Mx Female My Queen, My Whore


Jul 22, 2019
Khemesh, jewel of the south--a great kingdom, through which the wealth, craft, and knowledge of half the world flows. My grandfather built it, uniting the old tribes beneath the Hawk Throne. My father led it to glory, expanding its borders twofold and cementing it as a great power. Now I rule, my reign devoted to upholding the peace my father fought for, raising monuments and public works that will be the envy of our neighbors for generations to come.

We were strangers when you came to my court to be my bride, the eldest daughter of a powerful western house--a woman of high birth, accustomed to power. Your beauty captured my eye, but your wisdom and kindness won my heart. In all our years of marriage, I have taken no other wives, no concubines, not even a bed slave--I have no need of any woman but you. You are my most trusted advisor, my closest confidant, one of my dearest friends. As queen, your power is second only to mine; within the palace, none would question or threaten you--even when I have you parading through the halls naked, dancing as entertainment at a feast, or throating me on my throne while I hold court.

It's only natural that I'd want to flaunt a treasure like you. And flaunt you I do, often and eagerly. I seldom miss an opportunity to display you, toy with you, and take my pleasure with you in front of my council, guards, servants, visiting dignitaries--anyone I care to have watch, all the while taking your counsel close to heart. I suppose it amuses me, using my highborn queen like a common whore. And I know it amuses you to be treated so, even if you might play the brat sometimes. After all, by my side, you have nothing to fear--no one will lay a finger on you without your consent and mine, if they don't want to lose it. No matter how I toy with you, you are still their queen, after all, and they remain yours to command, even with your face coated in my seed.

It's good to be the queen, isn't it?

So yeah, I think that about sums it up! I'm looking to play as a kinky royal couple in a fantastical ancient world (Sumerian, Egyptian, Grecian, etc.) who enjoy having my character treat yours like a slut in public. All in good lighthearted fun, with any degradation and humiliation kept enjoyable and sexy for your character. I'd love to see her maintain her queenly bearing with her subordinates even as she submits to her husband, knowing full well that her authority is still second only to his. We could have my character share yours with other partners at times, or keep it just between them and have side characters involved only as voyeurs.

If you're interested, let me know and we can discuss!
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