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Nate's Convalescence [Week 1 Day 5]


Fuck Donald Trump
Dec 30, 2020
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Character: Nate Drake
Tagging: Any "interested parties" (wink wink)
Day 5 AC, time TBD
Location: Drake Jupiter, Nate's cabin

It was very, very frustrating for a man of action such as Nate to be bed-bound, but Theo had insisted he at least take a day off. Although to be quite honest, he didn't exactly mind the opportunity to see who would come knocking on his door. While he'd not been much of a ladies' man back on the Endeavour, he was not so blind as to miss all the female (and a few male) eyes on him.

In his "sick bed" he was shirtless, with the sheet draped over his legs, thereby making it impossible to tell if he was fully nude or not. The wound on his arm was bandaged very well; for a veterinarian, Theo was settling into his new role remarkably well, in his opinion. Currently he was reading a leather-bound copy of The Two Towers. It was part of a boxed Lord of the Rings book set that had belonged to Nate's grandfather, the Drake patriarch who'd boarded the ship when it left Earth. It was his first time reading it, but he'd gladly set it aside if one of the many incredibly gorgeous women that had crashed here with him walked through the door.
Who: Mia Khan
Where: Drake Jupiter, Nate's cabin
Relevant: @captain_bond
When: Day 5 Morning

"Good Morning!" Mia's usual bright and bubbly demeanor had disappeared for a while immediately following the loss of the Endeavor but clearly something had happened to snap her out of it and she was back to her self. She carried a tray of food, well more like nutrient bars and one or two small bits of Nate's favorites to help brighten his mood. "I thought I would bring you something to eat since you have to stay in bed for a little while. I know how hard that can be for you." She practically raised the Drake children these last 10 years, posing as the Drake's au pair was much easier when she basically did the job even as she was sharing their marital bed as a full partner in the throuple. But she wasn't related to any of them by blood, a distinction that had seemed somewhat meaningless until the details of the breeding protocol were discussed.

It wasn't something she had openly talked about with her spouses as especially not the children. But the unspoken reality was that she was eligible, if not downright obligated to be bred by the boys at some point. Of course part of her return to her good spirits was that warm feeling of being filled with Alexander's seed and knowing the elder Drake would be the first to breed her.

Mia lowered the legs on the tray so it would neatly straddle Nate's abdomen which was bare along with his chest. "Our good doctor wanted me to check your bandages this morning." She said, gently starting with his arm and giving it a good appraisal. Warm soft fingers gripped his arm as she examined it and seemed satisfied, returning it to him so he could eat his breakfast. "Now for the leg." She declared as she lifted the sheets off his legs. It had been some time since she had seen the boys nude, they had outgrown the need to be given baths shortly after she joined the family. Though not Nate's birth mother, she had a strong motherly connection with each of the children, so she didn't hesitate to examine him. She had expected him to be in his underwear so she hadn't really thought it would be a modesty issue.
Character: Nate Drake
Tagging: @LeaT as Mia Khan, @Colonel_Liam as Theo Mercer and Alexander Drake (Mentioning)
Day 5 AC, morning
Location: Drake Jupiter, Nate's cabin

When the door opened to reveal Mia, for a moment Nate felt like a deer in headlights, or so the old saying went. But the more he thought about it, the more he started to wonder if this was more fortuitous than he initially thought. While he'd certainly not feel anything romantic towards Mia, he had definitely had the hots for her since puberty. The spring in her step, moreover, meant that his dad may have already at least attempted to breed her. So thinking ahead, even if his father's "little swimmers" had failed, if Nate played his cards right, she could still end up carrying a Drake at the end of all of this...

"Morning, Mia," Nate said, putting a bookmark in the book and setting it aside. "Yeah, it is hard," he joked, a slight smile lighting up his features when he made the rather crude double entendre. "But I don't mind." When she set the tray down, he looked down and his smile became less mischievous and more appreciative. "You've always been so good to me," he said, holding up the small plate of freeze-dried bacon that had been reconstituted. When she started to check his bandages, he relaxed his arm and ate with his other hand. "I noticed that when I woke up in the cave, the cuts didn't really hurt. Theo's running a blood test now, but the rocks I got cut on might contain a natural painkiller, either as a mineral component or like some sort of moss or microscopic growth. We should send a team back down to that cavern and collect some samples."

Nate was still a little nervous about the prospect of maybe, possibly having sex with Mia here, now, which is why he was running his mouth even as she started to peel the sheets from his legs to reveal that he was, in fact, fully nude. The cut had had the audacity to be right on his inner thigh, which was not protected by the armor on his expedition suit, unfortunately, and made the resulting visit with Theo rather awkward. At least it didn't sever the femoral artery. The spot where his forearm was cut was also covered merely by the relatively unremarkable fabric of the suit, instead of the hard plates that were added to suits that belonged to those assigned to colony security. Still, as inconvenient as the cuts seemed at the time, perhaps it's not such a bad thing after all. Or at least, that's what Nate told himself when Mia started to check it, trying but ultimately failing to control how his body reacted to her touch. Having already set the tray aside, he looked on somewhat helplessly as the thick, fleshy member between his legs began to grow. She would had to have been blind to not see how he had looked at her back aboard the Endeavour. Hopefully, she'd remember that now.
Who: Mia Khan
Where: Drake Jupiter, Nate's cabin
Relevant: @captain_bond
When: Day 5 Morning

"I think someone's thinking about things they shouldn't." Mia said as she noticed not only Nate's nudity but also his erection. She had rolled her eyes at his rather crude double entendre but didn't scold him seriously. The throuple arrangement with his biological parents was well known among the children but they didn't talk about their sex lives more than any couple would with their children. But they were hardly children anymore and she supposed Nate could tell when a woman had been well fucked recently, especially with her recent mood shift. He wasn't lying about 'it' being hard, that was for certain.

"Well of course I'm good to you Nate, you're my son even if I didn't bare you myself." She told him as she did her best to ignore his erection and look after his wound as Theo had told her. She ran a warm soft hand along the wicked looking injury, afraid to disturb it any more than necessary but she had been warned to look and feel for swelling. She gave some neutral sounds "yea" and "sure" and 'good idea' as he mentioned sending a team back to the cavern. It was hardly the sort of thing that Mia was going to be involved in but she agreed it was a good idea. "Sounds like the kind of thing you should bring up with...I don't know, don't you report to somebody?"

"All done?" She asked, scanning the tray she had brought in for him. "Let me clean this up then Dr. Mercer wanted me to clean you up today so you don't get an infection." She said, taking the tray out and returning with a pan of warm soapy water. "Maybe you should think about something boring while I do this?" She said with a teasing smile as she wrung a sponge out in the warm soapy water. Nate's infatuation with her wasn't exactly unknown to her but it wasn't like he didn't have lots of options out there even with the disaster. Of course, none of them were here now and Nate was definitely at an age where the present was the most important.
Character: Nate Drake
Tagging: @LeaT as Mia Khan, @apollo247 as Lucas Mercer (Mentioning)
Day 5 AC, morning
Location: Drake Jupiter, Nate's cabin

When Mia asked if he reported to someone, the inexorable journey his cock was making towards full hardness came to a screeching halt as he thought about all the colony security officers he'd never see again, people he considered friends, even family of a sort (though they'd never actually been through any conflict or combat, they'd trained together since he was 16) and it took a while before he answered her. "I guess the only superior of mine that's left is Sergeant Mercer, but a hierarchy is a little pointless given the circumstances, wouldn't you agree?" He chuckled softly, and added, "You may find yourself to be good at more than just taking care of my siblings and I when we were younger. This situation, as fucked up as it is, could be your opportunity to explore just what that is."

The pan of warm soapy water made Nate laugh outright. "Mia, I'm not ten anymore, and the cut on my leg isn't that deep. I can go take a shower if Theo is that worried about it. But, if you wanna give me a hand, I won't say no." Sitting up, Nate gently laid a hand on Mia's forearm, the one whose hand held the sponge. "Of course, if you're really worried about me overexerting my leg, you could help me run a bath? For old time's sake." The smile that curled across his lips was full of what he might like to do once that occurred, but it also held a genuine warmth, a fondness and a promise not to hurt her or take advantage. It was quite unlike the lecherous, predatory stares he'd caught some of the other men giving her when they thought Nate wasn't looking. "I'm pretty sure the crash didn't crack the tub. We could at least check?" Grabbing a towel and shifting around until he could tie it around his waist without getting up, he carefully rose to his feet and beckoned Mia to follow him into the bathroom. "Doesn't hurt too much, if you're worried. Stitches are holding, too," he called from the bathroom if Mia elected not to follow; if she did, he would use a softer voice.
Who: Mia Khan
Where: Drake Jupiter, Nate's cabin
Relevant: @captain_bond
When: Day 5 Morning

"I'm sorry, I know it is tough losing so many people." She said, feeling terrible for making him upset. Nate was stubborn as usual. "The doctor didn't want you out of bed..." She reminded him but then he ignored her. She stayed in his room so she shouted back to him. "Water is at a bit of a premium, this is all you get." She said gesturing towards the pan of water he had laughed at. "But since you don't really want to listen, and you are well enough to get around, I'll check on you at dinner.
Character: Nate Drake
Tagging: @LeaT as Mia Khan
Day 5 AC, morning
Location: Drake Jupiter, Nate's cabin

Nate poked his head back in, before he'd even touched the faucet. "Right, sorry. I forgot, the pump isn't up and running yet. The tub's fine, by the way, for when it is online." Returning to the bed, he sat down again. "I didn't mean to be so stubborn. I guess it's my way of dealing with the feelings that your question brought up. I'm sorry." He really looked it, too, and sat back on the bed, untying the knot on the towel but otherwise not disturbing it. "I leave myself in your capable hands, Mia," he said, giving the young woman a genuine smile. "And, I'm sorry for laughing. I didn't mean to sound ungrateful."
Who: Mia Khan
Where: Drake Jupiter, Nate's cabin
Relevant: @captain_bond
When: Day 5 Morning

Mia stood there with her arms crossed much as she would when Nate mis-behaved in middle school. Of course back then she could look down on him, now she had to look up as he gimped his way back to his bed.

"Well I do feel bad about that." She said as he laid back into bed and she sat on the edge, looking at his severely tented towel. "I know all you boys are eager to sow your wild oates now that it's practically a requirement. But the doctor said you needed rest so you could heal properly." Her eyes raised to his having stared at his obvious erection for a few moments. "If I help you out with that..." She nodded back to his erection. " you promise to stay in this bed until Dr. Mercer releases you?"
Character: Nate Drake
Tagging: @LeaT as Mia Khan
Day 5 AC, morning
Location: Drake Jupiter, Nate's cabin

"Well, to be quite honest, I'm actually gonna see if I can't at least try to do this in a more romantic way, or as romantic as possible given the circumstances. What I mean is, I'll follow the breeding protocol, eagerly or otherwise, but the first thing I'll do is find a steady girlfriend, and she will be the first one I breed. And even after I breed the other two required women, my heart will still belong to the first one." Nate smiled at her when she offered to take care of his erection. "Far be it from me to refuse the help of a beautiful lady such as yourself." He slowly, almost teasingly pulled the towel off of him, gradually revealing his hard, throbbing erection. "A request, though. At least take your top off while you do it, if you don't wanna go fully nude for me."
Who: Mia Khan
Where: Drake Jupiter, Nate's cabin
Relevant: @captain_bond
When: Day 5 Morning

"That's sweet baby." She said with a genuine smile, she was proud of him for his outlook on the breeding protocol. She wasn't quite sure how they had collectively raised such a traditional young man. "But you might want to keep an open mind." It was ironic but it almost seemed like his conservative streak was perhaps a rebellious streak against the more open marriage of his parents.

But then she watched as he removed the towel to offer her a view of his erection. "So you aren't going to fall all in love with me if I do this will you?" She said as she went to the door and locked it. On her way back to the bed, she removed her top, revealing her large breasts which swayed with each brief step until she sat on the edge of the bed. "How's that?" She said as her warm soft hand encircled his shaft and she squeezed up and down his length, milking his precum until her hand was slick with it and a wet slapping sound filled his room.
Character: Nate Drake
Tagging: @LeaT as Mia Khan
Day 5 AC, morning
Location: Drake Jupiter, Nate's cabin

"Oh, trust me, Mia. I'm not quite so conservative as that. And, well, I'm gonna keep an open mind for sure, but I still want the 'girlfriend experience,' as it were." When Mia pulled off her top, Nate smiled and his cock jumped slightly. "Definitely one of the best sights I've seen since landing here," he complimented her in response to her 'How's that' question. He knew, somehow, that he'd not be fucking her, at least not right away. Perhaps after she'd been confirmed as being pregnant?

When she started to stroke him, he let out a long, soft moan. "That's the ticket," he breathed out. "Maybe one day I'll get to return the favor." Winking, he settled into the moment, letting the woman stroke his cock, his eyes drinking her in as she did so.
Who: Mia Khan
Where: Drake Jupiter, Nate's cabin
Relevant: @captain_bond
When: Day 5 Morning

She looked at him as he commented, wondering if he was reading her mind. "I hope you find what you are looking for, you deserve it." She said as she felt his thick cock grow harder in her hand as she stroked him. She picked up the pace, enough now that her arm motion made her big tits jiggle and sway. "Maybe." She said with a smile, it wasn't like stroking her step son's cock wasn't making her wet as well but she hadn't been waiting quite as long as Nate for relief.

"You can touch them if you want." She offered, seeing how fond he was of her large breasts. She shifted on the bed to put her orbs within easy reach as she cupped his balls with her free hand, squeezing his nut sack gently as she leaned in. For a moment it looked like she was going to suck him off, but she pursued her lips and spit on the tip of his cock, adding her saliva to the lube but not directly.
Character: Nate Drake
Tagging: @LeaT as Mia Khan
Day 5 AC, morning
Location: Drake Jupiter, Nate's cabin

"Oh shit, that's it," Nate moaned out when Mia picked up the pace. Her reaction to his comment about returning the favor made the thick member twitch slightly in her hands. "God, I hope that's soon," he said, his mind hazy with lust. When she said he could touch her breasts he didn't hesitate, showing her how gentle he could be while still pinching and pulling her nipples just enough to get her going, the way she added spit to the mix and the way she squeezed his balls making it so much better.

It was not easy to keep from begging to take her, or more likely for her to sit on his cock, but he always wore his proverbial heart on his sleeve when he was being pleasured by a woman, and it would not be difficult to tell what he wanted by the look on his face. One of his hands reached out as far as it could, seeking Mia's hip or at the very least her ribcage, while the other continued to tease and pull on her magnificent tits. Mia may have known this already, but the last time Nate had had sex was roughly two months ago, aboard the Endeavour, with a young woman from his unit who was now dead, a woman he'd cared for deeply. But those thoughts were a million light-years from his mind as he looked at his step-mom. "Keep going," was all he said, leaving it up to her to interpret that as she will.
Who: Mia Khan
Where: Drake Jupiter, Nate's cabin
Relevant: @captain_bond
When: Day 5 Morning

She thought about him returning the favor, fingering her she supposed would be the equivalent and she giggled a little as she felt his cock get hard at just her entertaining the idea with a maybe. Nate had it bad for something that was likely going to be difficult to obtain, an old fashioned relationship in a breeding dominated society. But his desperation wasn't lost on her, it could be useful sometimes, particularly if she was in a position to at least give him the illusion of what he sought so badly. She might feel a bit guilty about leading him on, but she hadn't fully decided what she might do with him. She knew she shouldn't, but he was just so transparently desperate it was hard to ignore.

He took her offer to touch her tits quickly his gentle playing added to her wetness but he was so timid the effect was limited. Mia had the best sexual mentors with her spouses so she could handle this innocent easily enough. His hand on her hip surprised her a little, apparently he wasn't fully fixated on her heavy breasts. Was he wanting to embrace her? He had a puppy dog affection to him, perhaps she would train him, much like Elizabeth trainer her to be her pet within the context of their marriage. Why couldn't she do the same with their son?

That was a question for another day and she was going to make this boy cum and think about it later. "Ok now baby, cum for me, cum for mommy." She teased him verbally even as her fist clenched around his cock as she stroke him, insisting on his compliance with her soft words.
Character: Nate Drake
Tagging: @LeaT as Mia Khan
Day 5 AC, morning
Location: Drake Jupiter, Nate's cabin

When Mia didn't seem to respond to his touch all that strongly, Nate increased the pressure by which he pinched and tugged on her nipples, his other hand abandoning her hip to join in. He'd thought about spanking her while he could, but perhaps he'd do that another time. Right now he was focused on the heavy globes in front of him and how the woman they were attached to was telling him to cum. "Mmm, fuck, you wanna wrap those tits around my cock to make me cum?", he asked, trying to resist cumming right then and there. "I've never been tit-fucked before." Granted, he'd had a few sexual partners back aboard the Endeavour, besides the one he'd been most recently involved in, but none of them had been as...blessed as Mia.
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Who: Mia Khan
Where: Drake Jupiter, Nate's cabin
Relevant: @captain_bond
When: Day 5 Morning

Mia's nipples hardened noticeably as Nate intensified his interest in them. They were a pretty hot button for her if properly pressed and the young step son was certainly learning his way around them. She squirmed a bit as the heat between her thighs intensified. She was already on dangerous ground and had expected him to have cum fairly easily given he was so young and didn't seem very sexual active. She figured he must masturbate a lot and while she was still a little nervous about getting kinky with the children, she was in for a penny in for a pound. She tossed her hair back with a turn of her head, highlighting her heavy globes. "Slide over to the edge here, be careful." She said as she repositioned herself as well. She then gathered his cock between her tits, squeezing the shaft and milking him of precum to smear between her tits until her tan skin glistened. She then began to bounce her tits up and down and looked up into Nate's eyes. "Now cum for me little boy." She used her 'clean up your room now' voice to show she wasn't kidding though the smile on her face suggested she was having more fun than she let on.NSFW
Character: Nate Drake
Tagging: @LeaT as Mia Khan
Day 5 AC, morning
Location: Drake Jupiter, Nate's cabin

When Mia told Nate to scoot over to the edge, he did so without a second's hesitation, and when she put her massive tits around his cock, he helped keep them there by holding her tits in his whole hands, wedging her nipples in the V between two fingers as he closed them around the hard nubs like pairs of scissors. When she told him to cum, he felt like resisting but there was no more fight left in him. But he made his wishes known by shooting her a positively hungry look even as he shot rope after rope of his thick, potent cum all over her chest.
Who: Mia Khan
Where: Drake Jupiter, Nate's cabin
Relevant: @captain_bond
When: Day 5 Morning

Nate's look was a little unsettling as he climaxed powerfully onto her chest and up her neck to her chin. She was hoping this hadn't been a mistake, leading him on in a way, especially since he was so emotionally attached. She couldn't resist stroking him a few more times with her tits as he began to soften. Then making a fist around his cock head and twisting her fist as most men were hypersensitive right after ejaculating. She let his jism run down her chest for a little bit, not making a big deal of the mess one way or another. Eventually she stood and found a towel to clean herself up with. "Now, remember you promised to take it easy on those stitches. If you behave yourself, I'll come and check on you in a few hours." She told him, before reclaiming her top. She leaned in and kissed his forehead before she unlocked the door and slipped out quietly.
Character: Nate Drake
Tagging: @LeaT as Mia Khan
Day 5 AC, morning
Location: Drake Jupiter, Nate's cabin

Nate knew Mia was about to leave, and didn't want to do anything to strain things so he just let her be. "Thanks, Mia. I promise, I'll do my best to protect this family and the whole colony. Be safe out there!" He waved at his other mom as she left his cabin, his new companion trotting out from the bathroom when the door shut. "Hey, buddy, thanks for keeping quiet. I know that everyone has seen ya, but that doesn't mean they're not still a little scared. Give them time though." The scaly canine creature laid its head on the bed as Nate repositioned himself into a more comfortable pose and he scratched his friend behind the ears, yawning softly.

(The End)
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