Mx Female Hi-Ho, Silver! Away! (Current as of 3/9/2023)

Mar 4, 2023

Let's Write A Story...Just You and I.
A Bit About Me
Howdy, I invite you to my little corner of the site. I am the Lone Ranger by writing tag and have been writing for quite some time now. I am, by trade, a literate paragraph writer. I typically range from three to four paragraphs per post on average. This can usually come to about five hundred to six hundred words, though I can go to much larger word counts as needed. For most intents and purposes, I write in a third-person style in all my writing pieces across the board. While I have nothing against a first-person writing style, I am not the most well-versed in writing in it. My enjoyment of writing comes heavily from the plot in my stories, and I like to be very descriptive to paint a better picture of things. For erotica writing, I am no different, as I like to mix a good amount of plot with my smut. I value good OOC banter and chatter. Being able to talk freely with any writing partner is a huge plus. Communication is the backbone of any good roleplay, and I favor communicating throughout the entire process. I prefer roleplaying through threads and private messages; however, I can do discord if necessary. If you would like a writing sample, please ask. I am happy to provide examples of my writing before beginning plotting. My play-by style is via real actor/celeb face claims or realistic art. I don't do anime fcs outside anime settings.

My Posting Schedule
My posting schedule typically varies on my workload during the week. Overall, I like to get a response back as soon as possible; however, my typical wait time can range from one to two days. Any time required is longer than that, and I will message my writing partner post haste. I wouldn't say I like leaving anyone collaborating with me in the dark on my posting schedule concerning when posts will be received. As a timing note, I operate within the CST time zone, and I habitually list out times in my own time zone rather than my parents. Give me a nudge when I toss out a time, and I can gladly clarify. I am happy to shape my posting schedule around that of my partners. During the week, I will have far more time to post on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays. Please let me know if there is anything within your schedule I can

My Personal Requests
Here is where I have some small requests for my partners coming into things. I ask these favors at the jump, so please read this section. The first item on the docket is the brief note to communicate with me throughout the process. If there is something you dislike or are not feeling anymore, please let me know so I can adjust. Secondly, let me know how my posts are and what I can do to improve them. I love getting feedback throughout the writing process as it helps me tailor the story to improve it for my writing partners. Thirdly, please put as much effort as possible into the post process. I completely understand life can get rough and times are hectic. Please let me know and take your time, as I value quality over quantity. I will gladly do the same for all I thread with. Fourthly, writing is about having fun. Let me know if there is anything you would like to do, shake things up, or try new things. Fifthly and finally, I prefer something longer term. It's how I want to write.

Kink List
Ah, so we have arrived here. I'm relatively basic with my likes and dislikes. Starting off, I write dominant characters in most of my pieces. This isn't something set in stone, but that is my wheelhouse primarily. Some of my favorite setups involve romance, dirty talk, a bit of the more heated/rougher sex, teasing, and the basic dom/sub dynamic. I like it more when the sub is active or adds more to the dynamic than simply taking things as they come. The well-rounded banter leads up to bigger and better things. I am more than willing to try certain things my partners in writing enjoy so long as they don't hit my no-fly territory. Flexibility is a general rule of thumb for me, so trying new things is all part of the writing experience. I should have an F-List done shortly, but due to long hours at work, I still need to fully prepare it. All the same, it should be up here soon. Currently, if writing, I am down to do threads concerning incest or some forbidden relations.

For some things, I won't do them by the rule of thumb. Categories such as cannibalism, vore, bathroom-related content, size growth or inflation, snuff, torture, and stuff to do with filth are just general no-go's. These topics aren't for me, and I reserve the right to deny things I'm not in the mood for at the time and place of the request. Writing on a dark subject is something I am versed in doing, but I'm not a big believer in including things like this in a sexual concept for any piece of writing. All things aside, let me know what you are looking for, and I'm more than happy to give you my feedback.

My Plotter


Here we are at the meat and potatoes of this thread! Thank you for reading along so far; I'm happy to have you here. I'll list a few genres below for options on what I'd like to plot in right now. Select one at the outset and bring it up in the private message. I have a couple of plots for each and will add them over time. I've done a whole lot of different settings as far as things go when threading, so a few on a short list are as follows:

- Modern/Supernatural Modern
- Slice of Life/Romantic Comedy
- Drama
- Historical (Dying to do something Western related or from the Great Wars periods)
- Sci-Fi (Cyberpunk is on my shortlist of some plots I want to do.)
- Fantasy (More of a DND or Witcher guy in terms of Fantasy plots, but up for new experiences)
- Thrillers/Mystery
- Horror

I also happily do Canon Universes, here's a couple for the starting line: (Happy to do more)

- Cyberpunk 2033, 2077
- Harry Potter
- Star Wars
- D&D
- Witcher
- Warhammer 40k
- The Boys
-Red Dead Redemption

Will be adding my own plots to this thread over time. I will update the tag line as I add them in. I look forward to plotting with everyone and my dms are always open.

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