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Fx M or F a dream of fair to middling women


May 7, 2010
It's been a hot minute since I wrote a female character, but all things change and we with them. I love writing All The Men, but sometimes I just need something different, you know?

- I love wish-fulfillment, but this is not how I find girlfriends (or boyfriends), and I have a firm grasp on the distinction between fantasy and reality. You should, too! I am not interested in what your real life gender is, as long as you can write a woman (or a man) convincingly.

- Logistics: I am willing to be a PM Troglodyte or a Discord Troglodyte, but I don't want randos so you'll have to PM me for the dirty Discord deets. I live in the US on CST and have an 8-5, and I'm not young anymore, so I can't party all night, much as I wish I still could.

- While I'm hoping to find long-term partners, we're all adults. People have real lives and other obligations, and sometimes you find that you're just not as into an rp as you thought you would be or wanted to be. I'm pretty ditch-friendly; if you need to go, there's no hard feelings on this end.

- I usually have a vague outline for the start of the story, and a general idea of where I see it going, but also tend to be inspired as the story moves and generate ideas as we write.

- I have a competent grasp on the mechanics of English, and I'm looking for the same. I can write a really long post if I'm doing an intro or setting up a scene, or I can write two or three paragraphs to get things moving along; I tend to mirror my partner's style. Just like everyone else, I dislike one-line posts, and I'll at least give you something to work with (or tap out if I can't).

- If you want to chat in the OOC, I'm down to chat. If you just want to use me for the sweet, sweet RP, I'm okay with that, too.

- My favorite shit is historical, or Vaguely Historical, so of course it makes perfect sense that everything I've outlined here is Loosely Historical. (I live in the early 21st​ century in the US, and when I feel compelled to explore it, I shut down the computer.) I also like some sci-fi and low fantasy stuff, but I tend to be really picky about it. I like stories about going out into the world and doing things, and then coming back home; I like cultural meetings and clashes and exchanges, and the ways they work and don't work; and I like slow burns and partnerships that are (or turn) loving, but not uncomplicated.

- I don't use faceclaims, and really never have; just not my thing. My characters look like themselves, not like a model or celebrity, and I figure if I do my job as a writer, you'll have an idea of what they look like too.

- If the story is m/f, my women tend to be not very conventionally attractive.

- While I'm definitely up for some angst and sorrow, and I'm fine with some setting-appropriate violence that has a context (for me, this usually means warfare-related violence), I'm not into super grimdark stories or looking for anything really extreme or gruesome. Not here to judge, but it's not my personal jam.

- I am open to hearing pitches if you have an idea that you think would be fun for both of us. No promises.

Wasn't that a tedious digression? Don't worry, it's over now! The following are the only good ideas I have at the moment, and even that is probably arch-generous.

The Count's family has held the castle in the market town, and all the demesnes that surround it, for as long as anyone can remember. He might be a feisty old man, but he's still off fighting his battles, for the strangers from the East hold half the King's lands now. In the meantime, the Countess administers his estates and holds the fort against things from without: enemies, and wolves, and cold. Her son is war-high and joins his father; her older daughter is betrothed, and her younger not yet of marriageable age.

As has been the custom, noble girls are often fostered at the house of another noblewoman who shepherds them into adulthood, teaching them the courtly manners and graces that will be expected of them in adult life. Few households are more prized than the Countess', for she married into an old family and is poised, graceful, diplomatic, and devout as one would expect; she is also an Enlightenment woman.

Every saint has a past, however.

It happens that every so often, there is a young woman who does not return from the Countess' castle. And it happens that there are whisperings and rumors among the villagers and the peasantry. She has always stood good lady to them, but she comes from a part of the old Kingdom where the people are strange, and she was sent as a hostage to the Bey's household when she was a girl herself. Ostensibly, she came home when she married the Count, but there is another story that she was sent home in disgrace.

Perhaps YC is a young noblewoman sent to study at the Countess' gynaeceum, not sure of the world she enters and half-frightened of this strange, grave woman. Or perhaps she's a peasant girl, another mouth to feed, seeking employment at the castle. She's always been told that she's stupid and sluttish, but as she performs her duties in the background, she discovers a new world, and MC sees her potential.

(I'm looking for the feel of Ottoman Hungary here, but am not looking for something strictly historically accurate or seeking a one-to-one correspondence, in part because that would require me to go out and learn something about Ottoman Hungary. I mean, I will eventually, but I also have other things to do.)

I've probably been poking a little too much at assorted Romance of the Three Kingdoms related media lately, but hear me out. (Or don't. Like, I'm not the boss of you. That said, persons caught irresponsibly spreading the rumor that I just watched The Assassins will be sentenced to hard labor.) Anyhow: oh God someone please see this and be enthusiastic about it, I have so many ideas. This is what happens when I'm bored at work.

YC is a Cao Cao type: brilliant, ruthless, conniving, tough as nails, also has a not-so-hidden intellectual side and is Not Without His Moments. MC is newly widowed, a circumstance which is not unrelated to YC's recent siege and capture of the town where she was living, and has been forced into concubinage. This is not an auspicious beginning to their relationship; she thinks he's a boor, and he thinks she's a bitch. They're both a bit older (mid-30s to mid-40s); he's a bit slower than he used to be and his back hurts for no good reason, and she has fine lines around her eyes.

MC stops speaking, trying to preserve some autonomy and control, even if only in a small way. YC's principal wife and other members of the household are unbearable to her. If he's at home, she is tense and uncomfortable, and if he's ridden out to war, she's the least popular member of the household; even the servants get the impression that she can be disrespected or ignored without consequences. After their first clash, YC mainly ignores her, except for one evening when he has a splitting headache and invites himself into her chamber, because he knows that she won't talk or make a lot of noise. She initially makes no effort to hide her discomfort and resentment, but eventually sees that he really is in pain and, feeling sorry for him, sits with him, rubbing his temples. This marks the beginning of a change in their relations.

As the seasons change and they grow more used to, and at ease, with each other, YC seeks her out, and MC slowly warms to him, letting him into her inner world a little bit at a time.

Further bulletins to follow as inspiration strikes, I reckon. Get at me if you want.
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A bump before bed, also cleaned up my atrocious grammar here and there. I am not embarrassed to beg, but I am a little ashamed of the amateur-league mistakes.
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