Mx Female OOO's Emporium of Fandom and Non-Fandom RPs!


Mar 5, 2023
My name is OOO, and it's a pleasure to meet you all. Very glad to be here.

Some things about me:

- I'm a big Tokusatsu fan, particularly Kamen Rider (hence the name OOO), although my favorite Rider for those of you out there who care is actually Kuuga!
- I'm a 22-year-old male, currently in college studying to be a history teacher. My favorite topics in history are the American Civil War and anything in the BC's!
- I'm not the biggest anime fan, but there are a few I like, though most are pretty mainstream. I also enjoy various fantasy and sci-fi series, tiny bit of Marvel here and there.
- I consider myself to be literate, para to multi para depending on my partner. I've never really tried novella before, but the idea of writing papers gives me hives so I'm not sure how well that'd work out XD
- I love first person, but have no issue doing third. As with my writing lengths, I prefer to match my partner.
- My favorite genres are action and romance (preferably together), and slice of life (preferably matched with romance). I'll work with any ratios of smut.
- I prefer to play OCs in fandom plots. I won't say no to a canon depending on which one, but it's not my favorite thing to do. However, bonus points if you're willing to play a canon! (Don't feel obligated though!)

Fandoms I enjoy:

- Kamen Rider (although I have no idea how a Kamen Rider rp would actually work)
- Naruto (haven't seen Shippuden, don't plan to see Boruto)
- Avatar: The Last Airbender (haven't seen Korra)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! (original, as well as GX and 5D's)
- Harry Potter
- Star Wars (the original and prequels, as well as the old Expanded Universe and Clone Wars)
- Percy Jackson and the Olympians
- Pokemon (played all the games except Violet (Scarlet supremacy), but haven't watched the anime much since Diamond and Pearl era)
- And more? Ask if you don't see something!

So, in general, I really, really love longer term stuff! I'm perfectly fine with quick, smutty fun, but mega bonus points for long term plots!

That being said, some of my favorite longer-term plots involve our characters starting out younger and growing up alongside one another (I hope I don't need to say this, but no NSFW stuff would occur until our characters are older!). That, or plots which involve journeys and such--like challenging the Pokemon league, or whatnot! Anything which involves our characters developing and changing, and ideally falling for each other too!

So, some plot ideas:

- NARUTO! - With the above noted, I think it's easy to see where this is going. Basically, I'd like to place my OC in Team 7 alongside Naruto and your character, and loosely follow the plot of the series, making necessary changes to fit our characters.
- Alternate ideas: Our characters (potentially from rival villages) are required to collaborate on a mission together; similarly, they discover a threat to the world and must work to stop it; a training session turns romantic; etc.

- POKEMON! - Well, this is another one I kind of spoiled. Basicest idea, our characters are on a journey to face the Pokemon League and become the greatest trainers ever. This can similarly be changed to suit our character's goals and whatnot, but the general idea of "on a journey to become the best ____" is there.

- AVATAR! - Well, not much different here. One of our characters is the Avatar, and they have to save the world!

I don't have a lot of specific plots in mind, but here's some basic stuff I like:
- MILFs (what can I say, I've got mommy issues XD)
- Age gap (LEGAL AGE!)
- Bimbos (kind of)
- Cheating
- Shower/bath/pool sex
- Kissing (lots of this!)
- Sexy clothes/high heels/boots
- Impregnation
- Oral (giving/receiving)
- Creampies

My limits are:
- Death
- Gore/Violence/Vore
- Rape

Anything that's not listed, go ahead and suggest! I'm not the kinkiest out there, but I'd be glad to give most things a try! When it comes to NSFW stuff, I'm open for fandom or non-fandom stuff!

In no particular order:

- Some sort of school-based RP. Perhaps set at Duel Academy from Yu-Gi-Oh GX, Naranja/Uva Academy from Pokemon SV (or another alternative Pokemon academy we could make up on our own), Hogwarts?
- For Hogwarts, a plot I had in mind was: following Voldy's final defeat, in an effort to replenish a depleted magical population, the Ministry enacts a law betrothing any unattached adults. Since the Wizarding age of majority is 17, that includes 7th years. In other words, my idea was that our characters are 7th years at Hogwarts, betrothed to one another through this new law.
- for something more smut based, I'm thinking something along the lines of a bimbo (YC) transferred to a new school and after being shown around by MC, decides she's taken a bit of a liking to MC. Smutty fun ensues while this busty, maybe somewhat ditzy new student tries to draw the shy, nerdy object of her affections out of his shell.
- Very much open to suggestions!
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Bump! I'm not gonna lie, I completely forgot about this place so I still haven't updated this with plots or characters XD
Bump, returning once again! Currently would love to do something involving Naruto, Avatar, Yu-Gi-Oh!, or Pokemon!
Bump! Added some current cravings. Don't like? Suggest! I'd just like to rp!
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