Mx Female ðŸŒŸSW🌟


Dec 23, 2022
Hello there!

I'm on the lookout for a writing partner to dive into the immersive world of Star Wars, preferably exploring the prequels or the original trilogy.

Just a heads up, I am based in the UK, so my time zone might be slightly different from yours. However, I work rather unusual schedules, so it's not likely that time zones will matter at all. I'd like to play via private messages, focusing on canon x canon pairings, and I'm eager to find someone who is open to writing female characters. Whether you're a die-hard fan or just dipping your toes into the Star Wars universe, I'm excited to write with you.

When it comes to literacy levels, I'm not picky at all. You may be a seasoned writer or just starting off on your roleplay journey; you're more than welcome to join me regardless. I believe that everyone has something unique to bring to the table, and I'm excited to see how our styles can merge and create something special. It's the passion and creativity that matter most to me.

As for our storylines and plots, we can discuss those further in private messages. I'm flexible, so I'm perfectly fine with either setting up something detailed or winging it and going with the flow.

In terms of writing length, I usually post multi-paragraph responses, but I won't hold anyone to that. If you prefer writing novellas, I can easily match that as well. Ultimately, I want us to feel comfortable with the pace and length that best suits our style and story.

So, if you're interested in joining forces, don't hesitate to reach out. Cheers! : )
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