Return of the Hunter King [M x F]{Human x Elf}

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Dec 3, 2013
Good day everyone. I have an idea that I've been looking to find a collaborator to write with. I potentially would like to take this idea and turn it into a lite-novel, but would definitely like to have some outside influence aside from just my own creativity.

Anyway for the story itself, I have placeholder images of the characters we would be playing as. Neither of them are static and can be interchanged.

I also tend to write multi-paragraph responses, in third person(past tense), I am fairly literate and have very few limitations as to what can be included in the story as far as "kinks" go. The idea is fairly fleshed out and has a strong backbone to support the development between the characters.

As far as the female(your) character would go she would be more apathetic, less friendly and much more hesitant to have any true emotional attachment to any Human characters. Though this would be an aspect of creating a slow-burn between our characters warming up to one another.

The male(my) character would be designed is to be more of the cocky-type, he's very strong willed as well physically strong. There's obvious reasons as to why he is the way he is, it would be explained more so in the story though I can explain things to a person who has questions and or interests. He will also be very determined to create a bond and make a connection to the female lead(your character).

Below will be a "spoiler" which contains the story-line and the general idea of what this plot will be about. For those that are interested please do send me a Private Message, from there if your preferred method of communication is Discord I will share my Discord information and we can be in touch.

In 2044 humanity met disaster to the point that all of society had officially collapsed. Humans had fought tooth and nail in desperation to maintain order and keep themselves afloat in the wake of this global disaster. Humanity had come face to face with a race of beasts that had been predicted to to arise nearly thirty years prior, Dragons. More particularly a specific Dragon that was capable of inflicting massive destruction on a continental scale, even though humans had prepared and trained to take on such a destructive force they were vastly under prepared for just how particularly strong it would be. Those who had prepared since the original warning had come to be known as, Hunters. These individuals had been through trials that would be beyond a normal person's comprehension, the original generation of Hunters had been given training and Awakening by the race that had warned them of their impending doom; Elves. Malum, the Dragon which had destroyed most viable life on Earth was capable of opening rifts between it's previous home which was swarming with other monsters and beasts. One Hunter had actually posed a decent threat to Malum but was incapable of landing a decisive blow against the beast and knowing the threat that this Hunter posed to it, Malum tore open a rift and sent him away. This made it easy for Malum to bring about the end of Earth as it was known. However Malum made a critical mistake as in it's desperation for being able to bring about destruction and death without opposition, it hadn't sent this Hunter to a specific place of isolation. Instead Malum sent the Hunter to it's homeland and there the Hunter thrived instead of meeting his end. This also allowed the Hunter to meet the very last of the Elves that remained behind. Knowing the necessity of this Hunter as he was capable of fighting Malum even as a man, they assisted him in returning home. Not just back to Earth but as well back before the arrival of Malum. Twenty years before to when the Hunter was just going through an Awakening which would give him the power he needed. They also gave him information that would help him actually defeat Malum. One of their ancestors, a female Elf who had come through to warn Humanity. This female would be capable of anointing him with the power he would need to stand toe to toe with the Dragon and stop it in it's tracks. With his memories intact and a clear cut goal, this Hunter was sent back to be the vanguard and strength of Humanity.

Thank you for reading, I hope to hear from any potential partners soon. Have a great day either way!
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