Mx Female Human x Android companion!


Sep 25, 2018
I've got a bit of an itch for an android companion pairing. MC is a young man trying to strike out on his own instead of being at the beck and call of his influential family. Unfortunately, he's not doing so hot at the moment. His parents decide to bribe him to come back into the family with an android companion YC who will serve multiple functions while they arrange a suitable marriage and find a comfy place for him in the workplace. Since he's rather desperate for some stability, he begrudgingly accepts the conditions. While YC has been programmed to guide MC into his proper place in society, they can't help but forge a bond along the way~

There's plenty of knobs to turn for this in terms of plot on smut. YC growing wistful at the thought of her charging leaving her? Getting yandere obsessed with him? An elegant body for household labor? Moddable to be submissive, breedable, and unreasonable thicc? Lots of options!
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