Mx Female "Eh, I'd bet good money that none of you have the brass to try and dominate me, anyway." (Male Sub for Femdom + Possible Other Plots)


Sep 8, 2010
Hey hey! Thanks for droppin' on by and taking a look. I've been really hankering for a Mistress and Slave RP recently, but it's incredibly difficult to find anyone who's willing to be on top...

Here's a list of kinks. Please note that anything under the NO side is a very hard NO and will not be considered. If there's anything you're unsure about, ask me and I'll let you know.

Aside from that, these are the biggest rules to keep in mind.

1. First off, I will NOT adhere to any asinine arbitrary word limits or "minimum post requirements"!!

I am here to relax and enjoy myself. While I like to consider myself at least somewhat of a decent writer, this does not mean that I am going to force myself to crank out some short novella just to satisfy some inane "literary requirements".

There are times that, even during dialogue and speaking between characters, that people will have short, terse replies. Lengthy conversations consisting of five or more sentences between both parties generally do not exist in real life in casual conversation.

Keep in mind, this is generally referring to dialogue -- not so much to actual description of scenes. However, I likewise am NOT going to spend half an hour of my precious time trying to force myself to crank out "X words minimum" on how my character is sitting down at a table eating his potato chips, or how engrossed he is in some mind-numbingly tedious mundane activity such as mowing his lawn. I can only describe a scene so many times before I start getting repetitive and monotonous.


If I absolutely must, I CAN search for a DRAWN image I can use. I generally don't like doing this because I can never find anything that 100% encompasses what I had in mind, and I hate having to alter my character's appearance to exactly match that of the photo. I mean, come people, we have imaginations! Let's use them, yeah?

Regardless, I ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT utilize real life photos of people under any circumstances! I truly apologize if this is also a deal-breaker to you, but this is a 100% hardline stance that I will neither compromise nor negotiate on.

I have very personal reasons for being averse to using them, and if you don't like it, then I suggest you look elsewhere. Sorry, not sorry.

Truth be told, if at all possible I would really rather not use images at all. I greatly prefer a written description over a picture -- it shows me you're willing to actually exercise some real mental effort, and I highly appreciate that and prize that in a potential partner. You'll get a far more favorable response from me if you're willing to do that.

3. I am ghost friendly, but I prefer communication.

I do prefer communication, but honestly, I've been ghosted before and I can't say I'm not guilty of doing the same. After all, shit happens. Sometimes thing drop in your lap unexpectedly, or maybe you just aren't feeling it. That having been said, I usually do like to keep in touch if something's going on or things are not working out.

I won't feel offended if you feel the need to drop! All I ask is that you let me know and not go completely radio silent on me. If you do, still won't have any hard feelings, but I would like to know if it's me, my style, or something else going on. I'll usually poke you once a week if I don't hear anything, but if I don't hear any contact back in a month I'll assume you're no longer interested and move on.

I should like to state that I would prefer to have the roleplay predominantly take place over Private Messages here on-site. I don't feel supremely comfortable using public forums for private play.

4. I don't play canon characters anymore when it comes to fandoms. Please do not ask me to do so.

Also, I might not respond to you right away, because I do work night shift and generally sleep during the day -- but rest assured I will get around to replying back to you at some point.

Assuming you're still with me and I haven't scared you away by this point, here's the general plot I have in mind.

My character (or characters, assuming I double up) have been taken into custody as a slave. How he became captured is not particularly important, that can depend on a number of factors. Perhaps my character was a thief, apprehended by the local guard and sold into slavery as punishment -- or he was a former soldier who happened to be on the losing side, and was enslaved as a consequence. Or perhaps he was sold into slavery by a jealous family member who wanted him gone.

Either way, regardless of how my guy ended up in chains, his goal is simple -- he wants his freedom, and he will do nearly anything to obtain it. Perhaps attain vengeance in the process. How this happens depends upon Your Character and her willingness to indulge or acquiesce him. Are you a kind mistress, or are you a cruel one? Will you manage to earn his loyalty, or will you try to force your will onto his?

I would prefer if the setting involve anthropomorphic characters alongside humans and other fantasy races, either in a medieval-and-magic or futuristic Sci-Fi setting, but if any of that's not to your liking please let me know. I am willing to negotiate -- within reason -- but I do not want this setting to be purely humans only. I find humans-only settings to be painstakingly, mind-numbingly dull, and deeply unsatisfying.

I am making an edit here to state that that I MIGHT consider playing a more effeminate male, but you're really going to have to sway me, as that's not my usual cup of tea.

If this plot doesn't appeal to you, I have some other ideas and am willing to do a few fandoms. I will be updating this thread over the next day or two with them. Don't be afraid to drop me a line and ask me!

I look forward to hearing from you!
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I will be updating this thread over the next day or two with [the other ideas and fandoms].

Yeah so that was a bit of a lie. Or rather, I got distracted. Anyway I might as well detail a few basic ideas.

IDEA 1: The Queen of a nation is being pressured to secure her future. While this traditionally means she would generally have to marry somebody, the law does NOT outright *require* that she actually do so, especially if one doesn't one to consolidate power or seek marriage purely for a political reason such as securing an alliance. With the Queen having no other living relatives, and needing to secure an heir she decides that -- if for no other reason other than to silence the worrywarts and doomsayers -- simply elicits to promote one of her servants to a bedservant to occupy her bed at night, or perhaps tying into the previously mentioned idea, purchases a slave upon seeing his physical capabilities either as a laborer or from the arena where he's been fighting as a gladiator because she's impressed with his fighting capabilities, or just because she thinks he has a cute butt or something. I dunno.

This is generally recommended for a more fantasy setting, but can be applied to a more futuristic one as well. Can adapt it to a more modern setting if we must, but I'd rather keep it to the first two.

IDEA 2: This can take place in any particular time setting, be it modern, futuristic, or high fantasy but my character is looking after a younger, sick family member and finds that money for food and medicine is running low. Desperate for some coin to help treat their sibling, MC puts in for some more questionable work and gets hired on to provide services of anything his new employer desires...the key phrase in the contract being *ANYTHING* the employer desires.

IDEA 3: The third is more of a futuristic one but could be adapted to a modern or fantasy setting where my character is part of some sort of law enforcement or a bounty hunter looking to collect on a job, only to be taken captive and held against his will. He'll probably be let go....eventually, but not before his captor has some *fun* with him, first.

In fact, this could be slightly adapted from an earlier idea I had on one of my other request boards. The idea is that long ago, the twisted Professor Savage was arrested, tried, and found guilty long ago for building bioweapons and generally violating the terms of the Intergalactic Terran Peace Treaty of 25XX. The professor, deemed a madman due to his twisted and vile experiments on lifeforms both plant and animals based, was beginning to conduct research on live beings when the IBI (Interstellar Bureau of Investigation) bust in to catch him red-handed.

Long story short, Professor Savage's research was forcibly destroyed by the government and the Professor himself was exiled to a barren wasteland of a planet, filled with little food or water for him to spend the rest of his days on without access to a laboratory or any basic essentials. At least, that was the plan. Ten years later since his exile, and the Interstellar Federation (ISF) has received some strange signals coming from the planet that Savage had been exiled to. Knowing that no signal ever existed from the planet beforehand, the ISF is more than a little concerned about this strange activity and dispatched a couple of investigators to check into the situation. Contact was lost with them a day after they arrived on planet and no word had been heard from them since, but they were able to send word that--somehow, inexplicably, the once barren and deathly wasteland has been partially terraformed into an equally deadly jungle environment just before word was lost.

Three weeks since the disappearance of the two investigators, the ISF has decided that Prof. Savage is behind it as well as the strange activity coming from the planet. To that end, they are sending an entire strike commando to descend down to the planet to locate, capture, and bring Prof. Savage to them so he can answer for these enigmas...and answer to justice if need be. At the same time however, MC was sent by his agency with a similar agenda in mind. Only, instead his orders are to eliminate Savage, rather than capture him. However, in this scenario MC would fall into the same trap as the two investigators.

If made to adapt to a more fantasy setting, then "Professor Savage" would not be a professor of mad science but a dark magician studying forbidden dark arts and breaking the laws of the land by indulging in illegal magic. Either way MC would still be investigating rumors of strange happenstances around their lair and fall victim to the traps or illusions resulting in his capture.
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