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Question Missing PMs?


Oct 8, 2016
Is there any situation in which an older PM chain would be deleted from your account without any input from you?

I never really clear out my inbox (because I'm lazy) so I have older PM chains to "Unknown members" where the account was de-verified so long ago it no longer registers (or something like that), PMs from deleted accounts, PMs from banned accounts and so-on.

However, there were one or two PM chains and RPs I had with one particular partner and I now can't find any evidence for them whatsoever (after looking through the older RPs on a whim).

I do think at some point they changed their account name, so that might be part of the confusion, but it was just an odd thing that these ones seemed to be missing. Is there anything that could actually cause that or am I just not able to find the PMs?
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