Mx Female A Forest Of Monsters [NSFW Links]


Oct 28, 2019
The forest was a dark and dangerous place. Even during the brightest days no sun seemed to breach the canopy, as if light itself were too afraid to enter its domain. There were many legends of this place, none of them good. People would walk amidst the trees never to return, their fates unknown, and everyone warned to stay well away from this cursed area.

For some reason, however, you have decided to enter the desolate woods and walked above its cursed ground. Maybe you were in a hurry, and the area provided a short cut to your destination. Maybe you were lured in by the promise of treasure, or maybe you simply never believed the tales to begin with. A forest is only as dangerous as its inhabitants, and what could possibly lie within its borders that was so deadly?

Alas, you were right, for within the forest there were no creatures of death, only life. And you would soon find yourself producing far more life than you ever expected to...

RP Details:
Looking to play a smutty RP as a horny, forest dwelling monster, taking anyonr foolish enough to enter its domain. I'm a literate roleplayer with a few years of experience.

Am open to playing either one or more monsters, against one or more females. Open to one on ones or group scenarios.

Plot and Setting:
I'm looking for something like 80/20 smut and story. The plot is quick and simple to gelp get right into the action. More details can be worked out in PMs, though I would prefer to not let things get too elaborate.

Whilst I intended for this to be set in a fantasy setting, filled with all sorts of mythical races, I am also open to making this a more modern setting, with regular people being taken instead. The monsters could be a known entity, or be completely unknown, and the victims entirely caught by surprise.

Similarly I am open to all sorts of scenarios. Con, Dub-Con, or Non-Con, whether legs get willingly opened or not does not matter to me. Similarly, whilst I intend for MC to be the dom, the dynamic can be shifted depending on the scenario.

In no particular order and non-exhaustive. Not all of them have to be included, but the more the merrier.
  • Slim, fit figures
  • Elves, Tieflings, Kitsunes
  • Oral. Face fucking
  • Forced kissing
  • Creampies, impregnation, breeding
  • Large cocks
  • Mindbreak
  • Rough sex

  • First Person. I would prefer if both myself and my partner used third person.
  • Anything gore related
  • Anything toliet related
  • Pregnancy. Whilst I love breeding, I doubt have any interest in playing against actively pregnant characters.

What I Have To Offer:
I am ooen to playing my beasts in whatever way you desire. Whether they be little more than feral animals, possess human like intelligence, or possess a high, but seemingly alien intellect, comparable but different to their victims.
The classic, and for good reason. The guardians of the forest, and driven by animalistic desires. Can come knotted or unknotted, depending on your preference.

Utterly dominant in their domain, they believe themselves the greatest creatures to walk the world, and thus see everything as theirs to take. Possess a crafty intelligence that is not to be underestimated, especially as the Minotaur seeks to bend everything it can under its will.

Physical powerhouses, with few comparable rivals in the known world. Whilst more docile and peaceful, in that they will not instinctively attack trespassers on sight, these creatures still possess an animalistic desire that they will see fulfilled without qualms. Possesses a seemingly infinite endurance and stamina, it is said that a single Horseman left in a village overnight will have left no womb empty by sunrise.

If a single lover is not your style, and you prefer a style of more the merrier, the goblins have you covered. Diminutive in stature but large in number, these creatures have been known to bring down victims through either sheer overwhelming borders, or intelligent use of the environments. Goblins are only cowardly in so far that they will do their darnedest to avoid a fair fight.

Your Choice:
Have a preference for something that is not present here? Let me know!
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