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Seeking Original Fantasy or Sci Fi | MHA RPs | Other Fandoms


Sep 10, 2020
Hello, hello!

My name's Ryuki and I'm in my mid-30s. Been RPing about 20 years now. (Ugh, wow. That's a lot.)​
I live in the CST timezone and tend to RP randomly through the day.​
When I'm manically into RPing, I can shoot off multiple posts a day.​
When I'm not manically into RPing, I might need a bit more time between posts, but it'll only be 1-2 days.​
I'd prefer to play a female character, but you can convince me to play a male.​

What I Do
What I Want
What I Don't Want
3rd Person Past Tense RPer​
3-5+ Paragraphs - about 300+ word count​
PM Only​
Often replies daily​
Preferring M/NB x F​
Willing to do M x M, but it depends on my mood.
Willing to Double/Multi​
Will not use faceclaims or pic references​
Unless I drew it myself.
Open to poly relationships in RP​
Plays voluptuous, chubby, thick, etc women​
Willing to play some male canons for fandom RPs.

Special Note:
I am completely caught up with the MHA manga, but I'm behind on the anime.​
Tell me if you do not want spoilers or if you've only seen the anime. I try my best not to let something slip, but I can forget.​
Emotional struggles/arcs
Sexual tension
Plot > Smut​
A bit of planning before we jump in​
3-5+ Paragraphs​
Give me something to work with.
Partners who able to post once daily to every few days.​
I'll reply after long delays, since I know shit happens,
but if posts are habitually 5+ days apart, I lose interest.
Sorry. >_<

Pure/Mostly Smut​
Meaning 1 man vs many ladies.
Call me a hypocrite, but 1 woman vs many men is fine.
Also very much fine with multiple lovers of and for any gender.
No intense feelings of love after a casual fuck, either.
Developing feelings = Wonderful
Suddenly in love just because the character got some = No
Threads or Discord​
Characters under 21​
F*ta / C*ntboys​
I will happily play as or against a trans woman or trans man or a non-binary person, if you'd like, but I'm not interested in fetishistic portrayals.
High School Settings​
Vomit / Scat / Vore​

Some super basic ideas for us to build on:
I tend to have basic plot ideas for most of these.
Feel free to pick and choose.
  • non-human x human
  • boss x employee
  • (fictional) celeb x non-celeb
  • college professor x college student
  • superhero x villain
  • superhero x superhero
  • villain x reporter
  • gods (usually in modern day)
  • arranged marriage
  • stranded on an island
  • stranded on a planet
(modern, medieval, or a mix of time periods)​
  • anthro/beastman x human
  • dragon x human
  • orc x human
  • knight x royalty
  • knight x peasant
  • fairy tale inspired
    • Red Riding Hood
    • Beauty and the Beast
  • pirate x captive
  • monster dad x human
Science Fiction:
  • lab subject x scientist/worker/etc
  • space outlaw x bounty hunter
  • alien x human
  • post-apocalyptic
    • aliens, zombies, whatever

My Hero Academia -
This is honestly my main fandom craving right now.​
Not interested in RPing as or against (romantically/sexually) anyone canonically under 23, so that means no Toga or UA students.​

Pairings I'm Willing to Try:
Toshinori Yagi / All Might x Inko Midoriya​
Aizawa x Present Mic​
Kurogiri x Aizawa​
Endeavor x Rei​
I'm honestly conflicted about this pairing. idk.
I can see them working things out and growing into a healthier relationship.
But idk if that'd be fun to RP.
Endeavor x Inko Midoriya​
Haha, hear me out on this one! They're interesting foils.
Emotionally aware and divorced/widowed Inko vs emotionally struggling freshly-divorced Endeavor.
Plus, the reactions of Todoroki and Midoriya when they find out? Priceless.
Dabi x Hawks
Another one I'm kind of "eh" about. Could be fun.

Who I Want You To Play x My OC
Canon I'm Willing to Play x Your OC
Not super into this one, but I think there's some emotional turmoil (mostly mommy/daddy issues) to explore here.
Gang Orca​
I can just see this one being fun. Plenty of room for making stuff up.

Very picky with this one.
Feel free to suggest or ask for someone.​
Some of My OCs
I might make a new OC to fit our RP better.
These are mostly here to give you ideas of what I like to play.

Mila / Two Bit - She's a vigilante, a "stealing from the rich to give to the poor and righting wrongs in the system" kind of person. She lived life not realizing she had a Quirk, since it's tech manipulation and she grew up very rural. She also wasn't pushed to be very techy as a child. When she realized she had a Quirk, she was well into her adulthood. Due to this, she is listed as Quirkless in records.​
Poppy Berry / Fizz - A pro-hero in the US. Her Quirk is Carbonation and she doesn't get along with cops. She's practical and no nonsense.​
Maemi Ono - A therapist to heroes, so essentially a civilian with connections. Her Quirk is Emotional Sponge, or the ability to sense and even manipulate emotions. I generally like to play her as a therapist to class 1-A (now class 2 or 3) or the League of Villains. She is from the US, but is in Victim Protection, so her identity has changed.​

Brand New Animal
Ogami x Human OC​
Basically, a team of humans are sent to Anima City to strengthen human and beastmen relations and help renovate the slums of Anima City. The OC is the lead of the team of humans and is watched over by Ogami, due to parties looking to interfere with OC’s work. (Ogami is not pleased by this ‘babysitting’ job.)​
I have more to the plot, but I’ll share if someone’s interested.​

Sebun x Ibuki or Agata from the Shishigumi?​
I could see Sebun being a life coach or social worker or something for the newly released Shishigumi. Checking in on them, helping them adjust to “the world on the outside” again.​


Bowser x Peach - These are just some ideas.​
King Koopa and Princess Peach having to team up to defeat a bigger bad.​
Bowser Jr gets kidnapped and - despite being mid-kidnapping ploy with Peach - Bowser is driven to save his son.​
Some sort of multi-kingdom delegation ordeal in a neutral space foists Bowser and Peach together.​

That was a lot. lol Thanks for sticking with me if you've made it to the end!
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Kind of in a writing rut, so we'll see if RP helps break it.
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