Mx Female A Very Specific Request from Buttons


Mar 22, 2023
Hello, ladies.

I do have a general Request Thread, but have decided to post this idea on a thread of its own because it has been capturing a lot of my imagination lately... which is likely not healthy for me.

So yeah, lately I've been thinking about an abduction plot. Basically, MC would be an extremely disturbed and depraved serial killer who abducts a high school girl (YC) on her way home one afternoon. After abducting her, MY character - in his own deranged way of seeing things - discovers just how special she is to him and decides to keep YC indefinitely, instead of just using her, killing her and throwing her away like all the other girls before her. Eventually, I was thinking YC could develop Stockholm Syndrome for MC.

Yes, this is a very dark and questionable plot, but I've recently been feeling like I could have fun writing a character like this, as long as I could find a female partner who would see something like this with as much interesting and fun as I do.

Looking forward to your PM!
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