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Becoming the Greatest Hero! From Peasantry to Greatness in Another World. (DECKER X REVELATIONS) (NSFW)


Jul 15, 2015
The goddess paced back and forth, her face a beating wreck of flushed cheeks and teeth clenched grimaces. 'The time is right.' Andromeda thought to herself, as long blue nails were brought to her clenching teeth. 'But that means I have to do this perfectly. If not, he won't be summoned.'

With light trots against marble floor, a small avian type thing stood at attention. "Rtrtrtrt, ret't't'ta. (My mistress. The pool of acquirement is ready, with all you had requested.) " Chirped from its tiny beak, a incomprehensible chorus of words only the beautiful goddess can hear. "Thank you Garland." A soft hand patted the creatures helmet, as the laboress emotions swam away from the women's heavy chest. 'I can do this. My sisters count on me.'

As goddess of Fertility, Andromeda was laden with a heavy burden. She could not only promote life, but so much more. Andromeda ran down the hall and into a large sanctuary. Gilded and golden walls, with winged crests and fiery pillars which accentuated a large marble pool that blended with the floor. Inside a thick silver liquid with a alien viscosity and radiant sheen, flowing unnaturally in a volatile mess of ripples that flowed into a perfect spiral.

She kneeled before the pool. Her soft, delicate hands entering, finger kneading along it's deceptive depth. Until, she had seen him. Not a moment to soon, Andromedas hands grasped against the essence of the man, she knew had to be their next fated hero. She knew it was him and not the other. Two friends dying together, the prophecy foretold one would be their worlds saviour and one it's doom. "I KNOW ITS YOU, IT HAS TO BE!" Her voice called out onto nearing hoarseness. 'And if I'm wrong, it's a fifty fifty chance? Surely the devine infinite shines upon me?'

Soon, the woman fell back, as she finished pulling his soul out the pool, the gateway between worlds. And soon, his spirit would take form, able to speak in her presence. Andromeda stood up, fixing her fingers through her hair, a bashful smile forming for the hero. Her bare naked body glistening from the pools water, a show of what seems a lack of modesty. But more so no concern for earthly things. "Welcome to Olympia. I am Andromeda, the goddess of Firtility. I brought you here to breath you new life, a second chance in fact. As our prophecized hero."

'Yes! I nailed it I think...' She ruminated in her thoughts for a moment. Her eyes slightly bulging, a bead of sweat on her forehead. Her face a relative whirlwind of nervous twinge after nervous twinge. 'Or maybe I didn't! He probably thinks me a fool!? Did it come out right!? I hope Im giving off a respectable enough demeanor to put him at ease... IS SOMETHING ON MY FACE!?'
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Lucas wasn't entirely sure what had happened. The last thing he really recalled was doing something stupid in the form of coming to the rescue of a woman about to be mugged or worse in an alleyway. He shoved the woman aside to give her a chance to run and likewise tackled the fellow who was doing his best to assault the woman. Moments later there was a sharp pain in his side, and everything was fading pretty fast. Of course he 'knew' what happened, but losing consciousness and even life was not something most people could think on. A tall and fit young man with tanned skin and amber eyes, Lucas was handsome according to a fair few who saw him, and they always said he was a good person though no one knew said goodness would be the end of him. As those golden eyes of his faded and the world darkened around him, the mystery of what would come next was not a long one.

He could feel warmth, the biting wound on his side was no longer there, not even the barest hint of pain. With a hand clutching against his side and feeling nothing, he first took a step back against… Nothing, he wasn't even sure what he was standing on, merely that he seemed to be alone at first but even that did not linger as a voice called out to him, followed by the silhouette of a woman who appeared to be obfuscated by water or some other trick. "Ah…." There was a lingering pause as he tried to get his bearings. "Olympia?" This had to be what people referred to as a dying dream, right? Looking about before settling his gaze on the naked woman, his breathing was stilled for a moment as he tried to make sense of what she was saying. A second chance? So he really was dead? Was that it? Was that his life? He was a young man, barely even entering college after graduating highschool. It was some comfort that the woman he saved likely got away, but if he truly was dead, then…

There was no use focusing on it. "Andromeda?" he asked, figuring that if this was a dream before death or perhaps some true divine intervention, he'd go along with it. "I...Can't say playing the hero worked out that well for me a few moments ago." Was the best he could say at the moment. Still, there seemed to be some determination in his eyes, as if a second chance at doing something right would put him at ease.
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