<Power-House> A School Life|Super Powered|Rivalry|Romance RP

Dec 3, 2013
Hello all!

I am making another request thread to look for someone to take up a story idea that I have that involves a College Based School for 'Powered' people. I have already established five basic types of 'Powered' and how their powers function. Please feel free to utilize these types to create a character and send it over my way!

The basis of this RP would be our characters going through their daily school life also a tournament that happens every four years for establishing the strongest Powered individuals who have the most potential for outside usage. This story would also allow our characters to go outside of the school environment and live life as normal young adults would. I will be editing this post tomorrow morning to add more details but please if you're interested read over the five types of Powered below in the spoiler and send me a private message. Thanks!


Reinforcers are the most A-Typical type of Powered, while not being the most ‘common’ they’re highly sought after for recruitment as they’re the most easily trainable. Reinforcer types have a wide range of capabilities, from bodily reinforcement to object reinforcement. While most Reinforcers focus on their own physique and making themselves durable and strong, others have focused on being quick and agile. These types of Powered are also capable of making objects, even the mundane dangerous weapons in their hands. Even a simple pen in the hands of a skilled Reinforcer was capable of defending against sword attacks and could penetrate stone walls.


Projectors, the most common Powered that can be found. They’re primarily the long distance combatants of the Powered, essentially every Projector uses long range energy blasts to fight. Some of them however have been enhanced by ‘tools’ that have been made specifically for them. Most notably is one graduate who placed second in the fourth ever held Tournament, Emeline. As a Projector from a wealthy family, Emeline had a custom made bow that allowed her to concentrate her powers into arrows that could be fired with different results each. Newer Projector generations have been getting ‘tools’ from a manufacturer that designs them in the shape of firearms. Most Projector blasts are strong enough to blast holes in concrete and concentrated blasts are capable of turning metal into liquid. They’re often considered the official damage source of Powered teams.


Manipulators are masters of making an object do as they please. Most often Manipulators that come from any form of a wealthy family are trained from the time their powers manifest with a specific ‘tool’ in mind for them. This allows them to be able to treat said ‘tool’ as an extension of their body which is what makes them so useful in combat scenarios. A Manipulator however isn’t limited to controlling just their own ‘tool’ they’re often seen using the environment to their advantage. Whether that be pulling objects off the ground that can be thrown or using objects and loose terrain to allow their team advantages in positioning. Strong Manipulators are able to create levitating platforms that their team can gain vertical positioning against opponents. Or they’re able to position objects in front of them for defensive purposes. Manipulators are considered relatively rare and are also one of two Powered types that seem to be inherited genetically.


Shifters are by far the most unique of the types of Powered, their bodies are the source of their power itself. Shifters are able to change the shape and form of their bodies in association with a specific and certain trait that is unique to each and every Shifter. The only time in <Power-House> history that a non-fourth year student has won the Tournament was a Shifter. Killian Steele being a Shifter capable of turning his body into a cloud of smoke won in a landslide victory. Not only did he defeat his opponents with great speed and efficiency, Killian also never was touched the entire time.The only individual to have achieved such a thing in the history of <Power-House>. Shifters have complete control over the transformation of their bodies, able to choose specific segments of their bodies or their body as a whole to be changed. Shifters are not often viewed as the strongest of Powered due to the variety of what their ability allows, some of the strongest Powered that have emerged are indeed Shifters. Shifters are also one of the types of Powered that appears to have a higher probability of appearing due to genetics.


Controllers are by far the most varied of the Powered. Their abilities are very in line with their title. They are able to control certain perceptions, each Controller has a different level of perception that they’re able to control. Some Controllers are able to make individuals deaf, others can change the way that things are perceived such as an attack appearing to come from the left when in reality the attack is coming from the right. Other Controllers have been able to control the perception of one’s ability to see, making their ability to absorb light lesser or greater to create effects of blindness. Controllers are the most rare type of Powered, they’re also viewed as one of the strongest depending on what level of control they have over specific perceptions. Certain Controllers have a much more simple form of perception control which isn’t as useful as others.
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