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Mx Male Looking for literate writers (omegaverse)


Apr 11, 2023
Please do not post here, personal message me instead thank you

My name is Elemental, you can call me Em for short if you want. I'm in my early thirties, recently moved to the outskirts of a big city. Recently changed jobs to my ultimate dream job. It's a big step an a heck of a responsibility, but I'm willing to take the risk and take the challenge. I'm a novel-writer, I don't do weak plots. I love strong plot lines that involve character development. Even on the odd occasions when side-characters end up building a plot/story of their own because they're strong enough to do so.

I'm a co-writer. Which means we both do the stories, I will not tolerate slackers that think it's 'okay' to just simply write. Anything that introduces/ of writing in a message of 'Do u want to write with me' with no example of introduction of yourself will most likely be declined as I'm a passionate writer and want to spend the time with other passionate writers. Do not take offense, I just haven't had good experiences to me that is just pure laziness without a proper formal introduction. Maybe I'm just old fashioned?

I have had bad experiences and created online-anxiety. Which is not been fun to deal with. I'm a classically trained writer with a learning disability and dyslexia. I get good days and bad days but some I just generally get confused. I am on the spectrum of autism. I am a literal thinker. So I might not get the lingo you're using if your using a certain text format. On that note, try to refrain from using shortened works abbreviations I'm old and can't get the meanings and wish not do.
What do I like? Craving wants and desires.

The typical stories that I write a mainly fantasy/urban fantasy based. Where realistic meets supernatural. Vampires, the nitty gritty stuff no reference to twilight. But actual vampires. I prefer playing 'semi-realistic' characters that have flaws, imperfections. Not just perfectly looking characters supernatural or not that actually have a base of realism to it. Like, if a supernatural creature having some form of weakness. Or even a disability. Something that we can relate.

I'm very passionate, I do my research. I will never play something I don't feel comfortable with, I'll flat out tell you. If we can avoid sensitive topics that I will happily discuss with you. I give nothing but the best for my partners. - I do kind of expect the same in return. I'm not a gramma nazi, I'm no angel with mistakes but I do expect some level of understanding of what being dyslexic is like. I have had too many bad experiences where people were really rude and affected my confidence.

Male pregnancy (preferably me being the carrier)
Character imperfections:
Weight gain/Severe weight gain
Size differences
Love & hate relationships that build/grow
Character and world developments

Things I'm CURRENTLY craving:

Black dagger brother hood/ J r ward
Dark series Christine Feehan
Harry potter (Draco x Harry /Ron and Harry, Sirus black x Professor Lupin)

Sherlock Holmes BBC version
Lord of the rings

Sk8 for infinity
Attack on titan
Yuri on ice
My hero academia

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