Mx Female Command and Conquer... And Ravish.

The Abusive Dominator

Oct 29, 2019
I am The Abusive Dominator.

Hello and welcome. You can call me Dom and I am a roleplayer who really loves roleplaying ultra-strong, masculine, male characters. I enjoy themes of war, bondage, combat, and adventures. For me, I generally prefer roleplaying with ladies with the type of lady characters who are very feminine.

First and foremost, here are my rules and expectations:

1. Please give your best effort in every post.
2. I ask at least three in-character responses every week.
3. Please be upfront about what you want and expect from me.

Although I don't require these on every roleplay, I do always enjoy...

1. Conquests and then the enslavement and subjugation of the pretty ladies of a conquered nation, as my Warrior-King's very own household servants... Servants who serve him in the bedroom and dungeon. ;)
2. Arranged marriage, with my character being very powerful and influential, coercing your lady to be married to him.
3. Modern setting with an abusive relationship, the male character ravishing his beautiful girlfriend whenever he pleases, finding excuses to spank her and punish her.
4. I absolutely, 110% love Tekken lady characters, Final Fantasy lady characters, anime lady characters, and certain real-world lady celebrities as the character I'm roleplaying with.
5. I absolutely, 110% love world-building, especially if our setting is medieval-fantasy.
6. Gangbang. Just gangbang... And lots of it.

My ideas...

Idea # 1...

--- In the 33rd year of the Draconic Era, Emperor Bargua Stander, by then a decorated conqueror who annihilated all oppositions in the Storvek continent, had successfully built the Dragon Tower, his very own palace to symbolize his high position in the world. Every kingdom of his newly-formed empire were requested to provide him gifts for his new, cozy life. An endless vacation of sorts, a reward for the victories of war. The ethnic peoples of Crenscia, formerly their most bitter enemies, were enslaved under the emperor's command as punishment for not accepting Draconic rule in the previous era. Etkyl, the most decorated warrior of the Draconic navy, brought three of the finest women from the most elite clans of the conquered kingdom. You are one of these ladies, and perhaps the other two are your friends. Welcome to your new life.

Bargua... 1678484660558.png

Idea # 2…

- - - Ivan Herkshire is as successful as can be. He was a gifted athlete who went from being the best teen powerlifter in the nation into becoming an elite athlete in three different sports at age twenty-five. After several endorsements from supplement companies, he launched his own DVD training course that taught his unique training methods that propelled him into becoming the athlete that he was. It made him rich. He also succeeded in maintaining a good image in the media. But beneath all of his inspiring speeches and noble message to the world is a cruel, abusive boyfriend who only had sadistic intentions towards his inexperienced girlfriend…

Ivan… 1693693444242.jpeg

... More ideas coming up...
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