Mx Female Epic Quest For Literacy, Kinks and Bad Ass Weaponry*!


May 26, 2019
*Just kidding :) About the weaponry ;)

Hello and welcome, one and all. At this point, it is customary to introduce oneself so readers know who they are dealing with. Well, I am a man who has done this sort of thing before, and sometimes used words while doing it. All jesting aside, I do not believe that post counts or previous experience give much indication to how things will work out. A more important measure is the commonality of goals and desires, or in a less pompous phrasing, "chemistry". In other words, when we want the same thing, we will get along swimmingly.

Now then, specifics! About what I want to play.
  1. Cousin Bad News
    In this one, my character (MC) is an unusual college dropout - one who quit medical school to become a mechanic in a small rural town. One day, he gets saddled with an unexpected visitor. His younger cousin has found herself in some kind of trouble, and will need to stay with MC for a few months. They had not actually seen each other in quite a number of years. His last memory of her was as an awkward kid. Now he has to not only put up with her cramping his style, but also keep her from sliding back into the same kind of trouble that landed her in this exile. The complication? In the intervening years, she has grown up to be a knockout hottie!
    A good portion of MC's concentration is now being spent on not thinking sexy thoughts. This portion is only set to increase when his naughty cousin gets a read on him, and starts making it even harder...

    What I want with this one is a lot of teasing, banter and perhaps a bit of exhibitionism. I envision the characters as a somewhat older man who has not quite decided to settle down, and a rebellious younger woman who isn't even considering doing the same. Their age gap isn't generational, more like somewhere in the ballpark of 10 years. I'm not looking to get into smut right off the bat (expect in the form of allusions), and not an instant switch into incest. Though it more likely than not will happen, this is intended to be a slow burn.

  2. Fuuuck...
    Not literally. Wait, actually literally too, but there's more to it.

    You and your boyfriend have been hitting it really well. He's mature, reliable, has a sense of humor... Definitely a keeper. But of course, the day comes when he asks the big 'A' question. But no fear, you have a reply ready. It's worked all previous times when you were asked the same, so you're pretty confident this will be handled. "So, you want my ass, huh? Well, tell you what. You can have all the booty you like... After you give me yours!" You watch the wheels turn in his head while you sit there, smiling smugly. After a while though, he comes back with "That sounds fair. I agree." That smile fades as the prospect of losing your anal virginity looms...

  3. Poker ace
    Poker is not a game of chance. Raising only the river when the flop already gives you a strong hand is the culmination of a strategy. The chip leader sees it, and wisely folds, with a friendly chuckle. But the compulsive gambler across from me is already all in. Since he can't cover my all-in, I naturally pull back my excess chips. Etiquette, and all that. But no, he's not having that. He insists he can cover the full bet. The irritated leader reminds him "You play with what you bring to the table. That's the rules, kid." His wings are clipped for less than a second. Turning his head left and right, he sees a loophole. "Alright then. I'm betting her!" All jaws in the room drop as he points to his date.

    This can be benign if you wish; YC is a professional escort who just gets a different client for the evening. But where's the fun in that? Make it wife, girlfriend or perhaps sister for extra spice! Shades of light and dark decided by agreement.
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