Passion, heat, sweat, madness
- Joined
- Mar 7, 2019
- Location
- East Coast
Name: Aliana Marie James aka Ali, Ally-cat, AM, Trouble
Age: Almost 20
Height/build: 5'3", athletic
Ethnicity: Latinx
Education: 3rd year undergrad, majoring in Business Management and Accounting on a partial sports scholarship for Volleyball
Relationship status: Recently single
Family (Adopted):
Aliana was adopted when she was in kindergarten. She attended private Elementary school and then transferred to public school halfway through 7th grade, where she met her best friend Jason. The James family were straight-laced but loving. They encouraged their children to work hard and have realistic goals, respect others as well as themselves. In spite of these things, both Morgan Jr and Aliana were somewhat adrenaline junkies but did a decent job of keeping that from their parents. Though, Aliana's idea of adrenaline as a kid was sneaking in a swear word or watching a movie she wasn't allowed to. In her college years, it was hanging with metal bands groupies and drinking off campus. Nothing too wild, but it would certainly make her father's hair stand on end.
Age: Almost 20
Height/build: 5'3", athletic
Ethnicity: Latinx
Education: 3rd year undergrad, majoring in Business Management and Accounting on a partial sports scholarship for Volleyball
Relationship status: Recently single

Family (Adopted):
Parents: Stephanie James 48F (school teacher) and Morgan James 50M (police sergeant)
Sibling: Morgan C. James Jr., 31, biological son of Stephanie and Morgan. NHL player; Right Wing on the New York Rangers.
Aliana was adopted when she was in kindergarten. She attended private Elementary school and then transferred to public school halfway through 7th grade, where she met her best friend Jason. The James family were straight-laced but loving. They encouraged their children to work hard and have realistic goals, respect others as well as themselves. In spite of these things, both Morgan Jr and Aliana were somewhat adrenaline junkies but did a decent job of keeping that from their parents. Though, Aliana's idea of adrenaline as a kid was sneaking in a swear word or watching a movie she wasn't allowed to. In her college years, it was hanging with metal bands groupies and drinking off campus. Nothing too wild, but it would certainly make her father's hair stand on end.
3 Weeks Previous
Walk of shame wasn't in Aliana's vocabulary. She'd had an awesome night and her messy hair and makeup-free face were a badge of pride. Celebrating their last free night before finals took over their lives had gone phenomenally! Ali and her team's co-captains had spent the evening party-hopping around the frat houses and apartments surrounding campus. Keg stands, body shots, dancing, beer pong, card games, and plenty of party food had colored their evening. They'd taken plenty of photos and snapchats to document the night, which was great because some of the details had been fuzzy in the morning. Aliana was less enthused about the videos of her puking and motherfucking her boyfriend, but all was well that ended well. She remembered vaguely being annoyed with a snap she'd seen on one of Jared's roadie's story and was sure that her friends and teammates has just fueled that annoyance into rage. They had been taking a selfie in the green room of the venue and in the background she had seen Jared sitting on the sofa with some girl cozied up to him while they shared a joint. Her frustration had come out in the form of rebellious drinking and dancing. While the headache was less than glamourous, that was the price of fun sometimes.
As Aliana made her way back to her dorm building, she caught her reflection and smirked to herself. Other than a bit of bedhead, she didn't look too worse for wear. She'd had the forethought to pack flip flops, leggings, and a thin flannel in her more-decorative-than-functional mini backpack, her mini-dress and heels from the night before taking up every bit of space and more. She'd not thought about an undershirt, so in spite of the warm May weather, she had the shirt buttoned up to cover her bare torso beneath. Stopping in front of the large window she'd caught her reflection in, she snapped a quick photo with SnapChat and sent it to her teammates and her best friend Jason with the caption Fuckin' Glamourous.
She swiped her ID to grant her access into the dorm room and said hello to the student intern at the front desk as she passed through the lobby. She took the stairs up to her room rather than wait 10 years for the elevator and was paying more attention to scrolling Instagram than she was to anything else as she navigated via muscle-memory to her room. She barely realized her door was unlocked until she opened her it and saw her boyfriend standing in the middle of her room.
Jared was pretty big in the local music scene. His band was working on their first studio album to submit, their last step to getting signed with Fueled by Ramen. The record itself was slow-going, in no small part due to Jared's temper and distraction with women. Especially Aliana.
"Aliana-Marie Can't-Answer-Her-Phone James," Jared drawled in a sarcastically joyous tone as he turned away from her windowed wall. He'd been looking over the photos she had hanging along the walls. A couple were of the two of them, a few were of her and her family, many of them were of her and her teammates, but most of them were of her and her friends back home, namely her "Bestie Jason" who he thought looked like the version of himself, though anyone else with eyes would say the opposite.
"Jared Mikhail Creeper-Status Masters," Aliana said right back to him with raised brows. It wasn't usually her way, to be snotty right back, but she had a headache, some leftover anger from the night before, and hadn't had breakfast yet. She didn't understand how he'd gotten into her dorm, nor why he was greeting her with such an attitude. "What are you doing here so early," she asked, toning down to a genuinely curious intonation instead of accusatory. It wasn't like he wasn't invited over, but she wasn't expecting him until the afternoon.
"You didn't come home last night?" he said, incredulous.
"I didn't leave campus," she told him in what she hoped was a flat tone but had quavered a bit. "I was home." This didn't seem to be going in a good direction, but she wasn't sure where. She had told him she was going out last night. Sure, she'd returned after the sun came up, but so what? She wasn't the one that had cheated on him before; the cheater status was his alone. And she thought they'd moved past it until that stupid snapchat she caught sight of last night.
"Don't get smart with me, Aliana-Marie," he said sharply, bristling.
"I wasn't trying to," she replied, getting annoyed. "You're being cryptic and my head hurts. What's up?"
Jared closed the distance between them and put his hands on her upper arms and rubbed them as if to warn them as he said, "I was worried as all hell about you last night. I didn't hear from you at all, and then find out you never made it home." While it almost sounded like a sincerely hurt tone, his expression didn't match his words and that made Aliana even more nervous as he kept talking. "Anything could have happened to you and you're treating me like I'm a jerk for worrying? Jesus, I was paranoid you'd ended up in a ditch somewhere or hooked up with some rando." Aliana stiffened at the accusation and Jared's brows shot up. He had expected her to immediately get defensive and simper-y, not quiet and stiff. "You didn't, did you?" he asked sharply.
"How could you even ask me that," she replied, trying to step back from him, but he held her firmly in place.
"How could I ask? You were dancing on fucking tables like some knock-off Cayote Ugly," Jared told her, his tone darkening in a way that made Aliana get nervous goosebumps.
"Excuse me?" She was confused as to how he could possibly know that.
Jared saw the unsure look in her eyes and latched onto it like a rabid dog on a steak.
"You ghosted me and then didn't come home. And you didn't answer my question about whether or not you slept someone else."
Aliana was shocked by his words, to say the least. Last time she had called him out on cheating, he had been sweet, apologetic, a little guilt-trippy, but mostly abashed. This was different. Did he think she didn't know?
"Do you really think that you should be asking me that right now when I know for a FACT that you had some groupie all over you last night at the show?" she exclaimed, incredulous.
"Oh, you know it for a fact? Let me tell you a FACT, Aliana-Marie. You were gyrating up on a fucking counter like some Burlesque wannabe," he retorted, and Aliana looked genuinely surprised. Had she been that drunk that she didn't remember? Jared didn't doubt it after seeing the snaps of her puking outside after her little performance and found himself a little nervous as he realized that there was the possibility that she really had cheated and didn't remember.
Aliana really didn't remember anything after her first song of the night, and she blinked at him. "I what now?" she asked, thrown completely off. Why hadn't anyone shown her those clips?
Jared sensed he was gaining the upper hand. "I said, your turbo-drunk ass was singing and swaying like fucking cat in heat in front of an entire bar full of people," he told her, speaking each word slowly as though she were thick.
Aliana bristled at that. "I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, but I have proof that you did. I got screen shots," she told him. She started to navigate her phone to pull up the photo, and he slapped her phone out of her hand. "HEY!" she shouted in anger and dismay at him as her phone cracked on the floor, and her anger snapped right with it. "It doesn't matter what /I/ did last night, because YOU'RE the one that cheated. Anything my turbo-drunk ass did was because YOU fucked me up!" she yelled at him, poking his chest every time she said you. "I know what you did, YOU know what you did, and I'm fucking DONE with you!"
Jared stopped in his tracks for about a heartbeat before he lost it, his tone deadly calm like the eye of the storm. "You? You're done? With me?" he let out a hysterical laugh and a dark look crossed his face that made Aliana cold with fear. She took a step back from him when he stepped toward her. "You spend an ENTIRE night ignoring me to hang out with your hoe friends, got wasted, and then accuse me of CHEATING after a night of me worrying SICK about you? And YOU are done with ME?" He laughed again but there wasn't any humor in it. He shook his head and the rest of his words lost that careful meter, coming out in a rush. "You think you're done with me, cunt? What do you think you're gonna do without me? You've got three shows booked, all your friends are MY friends, and you're too scared to stand on a stage with a mic in your hand without drinking. You wanna become some washed up alcoholic nobody because you need a cocktail to get on the mic?"
"No, but—" Aliana started, angry tears slipping past her lashes as she stepped back, her back meeting the door.
"No? No what?" Jared interrupted her, invading her space further.
"No, I'm not gonna be some alcoholic nobody." She flinched when his hand hit the door right next to her head and he towered over her. "I can do it without you," she told him through gritted teeth, trying so hard not to cry. Every big emotion she ever had seemed to be hardwired to her tear ducts. Happy? Cry. Sad? Cry. Scared? Cry. Tears for years, there was no getting around it.
"NO?! No?! REALLLY? Well I don't see how you're going to do that, Aliana, because without a shot you can't even LOOK at a stage, let alone sing on one!" Jared's voice was loud, unhinged. "Are you gonna skip your shows and make me look bad? Tarnish what /little/ name you've got, thanks to me?"
"I'll figure it out, but you need to leave," she said in a trembling voice. Something about his presence, his posture, made her want to call for help but she didn't want to back down from him. Her mind flashed to Jason and she wished he was here in that moment, and immediately banished the thought. She could fight her own battles. "It doesn't matter how I do it, I will. And I'm not going to do it with you."
"You're not going to do it with ANYONE," Jared yelled and reached next to her to grab her guitar, and Aliana realized it a second too late.
"NO!" she screamed at what she thought was the top of her lungs, but it was more like a squeak as she grabbed at Jared, who threw her to the ground the second she made contact with his wrist. She hit her desk with her shoulder and her hip caught most of her fall on the floor. She scrambled back to her feet and lunged at him. She was an athlete, but didn't matter how strong she was. She wasn't stronger than him.
"You think that you're some hot shit? I am the only reason you ever got the balls to sing in front of anyone except the mirror." His mind went back to the Snaps, her friends yelling Yasss Queen as she hit some fantastic note despite clearly being wasted. "You can be queen of the fucking trash-heap," he told her as she and clawed at him to get her guitar.
Everything seemed to happen in slow motion and a blink all at once.
"Nononono—NO!!"Aliana started out just nervous, then terrified, and then a scream that sounded like she was being murdered escaped her, because in her mind he might as well have been.
Jared swung her guitar into the metal post of her bed like a major-league baseball player hitting a free heater. Without thinking, she reached for it, and the wood exploded against her bedpost, and her hand went right into the debris, strings snapping and stinging her skin and wood flying everywhere. Her $3,000 Gibson Acoustic was splinters in the blink of an eye and cut into her arm as she tried in vain to save it and the most heart-breaking, painful sound ripped from her lungs.
"That's what you get you fucking cunt," Jared growled at her, finding satisfaction in knocking her down a few notches. He liked her because she was gentle, pliant, and well behaved. The person he saw in those snapchats, the fiery girl that talked back to him, did not coincide with the girl he'd fallen in love with. This was more like it.
As Aliana heard him call her a cunt, she felt like something in her snap. Without any warning she got up and shoved Jared as hard she could in the chest, knocking him right into her open closet door. He fell into the mess of shoes and sports gear from the force that had caught him off guard. Aliana was on him right away, straddling his hips and slapping and punching at him.
All Jared thought was 'Equal rights, equal fights, bitch'
Aliana didn't stand a chance.
She did miss the shows. And finals. And she would miss the Fall semester as well.
Aliana had been home for a few weeks, and her bruises had mostly healed. Her parents had pulled her from campus immediately and enrolled her in the local college a town over from their hometown. She would have preferred to keep them out of it, but it just wasn't possible with police involved. She had called Jason before she called her parents, and she was sure that only the fact that Jared was already in the back of a cop car and would be well in jail before Jason could get there was the only thing that kept him away. Other than the distance, anyway. Thankfully her professors had let her complete her finals online after she'd gotten home. She was annoyed with being at her house for the summer when she'd originally planned to spend it on a summer volleyball team touring. At least she could still stay in the dorms instead of at home once school started. The silver lining was that she got be spend her summer with Jason, much to her father's chagrin.
She'd missed her best friend the last two years. She'd hardly gotten to see him since she spent the previous summer breaks in Italy and Spain through school travel programs. She'd come home for Thanksgiving, but spring break had been spent at sports clinics, and winter break she took extra courses. Sure, facetime and snapchat kept them in daily, if not hourly contact, but it wasn't the same as hanging out in person. He was nostalgia and comfort and just everything good in the world, as far as she was concerned. Every great memory she had had Jason attached to it either by his direct presence, or in how she shared all her wins with him with pictures and photos or dramatic reenactments.
The only good thing about being apart for 2 years was that she'd been able to branch out without feeling too embarrassed. Dating hadn't been high on her priority list in high school. Aside from her parents generally not finding anyone to be good enough for her, she could never feel totally comfortable dating. Not when the precious little free time she had she wanted to spend with her best friend. And after the incident sophomore year of high school, no guys really measured up. There just wasn't room in her life for a deeper relationship than she had with Jason. Not that she'd been able to really find one anyway. She had been with 3 guys, and 2 of them were short flings in foreign countries. The third had been Jared, and that hadn't gone swimmingly, but at least she felt a bit more experienced and at the very least she knew what she -didn't- want in a partner. She was definitely off dating for a while, she'd decided on the 5 hour car ride home with her parents just over 2 weeks before. She only needed her partner in crime, and transient flings were a thing of the past. Why did she need romance when she had her best friend, anyway?
Her parents had finally decided to give her some space. The grade school her mother taught at was still in session, and they didn't have enough substitute teachers to go around so she had to get back to work. Crime didn't take a break for family drama, either, so her father was back at work as well. Aliana, feeling free but bored, sent over texts to Jason.
Ally-Cat: I didn't realize how busy I kept at school until I got stuck sitting in my room for weeks.
Ally-Cat: Rescue meeee

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