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The naughty librarian (Lawless and Candira)


Jan 9, 2009
Julia had been working at the college library for a good 3 years. She was only 27, but she couldn't help but feel like she was far older than the students who traipsed in and out everyday. She tried her best to look professional and sexy at the same time, but on laundry days, like this day in particular, she always managed looking just a little too sexy. She felt bad for coming to work and looking inappropriate, but she couldn't show up in sweat pants or anything like that. So she was stuck with skirts that were just a little too short and shirts that revealed a little too much.

And so today, Julia, a slender, curvy woman looked a little like a slut. Her light brown hair was clipped up in a neat do that made her look professional...but that was about where it stopped. Her lavender blouse was a little two tight for her, which meant that she had a few too many buttons opened. If one looked closely enough, they could see the beginning of her matching lacy bra. Every time she bent over to get a book from the book drop she felt extremely self conscious. She could tell the there were students watching her. Then again, she couldn't be certain they were watching her chest. Her skirt was fairly short too. Dark stockings hugged her legs, garters holding them in place, but they were slightly visible when she bent over. Luckily, however, her silky, lacy lavender panties were still hidden from view by the tight black skirt. Oh, yes, Julia had seen far better days than today.

As she adjusted her glasses, she got up to push the book trolley out into the isles to put away returned books, leaving one of the students in charge as she did so.
Seth was having a very rough day. He was walking down the hall, after failing all of his finals so far. He had no idea why he wasn't able to concentrate... he was normally first in all of his classes. He was just relieved that he made pretty good on his project that was half of the finals grade... that would allow him to at least pass... his GPA would drop, though. He brushed a strand of long black hair behind his ear, and then looked at the library door with his unusual crystal blue eyes...

The Library... what better place to concentrate? He thought, and then he went inside and sat down with his study material for the class he had today. This one was the worst. He was already doing horrible in that class. He started to read. Van Gough was known to put swirls in his art, examine the swirls in his clouds in this picture... He sighed, miserably, and then looked up and saw Julia. He gulped and then he looked down at the book again. Impressionism is artwork that leaves an impression of the boobies but not a clear picture.... wait... what? He re-read it. ...damn it.

He stood up, and straightened his long black pants, and untucked his black shirt, then sat back down.
She smiled at Seth for a moment when she saw him stand before going back to her books. She stretched as much as she could to get a book on the top shelf, the top of her stocking showing as she shelved the large book in her hand. The skirt came back down to cover it. Julia faced him as she readied herself to shelf another book, this time, on the very bottom shelf. She stooped over and bent her knees, her skirt sliding up to show just a glimpse of her panties and quite an eyeful of cleavage. Those were the only few books that happened to be in that section, so she wheeled her cart along, pushing it toward another row.
Seth growled to himself as she almost seemed to tease him. He stood up and put his books up. He went over to her. "Is there a place I can go where I can be alone? Like a conference room?" He asked. "Think you could take me there?" He was already planning on his attack. He couldn't help it. He blamed her for his lack of concentration, and wanted to punish her. Plus... her short skirt got him all fired up, and it wasn't hard to see that he was all fired up.
She blinked as he addressed her and smiled and nodded at his request. "Sure. I'll take you to one of our study rooms," Julia said with a little smile. That said, the foxy librarian led him up to the second floor and into one of the doors along the stairwell. She pulled some keys from around her wrist and opened it for him, turning on the lights and the computer. "There now. This should be all you need for your studies. When the library is closing or someone else needs this room, we'll call you on that phone," she said pointing to the phone in the corner. "Do you need anything else?" she asked him.
He nodded, and then closed the door, and locked it from the inside. He dropped his books and pushed her down onto the ground. "Make on noise..." He said, and then he pulled out a pocket knife he carried with him everywhere. "I will make sure you'll never walk again, if you scream, understood?" He then towered over her and looked at her up and down. "You shouldn't be such a tease... I would have been fine if your slutty outfit didn't distract me... damn sluts... stand up and strip!"
Her eyes widened in fear as he pushed her down but she was soon silenced by the knife pointed at her throat. "I....It's laundry day," she offered weakly before she was commanded to stand and strip. She shook like a leaf as she stood and backed up a bit. Slowly, she started to remove her clothes, hoping that he might change his mind. She removed her shirt first and then her skirt leaving her in a silky, lavender bra with black lace and matching panties. She nudged the clothes to the side with her feet as she started to remove her garters and stockings. The last thing to go would be her panties. She hoped that her slower pace wasn't just making him angrier. She had a fear of knives and sharp things when they weren't in her hands....especially in this situation.
"You can keep the panties and bra on... I think they make you look sluttier, anyway... now, come over here and get on your knees. You're going to give me head... like the true tramp you are." He said, and then he smirked. "Make sure to unzip my pants with your teeth... that's the funnest part to me." He told her, and then waved his knife around. He was going to enjoy tormenting this poor woman... and who knows, maybe he'll take some pictures so he could threaten her with them. That would be a good way to keep her from talking about this day.
Julia adjusted her glasses a bit more before walking to him nervously and getting on her knees before him. She looked up at him hoping he might take pity on her, but it didn't seem like he would. Carefully then, she unbuttoned his pants and took the zipper into her mouth, pulling it down with her teeth as per his request. She did it slowly, trying to slow the inevitable. The brunette was glad her hair was up as she slowly pulled down his pants and the underwear beneath.
"Good girl." He said, and then decided she didn't look like a slut enough. He took her hair down, and then with his hand, he ruffled her hair up. "There... like a proper slut." He said, with a smirk, and then he pulled a chair from behind him, and sat down on it. "This is your place." He told her. He then pulled out a cell phone from his pants and flipped it up. He took a picture of her like she was, with his penis in view. His penis was about 8 inches long, and hard as a rock.
She froze as he took a picture of her, forgetting for the moment about his rather large and impressive size. He had a picture of her like this, her hair messy and her body far too revealed...she would be fired without question if anyone saw it...Now she had no choice but to do as he asked. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before taking him into her hands, stroking him softly, hoping that this was what he wanted. She held him after a moment and took his large tip into his mouth, her tongue swirling around it.
"That's good." He said, and then he put the phone to the side, and smirked. "A few questions... one... are you a virgin? Two... what's your cup size? And three... how often do you give blowjobs?" He then pulled his dick out of her mouth. "Heh... you seem like you're very obsessed over your hair... let's style it." He then grabbed a handful of her hair and wrapped his dick up in it, and started to move his dick back and forth, leaving traces of pre-cum in her hair.
((Last one for the night.))

The hair thing was a bit gross in her mind, but she let it slide. After all, he could have done much worse. She was tempted to tell him that she wasn't obsessed with her hair, she was just worried that the people who saw that picture of her would think that some things would have happened that hadn' least not yet. So she kept her mouth shut. He had still asked her three questions that she would need to answer however.

"I'm not a virgin," she said softly, "but I haven't had sex for a long cup size is a large C, and since I haven't had sex in a while, I don't give head often..." She hoped all of those answers were acceptable, but she'd never know with a man like him.
He smirked. "Good... to all of them." He said, and then he pulled her up. "Sit in my lap." He said, and patted his lap, before forcing her onto his lap. "You are... officially my property." He said. "I own you, and you have to do everything I say. I've decided since you distracted me earlier with your 'Slutwear', now you'll be responsible for when something like that distracts me... and right now, I'm very distracted... so I'm going to use your body however I see fit to make sure my system is cleared... and when I'm done, you're going to stay in this room, while I study, that way if I have those urges again, you can cure them. Understood?"
"Y-yes..." she whispered, still quite afraid of him. After all, he still had a knife in his hands and she was still in his grasp. She didn't have much of a choice in this situation...She'd have to try to worm her way out of this later.
His hand moved between her legs, and he started to brush his hand between her legs, against her pussy. "You're a good girl." He said. "I'm going to enjoy fucking you until your body is used up." He said, and then he kissed her neck. He then whispered. "You'll enjoy every moment of it, won't you, slut?"
She shuddered as he kissed her and closed her eyes for a moment before answering. "I-I will," she said softly.
"Why don't you go ahead and be a good girl, and give your new master a lap dance?" He askd, and then brought the phone back, and smirked. "It's not a request... it's a demand." He told her.
Her heart beat faster as he pulled out the phone. Not another picture...or even worse....a video. Pleading, she saw, would be useless as he told her it was a demand. Reluctant though she was to do his bidding, especially in front of a camera, she slowly started to move her hips imitating a stripper she'd seen once at a club. Her lacy, silky panties rubbed against his skin as she adjusted her position to give him a better dance, her lovely c cups dangling in front of him and his camera. She tried not to make eye contact.
Seth smirked. "That's a good girl..." He started taking video on his phone. "Tell me who's little slut you are." He said. "Make sure you give my full name, in case you DO do something that would make me want to show you off to friends." He said, and then placed one hand on one of her breasts, and squeezed it roughly, but then just bounced it with his hand, and plaid with it.
Julia did her best not to enjoy the feeling of him playing with her breasts, but it was proving to be quite difficult. Her breasts had always been incredibly sensitive...and now she was expected to concentrate. "But...I don't know your full name," she said. In fact, she didn't know any of his names. She would have to remember it, however, to report him later. "I don't know your name at all," she said, still dancing for him, closing her eyes for a few extra moments as he gave her a particularly hard squeeze.
He just laughed. "Well, I guess you better start guessing." He told her, and then he started sighed. "Hmm... alright then... why don't we get down to business?" He asked, and then he pointed to a table. "Bend over that table." He told her, and then he placed his hand between her legs, and whispered to her. "You love it rough...." He said, and then he pushed her off of his lap.
Julia fell to the floor in something of a heap as he pushed her off of him, but she was up gracefully in no time. She did exactly as she was told and bent over the table, suddenly unsure about whether she liked the fact that the room was soundproof or not. She waited for him to do anything, finding this scary little game just the tiniest bit arousing. Still, she willed herself to not enjoy it.
He walked up to her, and put his hand on her ass. He then grinned, and pulled his belt off. He was taking video still. Skillfully, he rolled his belt up with only one hand, and then he struck her ass with the belt while videotaping her. "You like abuse, don't you?" He asked, with a grin. "You're nothing more than a slut, now... but don't worry... you'll only be like this to my eyes as long as you don't disobey me..."
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