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Wild Reverie
Feb 8, 2012
It's been quite some time since I've gone ahead and skulked the halls of BM… Hello, friends, from my dark little corner. You're most welcome to stay, though not without warning should you linger. Approach at your own risk.

Some formalities: I'd consider myself a literate - advanced literate roleplayer. I've done so for many years; 20 to be exact. While female, I enjoy playing either female or male characters in a wide range of stories and settings. My stories will be written in third person somewhere between 400 words to well over 1k, depending. Life can be busy and I work full time while also caring for my family. I'd expect this to be respected and any responsibilities of potential partners will be done in kind. That said, friendly banter ooc beyond discussion and plot development is okay but not necessary.

Moving on…

Darker themes, macabre situations, mild horror and gore are a welcome plus as are non human characters. Now-a-days I believe the term "certified monster-fucker" has been coined. But I digress…

I'll be back to edit this later but I'm going to share some base 1 x 1 character scenarios that I'd love to build on.

Werewolf x Human
Werewolf x Vampire
Werewolf x Werewolf
Werewolf x Human x Vampire
Anthro x Anthro
Anthro x Human
Doctor/Psychiatrist x Patient
Demon x Human
Demon x Demon
Demon x Witch
Dragon x Rider
Dragon x Dragon
Satyr x Human
Siren x Human
God/Goddess x any above combination

And more…

Had you noticed a distinct lean away from humans? Good, at least you're perceptive. Not saying a decent Human x Human story couldn't be adopted, it's just not preferable.

Fandoms? A few.*

World of Warcraft universe
Fable (literally the only non-oc I’ll play is Reaver)
“A Soul To Keep”
Fantastic Beasts/HP universe
Baldur’s Gate 3 - I’d love to play as or alongside an Astarion/Halsin/og character likeness
Hazbin Hotel - Would adore playing as/with Alastor or Lucifer.

*Most characters will be our own.

As far as play style, my males tend to be more Dominant and my females more submissive. Read: not a door mat. And no, I don't care if you're male, female, NB, etc behind the screen. Feel free to approach should you find anything of interest. I don't bite… (this is a lie).

Undercover Investigator x Criminal/Crimelord
M x F

On the streets since 14, the only life she knows. Worked her way up through the ranks, has quite the following. The Blood Roses are one of the top four gangs in Liberty City. Issue is, no one has ever managed to infiltrate. No one knows who the mysterious woman behind it all truly is. Will YC survive the initiation and make it far enough? Only one way to find out.

Supernatural Detective x Supernatural Detective
M x F

Creatures of the night exist. They walk and interact amongst humans. Governed similarly, with laws that they need to abide by for safety and peace amongst the races. What happens when a vampire is forced to work a case with a werewolf? Action, drama, horror, passion all wrapped into one.

Ménage à …trois?
M x M x F

A vampire. A werewolf. A very special girl. For this story I am fond of playing either the men or the girl. She's seemingly ordinary, but they sense something more. Exploring a dynamic as they delve into their relationship and their pasts…

Doctor x Patient
M x F

Institutionalized from a young age, left to rot in an asylum. A young, prodigal doctor now overseeing the well-being of the patients there. He takes a fond interest in this particular young woman. He becomes obsessed. While well put together, articulate, handsome, and charismatic, our young doctor is a mask away from being a patient himself. Dark themes, not for the feint of heart.

Anthro x Human
M x F (potentially M x M x F)

A young woman winds up stumbling into a world she doesn't know. Tribes of anthros exist here. Humans are rare and unusual. Captured while seeking help/trying to gain her bearings, she is brought to an Alpha of (insert tribe here) to decide her fate. Will he keep her? Trade her to another? Like most of my little snippets, details can be discussed at length.

Reaper x Human
M x F

He's been around humans for centuries. Ferrying their souls from one life to the next. It's what he was meant to do, his reason for existing. He tends to keep his interactions with humans to a minimum. Until he crosses paths with a peculiar mortician. Not without his own eccentricities, he starts to befriend her. Perhaps even breaking some rules to see this new intrigue come to fruition.

These aren't all of the ideas I've got stashed. Feel free to inquire or suggest your own.

Now onto some more juicy bits. I'd like for our story to have a 60:40 / 70:30 split as far as plot and smut. Romance and sex should develop naturally for the scene we are playing, but having an entire story centered around it is boooooring. I'm personally here for long-term scenes, not horny quickies. And like most players I do have my hard "No's" when it comes to kinks which we can discuss. But know if you come to me with breeding and pregnancy in mind you're going to make the top of my list quite quickly.

Reach out with a message if you're so inclined. Or if you're quite brave, try me with a starter.
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