Mx Female Long-Term, Lore-Friendly, League of Legends Ideas and Cravings

Lewd Me

Nov 16, 2020
Hello! Welcome to my latest request thread. It's been a while since I've been around properly, but now I have some free time I'm hoping to dip my toes back into RPing. Now I worry that this particular fandom might be a bit of a long shot, but I'm hoping that it might pique someone's interest at least. If this happens to catch your eye and there's anything you see that interests you, feel free to send me a message and we can work something out!

So as you likely guessed from the title, I'm primarily looking for League of Legends themed RPs today. I've been getting back into the game a bit recently, and after having watched Arcane for the second time, the craving to explore the world of Runeterra has reared its head and I'm eager to dive into things.

Specifically I'm looking for something with a generous mix of story and smut. Namely something that actually explores the relationships between the characters and develops them a bit, rather than a 24/7 smut fest. That's not to say there can't be sex - there can be plenty of that. But I'd like a compelling story to go around it. In line with that, I'm ideally looking for partners who are familiar with the League cast. That's not to say that you need to know every piece of lore for every character, but I'm hoping that you at least have an understanding of any characters you're playing, and can do them justice. In return, you can expect the same from me. While there's some characters I'm more comfortable playing than others (which I'll list below), I'm fairly open to playing the vast majority of characters, so hopefully that should help in settling on particular pairings.

Ideally I'm looking for the RP to be fairly character-driven. Knowledge of the canon world of Runeterra would be a plus, but I don't claim to know all the lore either, especially with how frequently things get retconned. I'm happy to tweak things in the lore to help fit our story more, or even go full AU for this, potentially based on skin lines or something else entirely. Star Guardian in particular is a huge favourite of mine, so I'm willing to try just about anything set in this universe.

When it comes to the story itself, I'm happy to discuss things with my partner. Mainly because the story would likely change a great deal depending on the characters involved and where the RP is set. An RP with Xayah and Rakan deep in Ionia is going to have a drastically different tone to something involving Qiyana in the jungles of Ixtal, or Ahri in a K/DA setting. Same in regards to kinks. While there are some favourites of mine, namely oral, vaginal, doggystyle, pubic hair, cum play, mild exhibitionism, clothed sex, and outercourse to name a few; I do like the idea of catering some kinks to the characters involved.

As mentioned I'm very flexible when it comes to the characters involved, but I'll provide a couple of particular cravings below, either for pairings I enjoy, or characters I'd love to play or for my partner to play. But if none of the ideas below catch your eye, I'm more than happy to discuss other ideas instead! Also worth mentioning is I'm primarily looking to play canon x canon pairings for this, but I'm not entirely opposed to involving OCs depending on the plot.

Xayah x Rakan: This one's pretty obvious. Easily the best couple in the game (not that there's many to choose from), and fantastic characters to boot. I love everything about these two, from their designs to their personalities, to the whole dynamic of their relationship. I'd love to explore something along the lines of their time spent fighting for their people in the wilds of Ionia, but equally it could be a lot of fun to explore something with them venturing further afield together, maybe to Bilgewater or Shurima, to name a few.

Qiyana: What can I say, I'm weak for uppity, bratty princesses with white hair. Qiyana has the sort of personality I love to play opposite, and can be a lot of fun with the right character to bounce off of. It's a little more difficult figuring out a pairing for her as she has very little interaction with any other characters, but perhaps she could take an interest in some Vastayan as an exotic pet. Rengar, Sett, Ahri, Neeko, Xayah, there's a lot of possibilities. Alternatively she could choose to leave Ixtal and travel to some other region, for some reason, which would provide ample opportunity to pair her up with other characters.

Ahri: Again there's a lot to like when it comes to her personality and design. She's simply sexy, but I think it could be fun exploring some more of her character too, namely her journey of self-discovery and how things proceed from there. Another Vastayan would again be an easy option to pair her up with. Sett in particular always seemed like he'd be fun to play opposite Ahri, but there's plenty of other characters who could work. Likely Ionian characters, but no reason we couldn't have someone else become involved instead.

Gwen: I've adored Gwen's design ever since she released, and the fact she has some of the nicest animations in the game is an added bonus too. There's so much to potentially unpack here too, with her being a doll now blessed with the gift of life. It's one thing when she has a goal to focus on and can put all of her time into stopping Viego and the Ruination, but what happens when it's over? She has no home, not really. She's in with the Sentinels, but I don't think anybody would consider her friends with any of them. She's alone, with magically-given life. I think it could be interesting in exploring what she might do with that. Or, we could just rewrite the Ruination, since god knows it could do with it. Another headcanon I'm a fan of is of Gwen being a costume designer in the K/DA universe, potentially opening up something with her and the rest of the band, or something else along those lines.

Sett: As you probably gathered, Sett is one of my favourite characters to play. Similar to Qiyana, he has an attitude that is a lot of fun to bounce off of other characters. He's also easy to pair up with just about anybody too. There's plenty of Ionian or even Noxian characters who could get involved with him and his fighting pits in some way, but equally we could probably pluck just about any character from anywhere and slap them together with Sett, and come up with some way to make it work.

So these are just a few of the characters I'd like to play as or play opposite, but I'm certainly open to more so feel free to hit me up with your own ideas! I'm more than happy playing a male, female, or anything in between or outwith for this, but I'm mainly looking for my partners to play a female character right now. I'll list a few more characters I particularly enjoy below, with bold being particular favourites, just to give some more ideas.

Characters I'm interested in playing as:
  • Sett
  • Rakan
  • Aphelios
  • Ezreal
  • Jayce
  • Jhin
  • Kayn
  • Thresh
  • Viego
  • Yasuo
  • Yone
  • Neeko
  • Xayah
  • Ahri
  • Gwen
  • Seraphine
Characters I'm interested in my partner playing:
  • Neeko
  • Ahri
  • Gwen
  • Xayah
  • Seraphine
  • Qiyana
  • Irelia
  • Soraka
  • Zoe (Aged up)

Anyway, hopefully this catches someone's eye! If so, please don't hesitate to drop me a message. I'd love to brainstorm with any potential partners and see what we can create together!
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