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What is your favorite RP moment you have had on Blue Moon?

I once got a reply that was 37 paragraphs long, by far the longest on here. And I loved it; made me smile and want to reply right away. There is no substitute for someone with the ability to really draw you into their world. no matter how much they write.
To be vague for 'reasons' I'd say it was when I got a response in RP that took me by surprise. We had discussed out the scene ahead of time to some extent but something happened in it that I wasn't expecting though it went with something I would like that really made it far more interesting. It just made the direction of the roleplay that much more engaging and interesting.

Then again I'm sucker for twists and while its risky as heck to NOT discuss those things early, it also has the potential to be very rewarding if its done right.
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