Mx Female Who wants they evilussy eaten? | akujiki's story emporium


Feb 21, 2023

Hello and welcome to my little corner of the forum!

Who am I?
Who are you?
  • 30-something professional
  • Sudoku lover
  • 20+ years of roleplaying experience across various platforms
  • Advanced literate/novella roleplayer
  • No seriously if you give me something to work with I will drown you in words
  • I will never ghost you, if we start a roleplay it will go until it ends or I get ghosted or one of us decides we're done with it
  • I can't really give a specific schedule of responses. If I'm feeling inspired and have the time, I'll drop multiple responses in a day. If I'm busy or just can't focus, it may take me a few days. I will always communicate if it's been close to a week if I'm just having issues thinking up a way forward
  • You're looking for a good time and willing to commit to longer-term roleplays
  • I don't really care about your gender in real life, anyone can apply
  • You have your own ideas and think I sound like a fun partner
  • You aren't particularly invested in having a lot of (or potentially any) smut in the roleplay
  • You're willing to put in the effort to pull out the full potential of a story
  • I don't always expect someone to match my word count (I don't buy into the idea that quantity is quality anyways) but if I give you a hefty post and your response is a paragraph that does nothing to advance plot or character, we're not going to work out

What I'm Looking For

Setting themes
Roleplay styles
  • Urban fantasy​
  • Traditional fantasy​
  • Wuxia/cultivation​
  • Cyberpunk​
  • Soft science fiction​
  • Modern​
  • Come at me with something interesting and I'm game!​
  • High drama​
  • Slice of life​
  • Romance (this is almost mandatory unless you have a very interesting idea that would not lead to romance)​
  • Action​
  • Adventure​
  • Zero-effort responses​
  • Dictating my character representation beyond stating a preference​
  • Ghosting (I understand that life happens and don't begrudge anyone, but if you disappear, reappear, and then vanish again without a word to me I will consider the roleplay done)​

I'm more than open to other ideas if you'd like to reach out and discuss something, but these are ones that I've had percolating for a bit.
As it turns out, secret societies aren't restricted to wizards, dragons, faeries, vampires, and more in Europe and America. In China and southeast Asia, the storied warriors of the rivers and lakes have continued to develop their craft, hiding in plain sight - office workers and even politicians capable of superhuman feats of martial prowess. For as long as both of these societies have existed, neither has ever discovered the other - until a fateful encounter in Wales sets both of these hidden worlds on a collision course.

MC is a Wulin enforcer sent to Wales to find what appears to be a rogue practitioner who was caught on video scaling a building in plain sight. This leads to the discovery of vampires when he spies one feeding in an alleyway, which leads to both worlds learning about each other and starting a shadow war. Internal politicking on both sides is seeing a steady escalation, with more moderate voices starting to worry that this escalation could lead to the fighting spilling out to the wider public, revealing the existence of both sides. YC could be another Wulin enforcer helping to stem the onslaught, a Western agent MC is working with to determine who is driving the war and how to end it, or even a completely different idea! Come to me with something in mind and I'd love to get something hammered out for this.

MC is a young dancesport professional in a fresh partnership that seems to be going exceptionally well. Already a ranking finalist nationally, and making appearances in finals internationally as well. He and his partner have cultivated an image of closeness, but outside of their dance partnership there's nothing there, which ultimately leaves him listless after competitions. YC could be the woman from a rival partnership, a sponsor contact, or another idea (excluding "fan") who is similarly single. Especially looking for a rival for the drama and intensity of two top-level competitors going directly against each other on the floor, and then riding that emotional high into their private life off the floor.
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