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Mx Female π•·π–†π–‰π–ž, π–˜π–π–†π–‘π–‘ 𝕴 π–‘π–Žπ–Š π–Žπ–“ π–žπ–”π–šπ–— 𝖑𝖆𝖕? (whimpers, tied hands, and slippery kisses)


Apr 11, 2015
Europe (CET)


I wrote alone and tasted all its sweets:
The dreams inside my mind were given birth
Without delay or filter, all replete
With whims whose quick fufilment gave me mirth.
I chased the visions that had haunted me
And decorated pages with my thoughts,
Thus discharged, feeling empty, light, and free,
Before some other spell my inspiration caught.
But this illusion, pleasant though it seemed,
Evaporated once the wish for friends
Appeared and thus I thought: β€œPerhaps a team
Of writers could create a better blend.”
So, reader, why not join your quill with mine
And craft a tale with more allure than wine?

Basic Info

  • I RP over PMs, threads, and Discord
  • I generally prefer a 50/50 smut-to-story ratio but this can vary
  • I typically write 300-700 words per reply
  • I can reply a few times a day to once every couple of days
  • I prefer to RP in third person past tense
  • I lean towards playing dom characters but sometimes play subs or switches
  • I am open to playing multiple characters
  • I enjoy OOC chatter but don't require it
  • I prefer open and honest communication about our preferences and availability; though I will never fault you for ghosting I like a heads up for longer (2 weeks+) absences
  • Here's my F-list for a comprehensive list of my kinks
  • Here's my Kinklist as well for another angle


Kitty Petplay

And when I told her: "Meow for me," at last,
She got down on her hands and knees so fast.

This plot would be based around a petplay kink. I don’t mean that I’d like any anthro characters involved. Rather, YC would be a pet for MC, doing as he likes and wearing certain accessories (cat ears, a fake tail, etc.). There can be many different setups for this, but one that I’ve been thinking about involves an incest plot with a high-strung stepsister coming to an agreement with her stepbrother to have this kind of arrangement as a way to unwind. Of course, there can be many different pairings as long as the main focus remains on this petplay aspect. Other kinks are welcome to be incorporated, too.

Coworker Romance

A wink, a smile over morning coffee
Soon turn to things more sweet than even toffee.

This idea is pretty simple. Two coworkers who can either already be in another relationship or single have always been flirting with each other. When the sexual tension between them can no longer be ignored, they give in to their desires and have wild sex with each other, setting off a burning romance. This can perhaps take place during a work trip where they are alone in a hotel or something along those lines. The scenario can either be pretty intense right off the bat or feature more of a flirting, teasing, slow buildup.

Denial Without Mercy​

She begged me through the tears in her eyes
And, smiling, I ignored each desperate cry.

This scenario would be focused on MC teasing and denying YC as a form of discipline. I think that the most fun setup for something like this would have YC being a bratty sub who needs to be put in her place. We can discuss exactly why, but scenarios can range from her being a naughty schoolgirl (18+) to an employee who simply refuses to listen. It can also be something else entirely. As you can imagine, this scenario warrants a lot of whimpering, desperation, and craving for that uncertain final release which may never come. To make it more fun and intense, we could add penalties for not being able to hold it.

Summoning Gone Wrong

Some doors are better left unopened, true,
But, oh, how true indeed for nosy you.

YC is a dark sorceress, witch, or simply a goth girl curious about the occult. She tries to perform a summoning to call upon a tentacle monster from another dimension. It works, but once the insatiable beast takes hold of YC and starts having its way with her, she realizes that she’s received more than she’s bargained for. This would involve dubcon and potential noncon elements but it might be fun to explore the idea that eventually she grows to enjoy it. We can end it in several different waysβ€”this scenario has gone into some dark territory for me before.

A Summer of Exploration

Her sun-kissed skin looked like the pearly gates
That lotion-soaked confirmed my purple fate.

MC and YC are childhood friends. They’ve just turned 18 and, as per their families’ custom, have gone to the seaside together. However, the two friends are realizing that they are beginning to look upon each other with something other than purely platonic feelings. Basically, this plot is something more fun and lighthearted where we can have the two teens exploring their sexuality and having many of their first times with each other with all of the excitement that brings. This probably wouldn’t be a super long-term scenario.

Textbook Virgin​

Completely unbesmirched, she gasped for air,
My kisses on her neck, fingers in hair.

So the idea I’ve had here is two high school students (18) coming to an agreement where they want to explore sex but one or both of them don’t want to do PIV sex (at least not initially). This could be the result of blackmail or an amicable deal, but nevertheless the point is that they need to resort to outercourse and exploring their bodies in more creative and sensual ways (and including lots of oral). Some kinks I’d definitely like to see here are hotdogging, intercrural sex, and potentially some foot play.

It's Not Made of Gold​

And when I saw his manhood whole, unsheathed,
I blushed and felt it laboursome to breathe.

This is a pretty shameless plot that is fairly self-indulgent but I wanted to insert it anyway on the off chance that someone would be interested. Basically, I want to explore the idea of cock worship and YC being completely obsessed with MC’s package, fawning over it and giving it plenty of attention (that may or may not extend to the entire character). This can be due to a kind of blackmail, sugardaddy or DDlg arrangement, or even just a result of MC having something that makes YC go completely crazy and weak in the knees.

Additional Interests

Genres and Settings

  • Modern
  • Historical
  • Romance
  • Fantasy (dark, epic, and urban)
  • Sci-Fi

Pairings (MCΓ—YC)

  • Teacher Γ— Student (and vice versa)
  • Boss Γ— Assistant (and vice versa)
  • God Γ— Mortal (and vice versa)
  • Demon Γ— Mortal (and vice versa)
  • Student x Student
  • Tentacle monster Γ— Victim/Summoner


  • Persona
  • Koei Warriors
  • Yu-Gi-Oh!
  • Bleach
  • Attack on Titan
  • Zelda
  • Overwatch

Writing Samples

Oliver had chosen to wear a black turtleneck for that day, perhaps subconsciously hoping that it would help him fade into the background of the chapel and not be noticed. As he read, however, he had to admit to himself that here and there his attention would be caught by the new volunteer sweeping the aisles. There was something cute and innocent about her, but that was the case for most students that chose to volunteer at the chapel. He let his eyes wander over to her once or twice and he quelled the voice of curiosity that arose in him by remembering that she was probably quite the boring religious prude.

But glances were dangerous and he should've known better, all things considered, for all it took was one moment when he looked at her and she happened to be looking back at him (as they always do) for the girl to think of it as some kind of invitation. His hazel eyes quickly darted back to his book, but part of him knew that it was too late. The professor grinned to himself, knowing exactly what to expect in the next couple of moments.

Her hi was broken and quiet, which made him more confident in his analysis of her as a shy, conservative young woman. Then again, he applauded her boldness for just coming up to a stranger like that. He decided not to look at her as she delivered the rest of her little introduction, not out of any spite or malevolence but simply to see if she'd crumble under the pressure. If she stuck it out… he'd give her a chance. She would be worthy of a bit of his time.

Finally, he looked up at her, able to get a closer sample of her bright, pleasant face. Well, he figured, if a student (presumably) had to go approaching him, at least it was a cute one this time.

"Oliver, nice to meet you," he said in a clear, slightly gravelly voice, extending a firm, masculine hand and shaking her own, which was small and soft in comparison. He didn't let her go immediately, however, instead holding her hand for a moment longer and turning it over to look at her nails. "French tips," he commented. "I like it. Classy without wandering over into the domain of kitsch. Much like Wordsworth's poetry, to answer your question about what I'm reading."

His rock-solid gaze wandered over her with some level of intrigue but also a kind of condescension. What are you doing here, little girl? the slightly arrogant, academic side of his mind seemed to ask. Go and play with the other freshmen and pray to your God.

"So you consider the Bible to be literature, eh?" he said, looking away from her for a moment before returning his gaze. "That makes you already a step-up above the average fundamentalist. It suggests that you don't believe it literally, but as a metaphorical attempt to express a certain truth. Am I wrong about that?" A hint of a smile formed on the corner of his lips. He wondered how much she knew about him or his position. His reputation certainly preceded him, but such a new face might not have been around long enough to be exposed to all the gossip.
There was so much need in her breathy moans as Trevor continued with his erotic assault. If there was one thing that made men completely go mad, it was horny women who were desperate to take their fill of sex. An unbound, feminine hunger radiated from Vylleth as she was fully bared before him, utterly naked in perfectly whoresome glory. Sure, he'd found her attractive before, but was presently in a state of disbelief at how someone could be so utterly and perfectly sculpted. Trevor reckoned there wasn't a man alive who wouldn't find her attractive. Hell had done its job, and done it well.

The soft pleasure of her body combined with the slight and scratchy pain of her nails on his back in a dangerous cocktail, plunging him below the level of rational thought. Dream or reality, trick or authenticity, he knew that he would probably never get the world's most perfect female whispering to him to fuck her while her legs drag him in closer.

In an instant his hand was around her neck, squeezing with little calculation. At the very least, he was now sure that she wasn't human and also mighty hard to kill. A bit of choking would probably be more than safe. Almost simultaneously, he inserted his now throbbing, leaking cock into her moist cunt, thrusting deep inside as he groaned, the muscles on his body tensing and relaxing as the waves of pleasure washed over him. Fuck, her pussy felt goodβ€”perfectly warm, perfectly moist… he'd had to pace himself.

But Trevor simply couldn't. It had been too long of a time coming. Their little flirtations had done their magic, whether or not that was their original intention. His eyes wild with desire, he fucked her rough and quick, a wet smacking sound reverberating off the kitchen walls in the dead silence of the night and combining with his moans and groans. His breathing was rough and erratic as his other hand squeezed one of her thighs, unapologetically digging his fingers into the supple flesh.

She tried to kill you, he told himself. She usurped your life. And these were useful thoughts to further spur him on.

"I'll teach you to screw with the lives of mortals," he rasped into her face, his own barely inches away. "You fucking bitch." No sooner had he finished that sentence than he continued vigorously kissing her, his tongue hungrily trying to devour as much pleasure as it could from her sweet mouth as he felt the pressure continue to mount in his pelvis.


If you've seen something that tickles your fancy, send me a message! I think you’ll find me quite easygoing and flexible when it comes to brainstorming and molding these plots into something we can both enjoy.

Alternatively, if you have something that you think I’d be interested in based on what you’ve seen here, by all means let me know and let’s see if we can cook something up.

Happy writing!

With love,
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