Specific Craving


The Half-Brained Prince
Jan 9, 2018
So I've gotten hooked on Honkai Star Rail. I would be looking to playing either the Trailblazer or a combination of men from the game opposite hopefully at least a couple of canon characters though also not opposed on Caelus vs Steele if you're looking to play the female half of the trailblazer duo. I would be happy to do this either on site via pm/thread or over on Discord.

I am open to other ideas obviously as well, but that was what I am currently really craving.

If you see my signature, there should be a link both to my request thread as well as my F-list. Also if you have a craving for something specific, I would love to hear about it.
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The previous craving that has been scratched :D

I am a history buff, and WW2 is a favorite period of mine, especially centered around the Air War (or Air/Sea depending on theater). I have been desperately seeking a story based about a fighter pilot and a woman (can be military or civilian) whose spouse/sig other/ etc is deployed (and unbeknownst to her, KIA) that start an illicit romance that turns into a lifelong one once she realizes she is free to pursue it fully.

I've tried it both during the Battle of Britain with MC being a "Yank" turned Squadron Leader in the RAF flying Spitfires and as a Naval Aviator post Battle of Coral Sea or Midway stuck in a hospital in Pearl Harbor. YC could be either a nurse or a WAC/ATA member or whatever appeals most. In the past I've tried it with him being a bitchy wounded guy that has recently gotten a dear john letter from his fiancee who hooked up with a flat footed 4F sort of guy back home who is irritated that both his love and professional lives at that moment are grounded. And the initial story was in the past him dealing with his recovery to flight status while also getting involved with this woman. The London Idea was centered around the transition from August 1940 to Sept 1940 as it goes from the Germans boming airfields to the Blitz, so that while he is convalescing in London, he finds himself and his new lady love stuck in the Blitz (night bombing of London with fire bombs, hiding in Tube stations, etc). The Pacific Theater would him chomping at the bit to get back in the air just as the war was starting to turn America's way and him being grounded medically, leading up to him eventually taking a trainer position in Pearl to be with the woman he loves.
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