Mx Female Dark Cravings [Pokemon RP & Other Desires]

Josie Casum

Dec 9, 2022
This is going to be a pretty short post as what I'm looking for is pretty simple. I'm very much interested in all things dark and taboo, non-con, incest, feral beasts and monsters of all kinds. So if that happens to be something you're looking for as well, then I'm sure we could plot something out we'll both love~.

Now on to what I'm looking for in a partner, honestly as long as you don't write one-liners, we'll be good, even if it's only a few sentences, as long as they're coherent and helps move things forward or adds to the scene in a positive way. No word count requirements, no paragraph requirements!

I am only looking to play against female characters, though I do not care what you identify as irl.

Hit me up with any ideas you've got or whatever you're craving, be sure to include what your top 3 kinks are in your initial pm, just so I've got something initially to help us plot with, you're free to include more if you'd like, just minimum 3. And if you've bothered to read this then include your favorite shiny Pokémon, when you contact me.

[Current Craving]
Pokémon RP

Looking for a smut filled rp involving Pokémon, preferably darker scenarios but I'm open to hearing any ideas people might have, only limits being gore, weight gaining, vore, and anything toilet related.
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