Mx Female Do you like being submissive?


Feb 12, 2023
Hello denizens of the Blue Moon.

Without further ado, let's jump straight to the point.

I like to play as:
- Dom: Does not have to be from a superior position. I can still be a student in Student x Teacher and still be a Dom.
- Only play as male against female. I don't care about your real gender. You are all female to me ;)

Style of writing
- I can write in both 3rd person and 1st person. No preferences.
- Minimum one paragraph per post. I would normally try to write 3+ paragrpaphs. Each post must PROGRESSES the plot.
- Basic grammar expected. Mistakes are expected.
- I like build up and hints. Both partners must contribute in build up, not one-sided. Example can be as simple as "She sat down beside him, didn't notice her panties were showing beneath her mini skirt".
- Both smut and plot are important, and I don't have specific ratio preferences, but there must be a plot that leads to a smut, even in a 90% smut.


Perhaps things that are not included in the Limit section. If you think you have questionable kinks, we can discuss.


Extreme violence
Toilet stuffs
Unrealistic cock and breast size
Female bigger than male.

Plot suggestion (MC x YC)

Student x Teacher
In an attempt to seduce the teacher, MC would kindly request a private session and the story develops from there.

Teacher x Student
MC is a good-looking teacher and is very popular with the students. It can be similar to previous pairing but reversed role.

YC are aware that MC is peeping into your room from across the window. YC pretend did not know and put up quite a striptease. The plot develops from there.

Sex Stranding
YC got stranded in a middle of desert/wood and MC in a car/truck come to the rescue. The twist is the ride isn't for free. YC cooperated, whether reluctantly or embrace it.

Master x Slave
Set in fantasy world, MC won a duel against YC. YC creed tradition is that you will have to serve as slave to the victor.

Friend x Friend
We spend a significant childhood time together, and it is the coming of age. Our friendship develops.

Brother x Sister
YC think by being MC sister, you can dress and behave as you please, but things develop.

I hope you are comfortable to DM me for proposals. We can discuss more on the plots. Have a nice day.
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