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Game that made you cry

Mar 11, 2023
Have any of you ever played a game and the story or experience of it brought a tear to your eye.

I played final fantasy 7 gornthe first time in 1997 the same year my dad passed away and it was the last thing he got me, I was kinda new at the time for those types of games and mainly played side scroll beat em ups or tournament fighters, racing, shooters etc.

I played the game so much over and over loving the story the characters and I remember wanting so bad to show my dad the cool things you could do in the game.

Years later I was playing lot's of final fantasy 14 an MMO for friends and then Square enix dropped they were doing a remake and I cried again.
I'd have to say the Persona games, at least from 3-5. Particularly 3's ending, but all of them have a section where your character is saying goodbye to the characters he made bonds with during the game and that's always been kind of a weak spot for me for those games.

I'm pretty prone to crying during stuff though so it might just be me.
Mass Effect 3.

The death of Mordin tugs at the heart strings, but the death of Thane really gets me - especially if you've been playing a romantically-involved FemShep.
every time i start playing a plague's tale: requiem i cry, at least once. i'm only halfway through the damn game ;-;

i'm a little puss-puss when it comes to really good writing in games, though. most games with actual plots make me cry over one thing or another. BG3 had me messed up for a whole 48 hours after the first ending i got.
I cry at everything, (can't help it, too happy, tears. too sad, tears. too angry, tears. It's pathetic how easily I cry) <-- having admitted to that, when I say that I went through an entire box of tissue in a day and still wept like a wee lass with a skinned knee, I can assure you, ugly crying was a thing for about a week.

Mass Effect. Doesn't matter how many times I play it. When finally finished.
Dragon Age... When finishing the Trespasser DLC and the knife ear who stole my Lavellans heart walks away.
Dragon Age: Inquisition. The ending of the main game. <-- tears have slowed, but they are still lingering in the waterlines when played.
Oblivion... When dear Martin surrenders himself to the dragon to save all of the Imperial City
The Last of Us 1 & 2... And I didn't even play again after Joel's death...
Mass Effect made my eyes wet.
Uncharted, but not sad tears, just reunion.
Baldur's Gate 3 had a few good moments.
When I was a kid growing up, FF7's most iconic scene made me cry lmao. I was a super sensitive kid.

As a slightly older teen, the ending of Persona 3 also made me cry! Still pretty sensitive.

As an adult, Lisa: The Painful's ending made me cry pretty hard too.

So yeah, short story is I'm just super sensitive.
There have been more than a few over the years. Most recently, Final Fantasy XIV, especially the Endwalker expansion. So well done and so emotional.

Like many, the first time a game brought tears to my eyes was Final Fantasy VII. We all know why.
Oh, boy.

Mass Effect 3, at the usual parts.
Dark Souls, actually. Bawled.
Metal Gear Solid V. Also bawled.
The beginning sequence of The Last of Us. Kills me every time, especially now that I have a kid of my own.
Final Fantasy X the first time I beat it. The scene with Tidus and Yuna, gah, that scene really got me good. I think another was probably Xenosaga Episode III, the ending to that also got me just because it was a parting of ways. I'm trying to think of some others but those two are ones that stand out memory wise.
The last game that made me cry, anyone who knows me, knows it was Veilguard. They did a character that I have adored for such a long time, hella dirty. Even after 600 hours of game time, I still weep like a wee lass who just skinned her knee. If know know, you know... 😭
Final Fantasy X the first time I beat it. The scene with Tidus and Yuna, gah, that scene really got me good. I think another was probably Xenosaga Episode III, the ending to that also got me just because it was a parting of ways. I'm trying to think of some others but those two are ones that stand out memory wise.
FFX seconded.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3, the ending and Chapter 5 and 6. I took a long break afterwards.

Chrono Trigger. I was a kid at the time. I thought that was it.

Final Fantasy VII. We all know why.

Trails of Cold Steel II. The near end.

Yakuza 6, the family reunion.
Xenoblade Chronicles 3, the ending and Chapter 5 and 6. I took a long break afterwards.

Final Fantasy VII. We all know why.

Trails of Cold Steel II. The near end.
Trails of Cold Steel II also made me cry at the end too, emotional beats were HIGH. I really felt the bond of the family of Class VII!

Final Fantasy VII also made me cry too-- Rebirth too.

To add on-- I didn't play Xenoblade 3 but the first Xenoblade made me ugly cry at some points, ESPECIALLY the ending, I was just so invested in the journey that the ending really hit me hard in the best way.

Funnily enough cried a bit in Breath of the Wild, some of those memories and Mipha scenes when you really think about it are just heart-breaking. Fire Emblem Three Houses had me tearing up at points too...

Shockingly, Genshin Impact-- end of Fontaine had me very emotional too.
The Last of Us 2, That game has so many moments where I am emotional breaking down honestly and the game is a masterpiece still with the emotional damage it causes me sometimes haha.
Mass Effect 3.

Not the ending itself, but the various "farewell" scenes played out just before the final mission - especially if you're playing a FemShep. The scenes with Garrus and Traynor are particularly emotional.
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