Mx Female Your favorite canon character submitting to your OC/CC in a plot heavy roleplay.


Fighter of the Nightman
Jan 2, 2014
Hello, and thanks for clicking on my thread.

A bit about myself. I really enjoy femdom centric plots, however I find myself out of fresh ideas. So, I thought I might reach out for others' ideas. I also realized that if I'm going to do so, I should at least be willing to play the favorite canon characters of my potential partners. As an aside, I'm also quite happy to come up with OCs if you'd prefer. That's no problem at all.

To be clear, in my mind Femdom can take a lot of different forms harsh, gentle and everything in between. I'm interested in the complete spectrum. If you have an idea that works for you, I want to hear about it

Now, what canon characters in which fandoms am I interested in playing?


No really, any and all. Though, heavy preference for anything that isn’t slice of life.

Is there a villain that you'd like to see brought to heel? Perhaps a hero that you just find too obnoxious, a crush on a character and a desire to have him submit to your OC/CC? Do you think one of them might make a good second in command or side kick. It could even be that the plot of your fandom missed an opportunity for two characters to have a femdom style relationship or romance and you’d like to correct that.

This is a bit of an experiment, but I’m offering to play any canon character from any fandom even if it’s one that I’m not familiar with, there really is no catch provided:
  1. There’s enough information on the web that I can find if I don’t know the character already. I will be grateful for any guidance you can give.
  2. You can help me paint a picture of what you like about this character, and why you’d like to have him submit to YC in a story. Enthusiasm definitely helps here. If you are excited, I’ll be excited.
  3. And this is the hardest one. The plot you propose is interesting and fun. I am looking for much more story than smut. I will likely assume that you aren’t the partner for this story if you ask about kinks within the first couple of messages or so. I don't want the entire burden to be on you, however. If you have even a basic idea that we can build on, I promise to pull my own weight in building it. The oak needs but an acorn. Plant the seed, and we'll both make a story grow.

It doesn’t matter to me if canonically, this character would never submit to anyone, that could possibly be even more fun.

To be clear, I’m not looking to double. I don’t want to play a character and scenario of your choosing in exchange for you doing the same for me. I’ve never found that this works well. Of course I have fandom characters that I really enjoy. I’m happy to talk about them if you are curious, but that’s not the exchange that I’m looking for.

So, if you have a particular canon character in mind, and a plot that you think is interesting please drop me a line. If anything in this RT is unclear, and you just want to ask a simple clarifying question or two, I’m more than happy to chat. I swear I don’t bite.
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