A Sanctuary Gala (A general request/craving/interest/etc thread)


Oct 12, 2013
Right here

     Welcome to my thread/post here, as of writing this up I haven't been very active here in a while but I thought I might whip up another thread again when the mood struck. In general I have been interested in many things, sometimes it may just be a little bit of a mood dependent thing with me for if I am looking for a specific idea or scene, just in the mood to brainstorm or worldbuild, looking for a certain kind of mood or kink play, etc. Also happy to discuss, even if I may be in a different mood I don't mind partners bringing up something else, maybe it will get me in the mood too with the right inspiration. Lol Either way though I am pretty open to finding possible partners that may fit well, even if moods may be different at the time.

     I think one of my main things when it comes to RP is for detailed/descriptive goodness. I am also unfortunately not quite the best when it comes to tag-style RP admittedly, like just shooting each other a post or two a day or over a week or such. I am not against that kind of play whenever IRL gets busy and hectic and such, irl happens, just unfortunately I haven't really been able to stay as interested in that kind of play myself. Would much prefer more IM-style RP whether it is playing through PMs here, or playing on Discord, and I play on f-list as well.

     I like to play a number of different things depending on the idea/scene, various races/species, various shape and sizes, etc. In general I think I tend to play male more often but I also do enjoy playing hung ladies as well. I also do bounce around various cravings for things I want to play too, sometimes it is just an interest in playing a look or a type, sometimes I have a bit more of a specific character and set up in mind, it just varies some because I have my moods where I have a character in mind but I am open to ideas, sometimes I have more specific ideas in mind too. As far as dom/sub stuff goes I dabble in a bit of dom, switch, and sub fun, not usually very extreme in any direction but I think I probably do have a leaning for playing more dom or switchy overall if I were to take a guess over my time of RPing.

     For partners I am also probably leaning towards looking to play with female characters first, though sometimes I do enjoy ladies that may be packing a little more and some kinds of males, admittedly I can be a 'little' pickier with the latter, apologies for that, but the interest is there for some kinds of ideas/scenes. I also do enjoy a pretty broad spectrum of races/species of ladies, with humans (and various ethnicities), anthro or beast races, fantasy races like elves, demons and such, and aliens as well whether grays, asari, etc. I also enjoy some others like more feral-ish bodied types like dragons, or the more monstrous monster girls, etc. I do also enjoy various types of women too depending on the idea, anywhere from sweet cinnamon or sinnamon buns to the spicy, fiesty, etc. If I had to play favorites I may have to say I tend to have a little weakness for the curvy, thick, and voluptuous. Anywhere from the slim-thick lithe/smol ladies to the venus or fetility idol types, and the curvy built amazons.

     I do enjoy a number of various settings in general, it is one of those details that sometimes I am after a specific kind of setting or set up, sometimes I am open to discussing, sometimes I am happy to hear partner suggestions. I like a lot of the staples that I think many are most familiar with or interested in: modern, modern fantasy, fantasy, cyberpunk, sci-fi, post-apoc, and likely others.

     For partners that like canon RP I do also enjoy both original and canon or crossover stuff too. There are a number of various series and such I like but I also do have ideas for series that I may not be familiar with so do feel free to bring any up if you wish. Admittedly I don't tend to play canon characters as much as playing with them, but I have had the mood. I did get into the idea of playing with various canon ladies though mostly I think due to partners that wanted to play such approaching in the past for RP. There are also various canon settings I would enjoy using for scenes even if not actually doing canon RP.

     When it comes to RP as well I enjoy one-shots, short-term, long-term, episodic, etc. Admittedly what I lean for does change from time to time, sometimes more in a simple mood, sometimes not. I do think that I tend to enjoy some fun little (likely lewd) things to kick things off with a new partner but it isn't a rule or anything, just kind of how things go and how the mood tends to be, so like with most things feel free to ask. Sex scenes, possible plot/story, maybe action/conflict, etc. If nothing else lewd may be a little bit of a default since I am not quite looking for completely non-sexual RP, but from the other end I also do enjoy at least a little bit of a set up to an idea if I am not looking for more or we are not discussing more, haha.

     For the lewd fun as well what I am looking for can vary a bit, in various ways, haha. I like consensual fun, sometimes dubcon or noncon, and dubcon/noncon-to-con as well. I like a bit of casual fun, a bit of the affectionate/lovey/etc or fluff stuff, and the rough stuff too. I also do enjoy some kinky fun sometimes, sometimes I am in the mood for specific kinks, sometimes I am just interested in scenes that could have some kinky fun involved. I do think I am a little bit more of a sex-over-kink kind of person a little more often, but I have also definitely had plenty of my moods where I am after some pretty specific kink shenanigans. Lol

Might be empty sometimes, may change around a fair bit, I just felt like adding a little section here for things that come to me.​

Cravings for things I may want to play as or with, ideas of interest, settings or set ups to play in, etc.​

     Have been hit with an unexpectedly heavy/strong, though optional, mood for some rougher fun. Consensual and dubcon/noncon-to-con fun, playing inappropriate/incorrigible/etc types, things like that. In the mood for varying degrees of the rough/over-the-top fun too depending on the partner. I would even be interested in likely a bit of unrealistic mix of the inappropriate fun and a bit of casual or lovey/fluff fun, some 'lovable bastard/bitch' types for example. :p

     Bit of a hard choice for things I have wanted to play lately admittedly, have had some humans/humanoids, some anthro types, possible feral-bodied fun, even a craving for playing a dragon lately, haha. Would also depend a bit on the setting and such, happy to discuss.

     I have also had a bit of a general mood for some possible canon related fun, either just settings I would enjoy playing in, some older ideas, or some image/video/etc inspiration. Lol The most recent stuff in mind would probably be for Warframe, Skyrim, and Resident Evil. With Warframe I had some likely silly little interest inspired by a lewd take on the kuva lich and sisters of parvos stuff, looking for partners that may want to play companions/followers/playthings/lovers/etc perhaps. ;P For Skyrim admittedly it was half an interest thanks to some images (nsfw) and such (nsfw) I was rather into, and some older idea stuff like playing a likely unusual kind of dragonborn. For Resident Evil I would probably enjoy discussing in general, I do enjoy most of the ladies of the series for various possible set ups, I did originally get in the mood again for some RE fun thanks to an older, sex-driven idea I had for a scene during the Raccoon City incident, playing a tyrant-y type.

     If anyone might be interested in some manhua/manhwa/etc stuff, I have also had some interests for those too. One of my cravings has been for some modern fantasy fun with a similar set up to Solo Leveling and similar settings where a modern day earth gets otherwise connected/intertwined with other worlds, magic, etc. And the other craving I was having was for the wuxia/cultivator/etc set ups out there, quite a few different ones that I enjoy, some of them even in different settings though usually it is some kind of fantasy setting. Neither are required, both are just some of those settings I am on the lookout for sometimes if any partners may happen to be interested.

\\\\\ W.I.P. perhaps? May change up the thread, may add some ideas and such, right now I just had a bit of a mood for whipping this up at least so far.​

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