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Guess who didn't die in the last 4 months (Shinyka's thread)

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Jan 13, 2009

It has been a while, ladies and gentlemen, and I, Shinkya return once again.

To keep it simple, I'll be posting my wants, and some plots below.


+ Please be literate, as in, typing out your own damn sentences. None of this "semi-lite" bullshit.

+ Work with me here. Erotic roleplay is a two (or more) person activity, not something for only one person.

+ You can Private Message me, or post here, either works. I'm more likely to respond to a Private Message faster though.

+ I prefer to roleplay through threads, although a small few of you may be able to convince me otherwise.

+ I reserve the right to reject you if you like the Twilight series.

+ I have very few turn-offs. You'll probably decline something long before I ever will.

+ I prefer original roleplays, although I might be persuaded to do series based.

+ I will never do anything/assassin. Simply because everyone fails at being an assassin.

+ Remember, the more the merrier!

Simple Pairings

+ Heron/Heron (If you don't know it, disregard it)


~ Nothing can keep us apart
(Insert female name here) and Eric have the perfect relationship. Shortly after announcing plans to get married, both are killed in a drunk driving accident. Years pass and Eric finds himself brought back to life for the sheer purpose of vengeance. In fits of rage, he kills two of the people responsible for his death. Shortly after (Female name) finds herself also brought back, but only for the sheer purpose of stopping Eric. A story of vengeance, madness and mad passion.

~ To forsake my vows
Zelguis is a legendary immortal knight, hailed for his strength and ruthlessness. Towards the end of his natural life, he trades his mortality for more power, at the cost of his humanity and will. Soon, Zelguis finds himself a mere pawn in the ambitions of a warlord, one that sees the elimination of a rival territory to be a large priority. Zelguis is placed in command of such army, yet upon a chance meeting with a (noble/princess/peasant) of such country, he is forced to confront his wows and dark dealings once and for all.

~ On the line
Tompt is a killer with a mad mind, a haunting past and a big secret. Upon a fit of madness, he finds his hands bloodied with the blood of an engaged man, leaving his fiance behind with nothing more then hatred for him and will for vengeance. He will indeed soon learn that it's not the dead that get to you, it's the ones they leave behind.

~ A promise fulfilled
Upon learning of the impending death of her (insert loved one here), (insert female name here) is determined to do anything to stop such fate from occurring, even selling her soul to death himself....

~ More then protection (Modern or fantasy)
(Raven/Eric) is a mercenary part of an underground. Upon learning his latest assignment is to guard the daughter of a (noble/crime lord/executive), (Raven/Eric) finds himself less then enthralled at the prospect of such. His attitude on such worsens when he finds his charge to be almost incompatible for someone like himself. However, not much time passes before the two begin to develop feelings for one another. Can they break every sacred rule of their relationship to fulfill such desire?

~Faust's tragedy (Taken from a rather apparent book)
The setting is 16th or 17th century Germany. In a desperate attempt for finding a reason to continue living life, a man by the name of Faust makes a deal with the devil, granted unholy service in life, in exchange for the return upon his death. With his new found life, he sets out to make the most of his time left, eventually finding a girl by the name of (German female name). The resulting events are ones of madness, passion and perhaps even love, even if the very governing powers that be could condemn them for it.
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