do seem to work...


Happy to involve whatever kinks you like for this RP. Would love to include cuckold, sexuality-conversion (lesbian to bi), embarrassment, threesomes, etc.
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