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Yarr Imma Pirate!

o_O lol

you remind me of some people from a place I used to work at before..LOL they pretened to be pirates and always talked like them..never like it but eh..never was happy back then -nuzzles- good luck finding your crew.
If you put on eyeliner and walk around like Jack Sparrow I'd follow you anywhere as a faithful crew member...


... That's not creepy or anything... o.o;
Yes it is, and I will never use women's makeup, cept for halloween if I go as Nathan Explosion this year.
Crew's are unreliable. I favor the more direct approach of knives and large explosions. That always makes my point clear. Besides when I use those, more people pay attention to me. And that's always a good thing.
But...what if you want goons to be living explosives? That's what is awesome about lackeys.
But he's a gorgeous pansy. <3

And he's not a pansy, really. Not even close, especially not compared with Will Turner. I mean, please. Or, let's try one of Orlando's other roles... Like Paris in Troy. Now THERE is a pansy.

Still liked that move, though. :: shifty eyes ::
But then you have to worry about that damned survival instinct. I hate that. Give me a good zombie over a lackey for a sacrificial lamb any day.
See! I know what I'm talking about!

And I have no desire to see that movie either. No need to see Bloom ass. Thank you, but no.
indeed! I am a fan of Zombie's more or less, and they would make better explosive flesh bodies.
I wasn't suggesting you see it. :: shrug :: I'm not surprised you haven't and don't want to. Doesn't make me like it one ounce less.

It was comparative. Paris was a fucking pansy. Will Turner was generally a fucking pansy. Jack Sparrow, not s'much. >3

Zombies... I don't know how well that would work.
Then again, I don't know much about zombies, so I should probably just keep my mouth shut about it.
Keep the zombies in cages til your ready to use them. And then release them into a crowd of unexpecting people and BOOOOOOOOOOOOOM
Exactly the tactics that I take with most of the players in my games. Granted they make more noise while still in the cages, but that's neither here nor there. I know that they want to play. They just need the right incentive.
I could be a pirate if I really wanted too, but then my messages would be lost in all the looting and pillaging.
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