Dont tell me which prompts you like or write down your addys if you have not spend a paragraph letting me know your own kinks in some detail, what you like about me, my kinks, my prompt/s etc.
Please take effort when you message me. Read the passage below as well, and take a look at my kink list linked there below, before you do so at my prompts.
I don't need to know about your hobbies, I'd honestly even prefer not to.
I'm looking for a dominant partner, confident and self assured, not somebody insecure and needy. Not to say I don't like sensuality or passion, but I'm not looking for a quote-on-quote Soft Dom. I like feeling a bit taken advantage of, instead of being placed on a pedestal...
If I reply, that still doesn't mean I'm ready to jump into a RP, I want to chat, flirt etc to get to know you and our chemistry, see the compatibility for myself etc...
I play myself exclusively and can provide pictures as long as they are sfw. I most likely won't play anything fandom related or in a non-modern setting.
I usually write a few sentences in a back & forth. Dont expect multiple paragraphs. I also hate the type of play where you only get a few replies a day kinda thing.
First person only.
So, to cut to the chase - I have an oral fixation, which if I *had* to name one thing that is the cornerstone of my kinks, that would be it.
What that doesn't mean: that I just want somebody to ram their dick in my mouth or to tell me 'show me what that mouth can do' and I'll happily oblige. That also does not mean that I only want to play out blowjobs - it just means that they're going to happen and will take up a significant portion of the Roleplay and that I'm quite demanding and particular about what I want them to be like. Which is as follows:
My mouth is very sensitive, especially my lips and tongue. I want them, as well as my mouth & face as a whole to be stimulated. More specifically I want them to be played with. Obviously while I'm giving you head, but it's also great during sex. That's the physical side. There's also a lot of mental stimulation I get from it, as cock worship gets me super quickly into subspace... I love if there's humiliation involved, centered around my face. Not actual degradation, like being called ugly or something, kinda on the contrary. I just like the mental side of you toying with my face and mouth etc... Especially with you using your cock. That goes for other parts of my body too. Basically, as if using them for masturbation I guess? Plus namecalling of course. And you being very active, not just vocally like that, but also physically instead of just leaning back.
And while I love rough sex, but when it comes to blowing someone, more important is a taboo feeling, going nasty, slow, playful... and most importantly creativity. Actually, I highly value creativity during non-oral sex as well. Especially coupled with realism - think switching locations, positions, realistic sex and movements, detailed descriptions...
Plus while I love submission, its not to anybody. I need somebody compatabile, who gets me. Who's experienced in girls minds and knows themselves too. And how to be dominant. Especially mentally. But empathetic. Who understands submission. Roughness, shame, gentleness and praise (but especially the first two lol).
I love saying thank you. I love calling you Daddy. I love to be made to say thanks. Or to have to recite. I love to be a good and mannered girl. I love training! And brat tamers & spankings. Knowing your place doesn’t mean you dont love getting forced into it anyways, getting corrected is exciting...
Sooo, I think thats enough of a rundown. The closer this actually resonates with you, the more chances of success I think the RP has.
Here's the full kink list for all of my other kinks & limits
My Prompts
AGEPLAY (16+) Daddy x Daughter:
AGEPLAY (16+) Bro x Sis:
AGEPLAY (16+) Non-Incest:
▪︎ Grandpa x Granddaughter
▪︎ Doctor x Patient
▪︎ Boyfriend x Girlfriend / Amateur Couple
▪︎ Photographer x Amateur Model
▪︎ Classmate x Me
▪︎ Transfer Student x You / Transfer Student x Me
▪︎ Online Dating
Dont tell me which prompts you like or write down your addys if you have not spend a paragraph letting me know your own kinks in some detail, what you like about me, my kinks, my prompt/s etc.
Please take effort when you message me. Read the passage below as well, and take a look at my kink list linked there below, before you do so at my prompts.
I don't need to know about your hobbies, I'd honestly even prefer not to.
I'm looking for a dominant partner, confident and self assured, not somebody insecure and needy. Not to say I don't like sensuality or passion, but I'm not looking for a quote-on-quote Soft Dom. I like feeling a bit taken advantage of, instead of being placed on a pedestal...
If I reply, that still doesn't mean I'm ready to jump into a RP, I want to chat, flirt etc to get to know you and our chemistry, see the compatibility for myself etc...
I play myself exclusively and can provide pictures as long as they are sfw. I most likely won't play anything fandom related or in a non-modern setting.
I usually write a few sentences in a back & forth. Dont expect multiple paragraphs. I also hate the type of play where you only get a few replies a day kinda thing.
First person only.
So, to cut to the chase - I have an oral fixation, which if I *had* to name one thing that is the cornerstone of my kinks, that would be it.
What that doesn't mean: that I just want somebody to ram their dick in my mouth or to tell me 'show me what that mouth can do' and I'll happily oblige. That also does not mean that I only want to play out blowjobs - it just means that they're going to happen and will take up a significant portion of the Roleplay and that I'm quite demanding and particular about what I want them to be like. Which is as follows:
My mouth is very sensitive, especially my lips and tongue. I want them, as well as my mouth & face as a whole to be stimulated. More specifically I want them to be played with. Obviously while I'm giving you head, but it's also great during sex. That's the physical side. There's also a lot of mental stimulation I get from it, as cock worship gets me super quickly into subspace... I love if there's humiliation involved, centered around my face. Not actual degradation, like being called ugly or something, kinda on the contrary. I just like the mental side of you toying with my face and mouth etc... Especially with you using your cock. That goes for other parts of my body too. Basically, as if using them for masturbation I guess? Plus namecalling of course. And you being very active, not just vocally like that, but also physically instead of just leaning back.
And while I love rough sex, but when it comes to blowing someone, more important is a taboo feeling, going nasty, slow, playful... and most importantly creativity. Actually, I highly value creativity during non-oral sex as well. Especially coupled with realism - think switching locations, positions, realistic sex and movements, detailed descriptions...
Plus while I love submission, its not to anybody. I need somebody compatabile, who gets me. Who's experienced in girls minds and knows themselves too. And how to be dominant. Especially mentally. But empathetic. Who understands submission. Roughness, shame, gentleness and praise (but especially the first two lol).
I love saying thank you. I love calling you Daddy. I love to be made to say thanks. Or to have to recite. I love to be a good and mannered girl. I love training! And brat tamers & spankings. Knowing your place doesn’t mean you dont love getting forced into it anyways, getting corrected is exciting...
Sooo, I think thats enough of a rundown. The closer this actually resonates with you, the more chances of success I think the RP has.
Here's the full kink list for all of my other kinks & limits
F-list - Warning

My Prompts
AGEPLAY (16+) Daddy x Daughter:
School is tough... Also, my love life is disappointing... I don't really meet interesting people and the guys from Tinder always turn out to be either good guys and/or stupid jerks. Oh, I also forgot this little side note - my parents just got divorced... 
Yet another stress factor. The saving grace is really my Dad, supporting me through all this, not simply just financially. Honestly, it may be for the best, I know how mom can be, she was probably his biggest stress factor. And a loveless & toxic relationship can be nobodys wish.
Fast forward - we are getting used to living alone together. To be honest we have more fun than before. I mean, to be really honest... bear with me, I know how strange this is going to sound, but I get the feels with him...

I dunno how much of it is just what a perfect man he seams to be, the chemistry thats revealed with us hanging around all alone all the time or how mindblowingly hot the taboo feels whenever I think about it...
The flirting is getting out of hand. Last night he literally slapped my butt in the kitchen! Okay, I was wearing just boxershorts, but I mean still, what father does that?
I think I was kind of ignoring it but... his eyes changed. Right? The way he looks at me. Wether thats me not wanting to get my hopes up or me not wanting to face what fucked up thing my father might be capable of...
"Get my hopes up", though? What are you talking about, Ellie? What about how fucked up I am...
I think to myself, my thumb carefully playing with the nub under my hood, almost as if I'm probing it. This is not the first time I'm touching myself to the thought of this. And goddang it, I know that he must have done that too! The look on his face when he smacked my cheek... not even my exes had such lookd with such lustful eyes at me... but you would never dare to make real move. At least not first...?
I let this validate my confidence. I dont know where this is going to lead. I really dont wanna think about it. I just want to jump head over heels, in over m head into what could possibly be the hottest thing I'll ever get myself into...
So, I come into the living room where you are at, you greet me. With butterflies in my stomach, I take the leap of faith - smirkingly, I
pull my shirt slowly up, you can see the hem tardily showing you off my bare little boobs, "Happy birthday, Daddy...", I say nervously, holding with my shirt up to my collarbones.

Yet another stress factor. The saving grace is really my Dad, supporting me through all this, not simply just financially. Honestly, it may be for the best, I know how mom can be, she was probably his biggest stress factor. And a loveless & toxic relationship can be nobodys wish.
Fast forward - we are getting used to living alone together. To be honest we have more fun than before. I mean, to be really honest... bear with me, I know how strange this is going to sound, but I get the feels with him...

I dunno how much of it is just what a perfect man he seams to be, the chemistry thats revealed with us hanging around all alone all the time or how mindblowingly hot the taboo feels whenever I think about it...
The flirting is getting out of hand. Last night he literally slapped my butt in the kitchen! Okay, I was wearing just boxershorts, but I mean still, what father does that?
I think I was kind of ignoring it but... his eyes changed. Right? The way he looks at me. Wether thats me not wanting to get my hopes up or me not wanting to face what fucked up thing my father might be capable of...
"Get my hopes up", though? What are you talking about, Ellie? What about how fucked up I am...
I think to myself, my thumb carefully playing with the nub under my hood, almost as if I'm probing it. This is not the first time I'm touching myself to the thought of this. And goddang it, I know that he must have done that too! The look on his face when he smacked my cheek... not even my exes had such lookd with such lustful eyes at me... but you would never dare to make real move. At least not first...?
I let this validate my confidence. I dont know where this is going to lead. I really dont wanna think about it. I just want to jump head over heels, in over m head into what could possibly be the hottest thing I'll ever get myself into...

So, I come into the living room where you are at, you greet me. With butterflies in my stomach, I take the leap of faith - smirkingly, I
pull my shirt slowly up, you can see the hem tardily showing you off my bare little boobs, "Happy birthday, Daddy...", I say nervously, holding with my shirt up to my collarbones.
Daddy catches me fooling around with our familys dog, playing with his cock in my mouth. Apparently, I only thought I had locked the door...
As you are bewildered at this unexpected hahappening, I apologize pleadingly. You bring up the idea of making it up to you by offering to sumbit to you while you confess your feelings of lust and love you have for me. The deal is we will keep this all only between us.
The scene would start where you open the door to find you naked on your couch squirming, fingers rubbing on your clit and sucking contendently on the doggies dick until you stop as you notice the door opened.
As you are bewildered at this unexpected hahappening, I apologize pleadingly. You bring up the idea of making it up to you by offering to sumbit to you while you confess your feelings of lust and love you have for me. The deal is we will keep this all only between us.
The scene would start where you open the door to find you naked on your couch squirming, fingers rubbing on your clit and sucking contendently on the doggies dick until you stop as you notice the door opened.
AGEPLAY (16+) Bro x Sis:
Its friday night and we scheduled to spend some bro/sis time together tonight. We've been flirty and I know I like you, but nothing ever happened at all.
We're in my bed and you came over to watch something on Netflix together. The cozy night progresses until eventually some distracting sounds penetrate my thin walls. A faint "Suck harder you little slut" for example can be heard.
Being late, the TV's lower volume starts to be drown out by the sounds of our parents going at it. Mommys pleads and screams of joy leaking through the walls, as well as Daddys thrusts and panting.
"They umm... seam to be having fun" you say shy but foward. "Yeah" I respond a bit sheepishly, thinking about how you not know that I've been masturbating a lot to dad fucking mom. I'm fucked up I think to myself, but then I see your hand moving over your crotch."*InsertYourName...?" I reactively ask.
We're in my bed and you came over to watch something on Netflix together. The cozy night progresses until eventually some distracting sounds penetrate my thin walls. A faint "Suck harder you little slut" for example can be heard.
Being late, the TV's lower volume starts to be drown out by the sounds of our parents going at it. Mommys pleads and screams of joy leaking through the walls, as well as Daddys thrusts and panting.
"They umm... seam to be having fun" you say shy but foward. "Yeah" I respond a bit sheepishly, thinking about how you not know that I've been masturbating a lot to dad fucking mom. I'm fucked up I think to myself, but then I see your hand moving over your crotch."*InsertYourName...?" I reactively ask.
AGEPLAY (16+) Non-Incest:
I'm in high school and you're about to graduate. You've noticed me during breaks. I was your favorite fantasy on the whole school. So one day you come up to me in the hallway after class, flirting with me out the gate. You end up telling me I look like a cute little cock sucker. And I'm enarmored. You're so secure in yourself. My first sex was lame with a boy my age. And I'm already watching blowjob porn all the time, so I am intigued by it. And your age. You plan to take me home. But first you fuck me in the bathroom stall, showing off your confidence/dominance.
Thr buildup starts with flirting in the school hallway & meeting up in the boys bathroom after school. After you won me over I'll go home with you, sneaking by your parents. Sleeping at your place, we go to school together the next day (of course after you showed me what morning wood is and make us late). This time we'll fuck during class in the girls bathroom.
Thr buildup starts with flirting in the school hallway & meeting up in the boys bathroom after school. After you won me over I'll go home with you, sneaking by your parents. Sleeping at your place, we go to school together the next day (of course after you showed me what morning wood is and make us late). This time we'll fuck during class in the girls bathroom.
I crush on you. During class you're checking me out and such things. By the end of it, maybe as you're giving out grades or you just call me for a discussion, we talk, standing close together. I imagine it getting flirty, to the point even the other students look at us like something is off and of course you end up making me stay longer...
You'd be the one playing this fit teacher in his later 30s. You dont seem like a creep at all, but still *really* enjoy getting to see young teenage girls in short sports clothes all day and luckily my crush is reciprocated, to the point you're apparently willing to not only risk your job but a long sentence just to get to fuck me. Dazzed by that lust for me, getting the chance of a fling with you, I happily submit.
You'd be the one playing this fit teacher in his later 30s. You dont seem like a creep at all, but still *really* enjoy getting to see young teenage girls in short sports clothes all day and luckily my crush is reciprocated, to the point you're apparently willing to not only risk your job but a long sentence just to get to fuck me. Dazzed by that lust for me, getting the chance of a fling with you, I happily submit.
School's been a drag lately. Luckily I'm still somewhat getting by marks-wise, meaning I could afford the time to make a bit of money at the weekend. I wont lie, I had a few options technically, but right now I'm just babysitting this girl Emily from the Jones family down the street. Yes, also cause its close and because I do like her, the 6 year old is low maintance, but the payment I get from her mother is on the lower end, though that brings me to the secret reason I ditch on other sitter jobs: Mr. Jones.
I met him on the first day of watching over his daughter. He opened the door, I didn’t expect to be greeted by somebody... well, this hot. Yet old. He just looked at me with a sly smile. I could see his eyes going up and dont shamelessly.
"You're Ellie?"
"How old again?"
As I told him, his grin got more shifty. I asked him about his and learning he just turned 40 did very little to decrease my intrigue.
From then on, there was lots of flirting whenever we were alone and I started to crush and even fantasize. Not expecting anything to ever happen of course, given the circumstances... until things change one night.
Right now I'm feeling more of a route where the dad does more of the seduction. Maybe coming home drunk. Potentially he's a single dad, too.
I met him on the first day of watching over his daughter. He opened the door, I didn’t expect to be greeted by somebody... well, this hot. Yet old. He just looked at me with a sly smile. I could see his eyes going up and dont shamelessly.
"You're Ellie?"
"How old again?"
As I told him, his grin got more shifty. I asked him about his and learning he just turned 40 did very little to decrease my intrigue.
From then on, there was lots of flirting whenever we were alone and I started to crush and even fantasize. Not expecting anything to ever happen of course, given the circumstances... until things change one night.
Right now I'm feeling more of a route where the dad does more of the seduction. Maybe coming home drunk. Potentially he's a single dad, too.
"What's even your name?" you ask in teasing tone.
I hesitate for a second, processing both - how you really dont even know yet, and how, obviously, you're asking me with your dick in my mouth on purpose.
"Eahh-lyhh." "Whats that?", tilting my head backwards by your hand in my hair, you steer your cocktip into my cheek. "Ehhl-lhy.."
"Ellie?", your grin looks satisfied, "What a cute, fitting name."
Your hand lunges out before slapping the empty cheek of mine. "You'll talk properly with my cock in your warm mouth. You'll talk clear & pretty... yes?" You use your hand to make me nod on your hard-on while my eyes staring up at you start to glisten. We both knew there was no way for me to actually do so like this. And neither of us cared. You just wanna see me try and slap me. And I dont know if I've ever been wetter sucking cock. Least of all in a bathroom stall.
I hesitate for a second, processing both - how you really dont even know yet, and how, obviously, you're asking me with your dick in my mouth on purpose.
"Eahh-lyhh." "Whats that?", tilting my head backwards by your hand in my hair, you steer your cocktip into my cheek. "Ehhl-lhy.."
"Ellie?", your grin looks satisfied, "What a cute, fitting name."
Your hand lunges out before slapping the empty cheek of mine. "You'll talk properly with my cock in your warm mouth. You'll talk clear & pretty... yes?" You use your hand to make me nod on your hard-on while my eyes staring up at you start to glisten. We both knew there was no way for me to actually do so like this. And neither of us cared. You just wanna see me try and slap me. And I dont know if I've ever been wetter sucking cock. Least of all in a bathroom stall.
Your my sisters first boyfriend. She's about 20 and happy to finally have a relationship that you agreed to so she'd let you pop her virginity. You're one foot out, she's somewhat in denial about it. Honestly, if you're asking me, it's a bit hers fault. Why demand a relationship like that? She should know you better...
On a nice summer day, you find me outside bathing in the sun, laying on my back by the pool, earpods in. My sister left you alone and you were trying to check the pool out. As you find me there in my bikini, its me who you end up checking out. You haven't seen me much. You dont even know my name or age, but it's obvious that I'm her little sister. I blush when I open my eyes and see you standing afar from me eyeing me up, thinking Im asleep.
"I'm not a museum!" A playful smirk shows up on my face as I lift my torso up with my elbows. Caught off guard, but you're trying to react confidently. "Sorry, I didn"t know you were awake. Shouldn't you be in school, girl?" you tease. I explain to you that I dont have school that long and I'm always free and by the pool during the afternoon. We go into a flirty conversation, where you explain to me how y'all relationship isn't serious, how you're dissatisfied and that you've practically already broken up (at least from your standpoint, thats not my sisters understanding, unknown to me). My sister being right back and you not having the guts for now, you leave me alone.
I want you to meet me the next time you know that your girlfriend isn't there. This time taking your shot.
On a nice summer day, you find me outside bathing in the sun, laying on my back by the pool, earpods in. My sister left you alone and you were trying to check the pool out. As you find me there in my bikini, its me who you end up checking out. You haven't seen me much. You dont even know my name or age, but it's obvious that I'm her little sister. I blush when I open my eyes and see you standing afar from me eyeing me up, thinking Im asleep.
"I'm not a museum!" A playful smirk shows up on my face as I lift my torso up with my elbows. Caught off guard, but you're trying to react confidently. "Sorry, I didn"t know you were awake. Shouldn't you be in school, girl?" you tease. I explain to you that I dont have school that long and I'm always free and by the pool during the afternoon. We go into a flirty conversation, where you explain to me how y'all relationship isn't serious, how you're dissatisfied and that you've practically already broken up (at least from your standpoint, thats not my sisters understanding, unknown to me). My sister being right back and you not having the guts for now, you leave me alone.
I want you to meet me the next time you know that your girlfriend isn't there. This time taking your shot.
I come to you to complain about my lgbt friend you had been bullying for a while now. They are my best friend.
You tell me you dont even know who Im talking about, likely lying and tell me your not ashamed. Anyways, I'm 18 and never had good sex, getting dommed etc. You'll corrupt this moral, left, feminist, pansexul, open minded, tollerant, just, empathetic, kind hearted, honest, brave, deep, intelligent dreamer of a little sweet girl into a subby eager cock toy. Your especially good girl.
Realizing my depravity, the only thing bigger than my ideals. I'll probably carry this guilt for a very long time to come, maybe you know that, but my naivity will be there for you to be abused.
Your age is flexible, as long as you're older than me. As well as who you are in general, how you know my friend, etc.
You tell me you dont even know who Im talking about, likely lying and tell me your not ashamed. Anyways, I'm 18 and never had good sex, getting dommed etc. You'll corrupt this moral, left, feminist, pansexul, open minded, tollerant, just, empathetic, kind hearted, honest, brave, deep, intelligent dreamer of a little sweet girl into a subby eager cock toy. Your especially good girl.
Realizing my depravity, the only thing bigger than my ideals. I'll probably carry this guilt for a very long time to come, maybe you know that, but my naivity will be there for you to be abused.
Your age is flexible, as long as you're older than me. As well as who you are in general, how you know my friend, etc.
I come home from partying, high on mdma and weed. You drank. I am so mushy I dont even care that I am your kid and vice versa.
"Ellie, the dinner is getting cold, sweetheart."
"I'm coming!" I am closing the camera and log off my OnlyFans. I had decided to make money in a different way.
I wipe the juice with a napkin off of my fingers and go downstairs to eat with my parents. After we're done, I get ready to take the train to the adult store...
Entering, I greet the entrance lady and make my way to the back of the large store.
"Hi, Ellie." I hug Mike, the owner, who's greeting me. "Ready?", he asks. "Yeah, maybe I need 5 minutes or so, I ate not too long ago, you know, just to be careful."
"Of course, don't forget to check in." I nod.
I didn't just sell my body digitally on OF, I also worked illegally at the local Gloryhole. See, they have a secret invite-only Gloryhole setup in the back. There are a couple dozens of regulars. I only started working here this month (under the alias LILLI), they already advertised me as the new freshgirl member. Since then requests grew, as well as word of mouth (
). I make more money than online even, at 50 bucks per blowjob.
I make my way into the dark room. Its lit up by a screen that switches to a black screen with a font. It reads "JACK, 47. Visits about monthly, long term client.". Excited, I turn away from the screen and bend down onto the pillowed floor in front of the hole.
If you couldn't guess, I want you, my dad, to come in.
The funny thing is, there's a screen for you above the hole to see the camera in my room. So you know whats going on. The luckiest day of your life.
I expect you not to be passive just because this is a blowjob and a GH. Talk, react. If you change your voice a little I wont notice its you unless you say so. I let you decide when and if you decide to tell me who you are.
"I'm coming!" I am closing the camera and log off my OnlyFans. I had decided to make money in a different way.
I wipe the juice with a napkin off of my fingers and go downstairs to eat with my parents. After we're done, I get ready to take the train to the adult store...
Entering, I greet the entrance lady and make my way to the back of the large store.
"Hi, Ellie." I hug Mike, the owner, who's greeting me. "Ready?", he asks. "Yeah, maybe I need 5 minutes or so, I ate not too long ago, you know, just to be careful."
"Of course, don't forget to check in." I nod.
I didn't just sell my body digitally on OF, I also worked illegally at the local Gloryhole. See, they have a secret invite-only Gloryhole setup in the back. There are a couple dozens of regulars. I only started working here this month (under the alias LILLI), they already advertised me as the new freshgirl member. Since then requests grew, as well as word of mouth (

I make my way into the dark room. Its lit up by a screen that switches to a black screen with a font. It reads "JACK, 47. Visits about monthly, long term client.". Excited, I turn away from the screen and bend down onto the pillowed floor in front of the hole.
If you couldn't guess, I want you, my dad, to come in.
The funny thing is, there's a screen for you above the hole to see the camera in my room. So you know whats going on. The luckiest day of your life.
I expect you not to be passive just because this is a blowjob and a GH. Talk, react. If you change your voice a little I wont notice its you unless you say so. I let you decide when and if you decide to tell me who you are.
Standing at my open cupboard, your hand strolls through my things. A couple collars, leashes, ears, paws, tail plugs, a bone gag, ... Next to a collection of toys, but you're not minding them right now.
Meanwhile I'm sitting at my desk, eating cornflakes, watching a cartoon on YouTube on my computer. You smirk to yourself, pulling out a collar from the drawer. You walk over towards me as I'm laughing quietly to myself at a funny scene, before I feel my face being pushed down into the bowl of cereal. "Ellie, it's puppy time from now on." Your hand in my hair pulls my head back up. Milk on my face and one or two soggy fruit loops sticking to my face. "Do you understand?"
I give you a little bark as agreement, still a little bit shocked as I was off guard. This is the kind of stuff why I love being your girlfriend so much. You put on my collar as I wipe off my face, before putting the bowl on the ground. I take it as a sign to get on all fours, prompting you to rub my hair. "Good girl!", you tell me with this half-faked enthusiasm, that works putting me in the right headspace. You attach the leash.
"Who's ready for walkies?"
Meanwhile I'm sitting at my desk, eating cornflakes, watching a cartoon on YouTube on my computer. You smirk to yourself, pulling out a collar from the drawer. You walk over towards me as I'm laughing quietly to myself at a funny scene, before I feel my face being pushed down into the bowl of cereal. "Ellie, it's puppy time from now on." Your hand in my hair pulls my head back up. Milk on my face and one or two soggy fruit loops sticking to my face. "Do you understand?"
I give you a little bark as agreement, still a little bit shocked as I was off guard. This is the kind of stuff why I love being your girlfriend so much. You put on my collar as I wipe off my face, before putting the bowl on the ground. I take it as a sign to get on all fours, prompting you to rub my hair. "Good girl!", you tell me with this half-faked enthusiasm, that works putting me in the right headspace. You attach the leash.
"Who's ready for walkies?"
"Baby c'mon." My boyfriend says almost pleadingly. We are sitting on the bed me completely naked and he being fully clothed on a hot summer night. "Fine, go ahead." I give in, looking sideways. He puts the pink collar saying 'kitten' around my neck with a cute happy smile. "Look at you." "I'm a pup though, I thought." I respond sulkily. "Yeah, Elli." He plants his lips on my forehead. "But it still works for me." He says rubbing my head between my dog ears. "Now who wants to go walkies?" He asks sweetly. "Walk?!" I respond nervously, "The hell I go walkies, you know I'm not that brave..."
He takes my hand and fondles the back of my hand with his thumb. "Baby, you know at this time there's like no one outside. Also I know how turned on you get whenEVER we play in public." He tries to sound reassuring. I mean he is right... but that still was like a line for me. I'm pondering and see him then pulling out a leash. "Hey, I said I'm not su-" a hand slaps across my face. "Be a good puppy. Right now you're not." He says sternly while fondling my red cheek. "Tongue out." I loll out my tongue. "Good girl." He reaches for his pocket and slides a sweet in my panting mouth. I smile absent mindedly, enjoying a light endorphin rush, while he fondles my left ear.
Then he hooks the leash into my collar. "From now on barks and on all fours only." He declares and I nod. "Get your paws and tail." He lets go off the leash and I jump off the bed towards the nightstand, opening it with my teeth. I get both items out and carry them one after the other before him onto his bed, smiling. "Wuff." "Good giiiirrrll." He strokes all over the top of my head. I put my front legs on the bed and he slips the paws on them. Then he reaches down for my feet, putting the paw shoes on me. When he bends backwards again he pauses as his face passes my bare ass and he grabs my right ass cheek and whacks it with the other hand. I wiggle my butt happily in response, panting. "Fucking slut." He says almost disgusted, though I can hear in his voice he's rather tryna mask how utterly turned on he is. Gotta act strong and blah.
He reaches for the tailplug, then sits on my upperback and sticks it into my little asshole, which makes a scream leave my throat, followed by moaning "Fuck." into the mattress. "Good." He fondles both of my naked buns. "Prettiest girl in the world..." he mumbles contenditly to himself. "Now just a little bit of clothes is missing." He looks towards my desk where there's a crop top and hot pants thrown over the chair.
He takes my hand and fondles the back of my hand with his thumb. "Baby, you know at this time there's like no one outside. Also I know how turned on you get whenEVER we play in public." He tries to sound reassuring. I mean he is right... but that still was like a line for me. I'm pondering and see him then pulling out a leash. "Hey, I said I'm not su-" a hand slaps across my face. "Be a good puppy. Right now you're not." He says sternly while fondling my red cheek. "Tongue out." I loll out my tongue. "Good girl." He reaches for his pocket and slides a sweet in my panting mouth. I smile absent mindedly, enjoying a light endorphin rush, while he fondles my left ear.
Then he hooks the leash into my collar. "From now on barks and on all fours only." He declares and I nod. "Get your paws and tail." He lets go off the leash and I jump off the bed towards the nightstand, opening it with my teeth. I get both items out and carry them one after the other before him onto his bed, smiling. "Wuff." "Good giiiirrrll." He strokes all over the top of my head. I put my front legs on the bed and he slips the paws on them. Then he reaches down for my feet, putting the paw shoes on me. When he bends backwards again he pauses as his face passes my bare ass and he grabs my right ass cheek and whacks it with the other hand. I wiggle my butt happily in response, panting. "Fucking slut." He says almost disgusted, though I can hear in his voice he's rather tryna mask how utterly turned on he is. Gotta act strong and blah.
He reaches for the tailplug, then sits on my upperback and sticks it into my little asshole, which makes a scream leave my throat, followed by moaning "Fuck." into the mattress. "Good." He fondles both of my naked buns. "Prettiest girl in the world..." he mumbles contenditly to himself. "Now just a little bit of clothes is missing." He looks towards my desk where there's a crop top and hot pants thrown over the chair.
Somebody slid into my Instagram DMs after liking a bunch of my pictures. Because luckily, Im just their type - call it egirl, alt, maybe tomboyish... cute with a full butt and tiny chest.
Now wether this is somebody from a company or simply an amateur dude, they approach me to do porn with them. Not only is the payment great, but I feel chemistry from the start. I can sense they are my type of Dom, hoping I am their type of Sub too. And most importantly, they show me a sample of their content... it doesn't take long till my hand goes down my body.
The way he uses his cock, rubbing it against her features, playing with her face and mouth... getting sloppy and kinky, degrading and praising, the affectionate domination. How she makes her crave worshipping his cock with her lips and tongue and he worships her face and mouth back with his thick dick. His girls dressed either in cute little outfits or like a puppy, usually leashed either way. Creatively fucking their mouths, teasing their faces, groping their bodies... so I came soo good to it, imagining in anticipation of how I'd sit on his casting couch before I would become his fucktoy...
Hitting him up, I have a hard time concealing my enthusiasm, already trying to be cute for him, before we meet up to film an interview scene.
Now wether this is somebody from a company or simply an amateur dude, they approach me to do porn with them. Not only is the payment great, but I feel chemistry from the start. I can sense they are my type of Dom, hoping I am their type of Sub too. And most importantly, they show me a sample of their content... it doesn't take long till my hand goes down my body.
The way he uses his cock, rubbing it against her features, playing with her face and mouth... getting sloppy and kinky, degrading and praising, the affectionate domination. How she makes her crave worshipping his cock with her lips and tongue and he worships her face and mouth back with his thick dick. His girls dressed either in cute little outfits or like a puppy, usually leashed either way. Creatively fucking their mouths, teasing their faces, groping their bodies... so I came soo good to it, imagining in anticipation of how I'd sit on his casting couch before I would become his fucktoy...
Hitting him up, I have a hard time concealing my enthusiasm, already trying to be cute for him, before we meet up to film an interview scene.
I am your Daughter and you have been getting more and more frustrated as of late. Mom is often gone because of her career or she's on vacation. And even when she's there, let us be honest, you live in a dead bedroom. She was never been the wildest and now she doesn't even look as good as she used. Also, she got less interested in you too, maybe conversely.
And frustratingly, it seams like your daughter has only gotten sexier and as a gift and curse, also more "provacative" in her attitude and clothing at home. So you been fantasising and of course also masturbating to her for a while now.
What you do not know is your daughter is "damaged" and very kinky. So much she has developed a fetish for you. And you are not the only who has started to masturbate to their family member. Now, with mom on vacation again (doing honestly who knows what), we're at home alone again (and are going to also do who knows what!).
And frustratingly, it seams like your daughter has only gotten sexier and as a gift and curse, also more "provacative" in her attitude and clothing at home. So you been fantasising and of course also masturbating to her for a while now.
What you do not know is your daughter is "damaged" and very kinky. So much she has developed a fetish for you. And you are not the only who has started to masturbate to their family member. Now, with mom on vacation again (doing honestly who knows what), we're at home alone again (and are going to also do who knows what!).
I realized how bad daddy's marriage was, in terms of mom being icy cold to you at best or yelling at you at worst. It didn't use to be this bad to be honest. But you both loved each other so there was still something. Even if that something was faint and distant, there were happy moments.
Meanwhile, I've been getting more flirty and playful with sex based humor. Don't know why. Just worked out that way I guess. My lips find their way to my fingers a lot, to lick or suck, to give daddy a sample of what you could be having. To be fair, you sorta encourage it either directly or indirectly. One day you groan that I should cut it out and I simply go "well if you want one, then ask away" during a giggle. I guess it could come off as a weird joke. But no I'm being very serious. Is that when daddy gives in and lets me get down on my knees for you, or would a week of "will we wont we" build up in tension?
During this teasing build up, i could "accidentally" leave webpages open on your computer. I sometimes borrow daddy's computer to write essays of course. But my mind gets distracted and I wander to sexual health online e-magazines. So I can learn the "top 10 ways to blow his mind!" and "the dos and donts of the perfect bj". What? its for my potential future boyfriend. Sheesh daddy. You seem so uptight. But like if you want me to practice on you then I can maybe try one time. Its only one time right? I promise to never tell mom...
Meanwhile, I've been getting more flirty and playful with sex based humor. Don't know why. Just worked out that way I guess. My lips find their way to my fingers a lot, to lick or suck, to give daddy a sample of what you could be having. To be fair, you sorta encourage it either directly or indirectly. One day you groan that I should cut it out and I simply go "well if you want one, then ask away" during a giggle. I guess it could come off as a weird joke. But no I'm being very serious. Is that when daddy gives in and lets me get down on my knees for you, or would a week of "will we wont we" build up in tension?
During this teasing build up, i could "accidentally" leave webpages open on your computer. I sometimes borrow daddy's computer to write essays of course. But my mind gets distracted and I wander to sexual health online e-magazines. So I can learn the "top 10 ways to blow his mind!" and "the dos and donts of the perfect bj". What? its for my potential future boyfriend. Sheesh daddy. You seem so uptight. But like if you want me to practice on you then I can maybe try one time. Its only one time right? I promise to never tell mom...
Me, dad and my older brother always wanted to live life in a different way than most people did. We're all... well, you know, kinky fucking weirdos I guess? The taboo of incest being beyond alluring. As well as how incredible it would be to live as nudists. We all wanted it, all besides mom.
She was the rather prudent one, holding back what the rest of us yearned for.
Okay, on second thought, maybe she just was just the only normal one...
Most likely, this all is what drove her to leave the family. She broke up with my father and went away. While not being essy, I got over it by around the time after I turned 16.
But anyways, now we can finally live the lifestyle we always wanted. That proably soothed my grief very well too, lets be honest. Its not that we are naked all the time, it's just that it's not a deal if someone happens to be so. Its also not that we're fucking constantly, nor that we're irresponsible about it - meaning no breeding, only condoms or non-PIV.
My Dad is the one working for the two us. Still, for some reason, even though mom divorced him and he has to provide for the kids alone now, he's happier now than ever before
I'm actually open to other ways to set this scene up, but either way, I want it to be a Me/Brother/Dad MMF play. Unless you want to additionaly play other male members.
She was the rather prudent one, holding back what the rest of us yearned for.
Okay, on second thought, maybe she just was just the only normal one...

Most likely, this all is what drove her to leave the family. She broke up with my father and went away. While not being essy, I got over it by around the time after I turned 16.
But anyways, now we can finally live the lifestyle we always wanted. That proably soothed my grief very well too, lets be honest. Its not that we are naked all the time, it's just that it's not a deal if someone happens to be so. Its also not that we're fucking constantly, nor that we're irresponsible about it - meaning no breeding, only condoms or non-PIV.
My Dad is the one working for the two us. Still, for some reason, even though mom divorced him and he has to provide for the kids alone now, he's happier now than ever before

I'm actually open to other ways to set this scene up, but either way, I want it to be a Me/Brother/Dad MMF play. Unless you want to additionaly play other male members.
It is Halloween. I'm drawing cute little teeth on Rebecca's mouth, her lower face painted white already. "Damn, you're tickling me...". "Come on, stay still, will you". Since her Dad has quite the money, it wasn't surprising that she threw a Halloween Party, as this is far from her first house party. I move on to her nose, painting it with big black strokes, she holding herself together despite the tickles. "Your chains look so cute, Elli", she looks at my neck. "Thanks", I smile.
"By the way, will your dad be there?", I casually ask after a little silence.
"My dad?", she responds irriated, "Could be... I think you're might be crushing". "Watch your teeth, little skeleton", I finish her nose.
"I'm just horny, that's not the same", I get up and then we walk towards the mirror.
"If you're just horny, why not fuck with someone our age...?", Rebecca says as she's checking her face out in the mirror,
"You already fucked Christys father", she looks towards me. "And that was the HOTTEST sex ever", I respond slightly agitated, "he was so very into it, getting to fuck a girl like a third of his age", I say as I'm trying to mash my tiny boobs together, covered in a black crop top, checking how it looks. "Fair enough...", she says giving in.
Fast forward, the party is going on, I'm outside sipping a drink sharing a joint with some friends. Some of them costumed, some of them not. I'm a bit hard to see dressed in all black as a witch, my purple hair making it a bit easier. Suddenly, the glass door is opening, a normally dressed older guy standing in the frame.
I want you to seduce me, although you wont meet any resistance, so more like seducing each other.
"By the way, will your dad be there?", I casually ask after a little silence.
"My dad?", she responds irriated, "Could be... I think you're might be crushing". "Watch your teeth, little skeleton", I finish her nose.
"I'm just horny, that's not the same", I get up and then we walk towards the mirror.
"If you're just horny, why not fuck with someone our age...?", Rebecca says as she's checking her face out in the mirror,
"You already fucked Christys father", she looks towards me. "And that was the HOTTEST sex ever", I respond slightly agitated, "he was so very into it, getting to fuck a girl like a third of his age", I say as I'm trying to mash my tiny boobs together, covered in a black crop top, checking how it looks. "Fair enough...", she says giving in.
Fast forward, the party is going on, I'm outside sipping a drink sharing a joint with some friends. Some of them costumed, some of them not. I'm a bit hard to see dressed in all black as a witch, my purple hair making it a bit easier. Suddenly, the glass door is opening, a normally dressed older guy standing in the frame.
I want you to seduce me, although you wont meet any resistance, so more like seducing each other.
After getting caught blowing a dick in the schools bathroom (and something like this not occurring for the first time..), my mom and step-dad make me seek out therapy. Specifically, for my oral fixation. So, I am going to my first session today *sigh*.
Wether I feel the need to have something in my mouth out of boredom, or because I am worried about something, low self-esteem or if it is due to my lack of father figure, the therapy session will lead to you explaining it to me while I desperately suck on your cock as you will not resist taking advantage of me.
Some actual understanding of psychology would be super cool, but it is no a must. But be ceative with the role.
Wether I feel the need to have something in my mouth out of boredom, or because I am worried about something, low self-esteem or if it is due to my lack of father figure, the therapy session will lead to you explaining it to me while I desperately suck on your cock as you will not resist taking advantage of me.
Some actual understanding of psychology would be super cool, but it is no a must. But be ceative with the role.
I always knew that teasing men, drawing in their gaze was something super fullfilling to me. Like, that I was an exhibitionist, basically. So OnlyFans was just a matter of turning 18. And within my first days I kicked off a spurt of success already. Yet I was more than suprised when Barelylegal contacted me less than three months in. See, as I said, I really seek the gratification of being successful at porn. Lusted after, admired and masturbated to by millions, performing for them and my co-star... and hopefully being able to live out my biggest fantasies (plus safely at that). And gettin freaking paid at the same time!
When we chat & then they called me, they promise me the sky and talk about the potential they see in me. Add to that the proximity and that I saw that they have a joint venture with OnlyTeenBlowjobs going on (meaning the producer works for both) and it was a no brainer to sign the contract.
*Maybe this is my destined path?* I'm thinking on my way to filiming a casting scene.
Jumping ahead; "Hey, I- I'm Ellie, uhh, I came here- came here to get spanked, suck cock", I say counting with my fingers, "uhm and.. get fucked, I guess?", I giggle and smile towards you behind the camera, "hmm, yeah...", I await your turn to speak.
In this RP I want to play with my recording kink. I wanna begin with an interview with a producer guy about 40 (with a fetish for girls my age, working hard to do a good job & creating a good show to keep this position).
The little part above is a sample and ideally the scene would start a little bit before when we first meet. And either you're handling the camera yourself, or theres a passive camera man (if so, bonus points if you like playing him too instead of being passive for MMF fun later).
When we chat & then they called me, they promise me the sky and talk about the potential they see in me. Add to that the proximity and that I saw that they have a joint venture with OnlyTeenBlowjobs going on (meaning the producer works for both) and it was a no brainer to sign the contract.
*Maybe this is my destined path?* I'm thinking on my way to filiming a casting scene.
Jumping ahead; "Hey, I- I'm Ellie, uhh, I came here- came here to get spanked, suck cock", I say counting with my fingers, "uhm and.. get fucked, I guess?", I giggle and smile towards you behind the camera, "hmm, yeah...", I await your turn to speak.
In this RP I want to play with my recording kink. I wanna begin with an interview with a producer guy about 40 (with a fetish for girls my age, working hard to do a good job & creating a good show to keep this position).
The little part above is a sample and ideally the scene would start a little bit before when we first meet. And either you're handling the camera yourself, or theres a passive camera man (if so, bonus points if you like playing him too instead of being passive for MMF fun later).
Hey, I'm Elli. I'm dating my boyfriend now for about 4 months. He is affable, nice to me, checks in on me regulary. The sex has been okay. He tries giving me a good time, even when it does not work out super well. Hes not too selfish or demanding. I only cum sometimes, but at least he is trying to I'm pretty sure. Eventually it will get better I hope. I think I may be his very first girlfriend. And he respects me and says he loves me.
Today is Halloween. I'm drawing cute little teeth on Rebecca's mouth, her lower face painted white already. "Damn, you're tickling me...". "Come on, stay still, will you". She threw a Halloween Party. I move on to her nose, painting it with big black strokes, she holding herself together despite the tickles. "Your chains look so cute, Elli", she looks at my neck. "Thanks", I smile.
"How hot do I look?" I ask after a little silence. "Johnny will love it", she says. "Could be... he's not that good at letting me know", I answer a bit unsure.
"Then the other guys I invited will drool on you sp you can choose from." Becki responds. "Watch your teeth, little skeleton.", I finish her nose.
"I am definately down to fuck", Rebecca says as she's checking her face out in the mirror.
I get up and then walk towards the mirror.
"I am sure Johnny will drool on me to, just see..." I say as I'm trying to mash my tiny boobs together, covered in a black crop top, checking how it looks.
Fast forward, the party has begun already. I'm drinking a lot of coke & rum. At some point me and my boyfriend separate. I dont know where he is, who knows, maybe he even went to bed. And I start becoming a bit flirty... I don't even notice it at first, it just naturally happens. At the unofficial dance floor in the garden, I start dancing with some guy I dont even now. He's fine, but I notice he isn't really as interesting as I though, so I sit down after some dancing with him. Someone starts sharing a joint with. I'm a bit hard to see dressed in all black as a witch, my purple hair making it a bit easier. From afar, I do spot a familiar face without a costume.
You're a friend of my boyfriend. You're not close friends but I have checked you out- uh, I mean seen you around. I heard about you, too. You are the fuckboi type, the type that has a phone full of bitches that you rotate fucking every week to keep things fresh & interesting. Girls you picked up from the street with your Mercedes. You may even be a bit misogynistic, dont go down on girls etc.
And we are going to start talking, you will seduce me and then convince me to let you fuck me silly.
Why Do Only Bad Boys Do it Right?
I'm in a relationship with my boyfriend since almost 4 months. He is agreeable, is nice to me, checks in on me like every day. The sex has been ok. He tries to give me a good time, even when it doesn't work out very well. Hes not too selfish or demanding, he kind of does what I say. I only cum sometimes, but at least he tries. Eventually it will get better, I'm sure... or lets say I hope. I think I may be his first girlfriend. And he respects me and says he loves me for who I am.
Today we went out. We watched a cute movie and after that, his sister texted him that she's throwing a house party at their parents home who are gone and we are invited to join. He was a bit reluctant, but I convinced him to go with me, instead of just home to me. I wanna have some fun tonight! So we go there. I'm 18, his sister is a few years older and so are many of the people here. Their parents are quite rich and the big house shows that. I drink a lot of rum & coke. At some point me and my boyfriend separate. I dont know where he is, who knows, maybe he even went to bed. And I start becoming a bit flirty.. I don't even notice it at first, it just naturally happens. At the unofficial dance floor in the garden, I start dancing with some guy I dont even now. He's fine, but I notice he isn't really as interesting as I though, so I sit down after some dancing with him. There, I do spot a familiar face.
Its you, you are a friend of my boyfriend. You're not the closest friends but I have checked you out- uh, I mean seen you around. I heard about you, too.
You are the fuckboi type, the type that has a phone full of bitches that you rotate fucking every week to keep things fresh & interesting. Girls you picked up from the street with your Mercedes. You may even be a bit misogynistic, dont go down on girls etc.
And we are going to start talking, you will seduce me and then convince me to let you fuck me silly.
Today is Halloween. I'm drawing cute little teeth on Rebecca's mouth, her lower face painted white already. "Damn, you're tickling me...". "Come on, stay still, will you". She threw a Halloween Party. I move on to her nose, painting it with big black strokes, she holding herself together despite the tickles. "Your chains look so cute, Elli", she looks at my neck. "Thanks", I smile.
"How hot do I look?" I ask after a little silence. "Johnny will love it", she says. "Could be... he's not that good at letting me know", I answer a bit unsure.
"Then the other guys I invited will drool on you sp you can choose from." Becki responds. "Watch your teeth, little skeleton.", I finish her nose.
"I am definately down to fuck", Rebecca says as she's checking her face out in the mirror.
I get up and then walk towards the mirror.
"I am sure Johnny will drool on me to, just see..." I say as I'm trying to mash my tiny boobs together, covered in a black crop top, checking how it looks.
Fast forward, the party has begun already. I'm drinking a lot of coke & rum. At some point me and my boyfriend separate. I dont know where he is, who knows, maybe he even went to bed. And I start becoming a bit flirty... I don't even notice it at first, it just naturally happens. At the unofficial dance floor in the garden, I start dancing with some guy I dont even now. He's fine, but I notice he isn't really as interesting as I though, so I sit down after some dancing with him. Someone starts sharing a joint with. I'm a bit hard to see dressed in all black as a witch, my purple hair making it a bit easier. From afar, I do spot a familiar face without a costume.
You're a friend of my boyfriend. You're not close friends but I have checked you out- uh, I mean seen you around. I heard about you, too. You are the fuckboi type, the type that has a phone full of bitches that you rotate fucking every week to keep things fresh & interesting. Girls you picked up from the street with your Mercedes. You may even be a bit misogynistic, dont go down on girls etc.
And we are going to start talking, you will seduce me and then convince me to let you fuck me silly.
Why Do Only Bad Boys Do it Right?
I'm in a relationship with my boyfriend since almost 4 months. He is agreeable, is nice to me, checks in on me like every day. The sex has been ok. He tries to give me a good time, even when it doesn't work out very well. Hes not too selfish or demanding, he kind of does what I say. I only cum sometimes, but at least he tries. Eventually it will get better, I'm sure... or lets say I hope. I think I may be his first girlfriend. And he respects me and says he loves me for who I am.
Today we went out. We watched a cute movie and after that, his sister texted him that she's throwing a house party at their parents home who are gone and we are invited to join. He was a bit reluctant, but I convinced him to go with me, instead of just home to me. I wanna have some fun tonight! So we go there. I'm 18, his sister is a few years older and so are many of the people here. Their parents are quite rich and the big house shows that. I drink a lot of rum & coke. At some point me and my boyfriend separate. I dont know where he is, who knows, maybe he even went to bed. And I start becoming a bit flirty.. I don't even notice it at first, it just naturally happens. At the unofficial dance floor in the garden, I start dancing with some guy I dont even now. He's fine, but I notice he isn't really as interesting as I though, so I sit down after some dancing with him. There, I do spot a familiar face.
Its you, you are a friend of my boyfriend. You're not the closest friends but I have checked you out- uh, I mean seen you around. I heard about you, too.
You are the fuckboi type, the type that has a phone full of bitches that you rotate fucking every week to keep things fresh & interesting. Girls you picked up from the street with your Mercedes. You may even be a bit misogynistic, dont go down on girls etc.
And we are going to start talking, you will seduce me and then convince me to let you fuck me silly.
▪︎ Grandpa x Granddaughter
▪︎ Doctor x Patient
▪︎ Boyfriend x Girlfriend / Amateur Couple
▪︎ Photographer x Amateur Model
▪︎ Classmate x Me
▪︎ Transfer Student x You / Transfer Student x Me
▪︎ Online Dating
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