Mx Female In Deep (Corruption, obscenity, over the top kink and a really big werewolf) (NSFW Links)

Dread Moon

I do, in fact, Bite
Feb 25, 2014
Hiya! I'm a bit of an old hand at this smut game, but it's been a long time since I ventured into forum plays. I started out writing in Rp forums like these many years ago, and have mostly shifted to playing with a few select friends. However! I have the itch to write with new faces, and intermingle with new minds and ideas! To make things easy for you, I'll post a few links below to my main character profile(s) It's the same character, just his human and were variants, so as a rule, assume both can be included in any setting. You'll find that the kinks listed are on the intense/extreme side, and while I do prefer Hentai physics and a general ignorance of basic anatomy in my smut, I can be reasonably flexible with what is included in the actual play.... That being said, kinkier and more open minded partners generally get my attention over less open minded ones. You'll also note, that his character as a whole is somewhat vague, and that's by design, simply to fit him into more scenarios with less effort, and allow my partner to better fit him into their ideal 'fantasy'.

Human Variant: F-list - Warning
Werewolf Variant + Kinks: F-list - Warning

I'm specifically looking for Female partners at this time.
As a general rule, my primary kink interests include: Hentai Physics in general, breeding, corruption, twisted relationships, and as a 'bonus' the kinkier, the better overall.

Beyond the character himself, I have a few fairly basic ideas to start with, hopefully, one will catch your eye and we can build it out from there!

Asserting Dominance
This idea is pretty straight forward, and is sort of greedy on my part, at least in one of its incarnations. The basic setting is a version of earth, where Mankind and the supernatural have evolved side by side, and for the most part, Humanity has become the 'dominate' species on the planet. They generally avoid one another. Both sides have their issues with the other, but Humanity in particular finds the Supernatural species detestable. Tensions are rapidly rising between the two species, and in hopes of easing them, an integration program is instated.

Supernatural creatures are moved into human neighborhoods and vice versa with the intent of normalizing relations. In this case, a greedy, domineering wolf is plopped next door to you (and possibly your family), and soon makes his real motives clear,, to fuck the women of the neighborhood into submissions and and craft for himself a harem of human females so that he might do his part to breed humanity into submission!

You can play a single character, or a small family, or even an assortment of different women from across the neighborhood. Depending on the partner and scenario, I can also play more then just my primary character as well to keep things varied!

This idea is open to adjustment, and I would be happy to fine tune it with anyone interested!

A Touch of Tribal
Set in the Victorian ere, your character is from a well off family, her father well traveled and worldly. After one particularly strange trip to untamed lands, he returns home with a massive, uncivilized stranger as company and informs you that you've been 'married' to the tribal chief. The animalistic man has come to 'court' and claim his wife in his own less then gentlemanly way! How this one plays out, and the end goal is really up to the discussion we have about the setting and how it works!

Who's in Charge...?
Shameless Hellsing Rip off incoming. YC someone comes into 'ownership' of the wolf, a supernatural shapeshifter with near invulnerability and an immense capacity for violence...and as YC soon discovers, a penchant for sexual debauchery as well. The gist of the play is the power dynamic between the two of us, obviously the wolf is immensely superior in most ways, but he is bound to your gal utterly, if YC states commands with conviction he is all but helpless to comply, the question is, in a strange relationship of physical obscenity and power imbalance, can she maintain control?

Smut is obviously a mainstay here, like with most my interests, but there is also considerable room for plot! Spin it in your own unique way and lets see what happens!

Quick Themes
If any longform stuff above doesn't tickle your fancy, you can just start with one of these more basic themes and we can work out from there as complex or simple as you'd like!

Twisted Relationships
Monster Hunting

Warhammer(Fantasy or 40k)
Modern Fantasy

Hentai Artist Reference
(Disclaimer: Some things these artists get into are more then I care to do, so don't immediately expect me to want everything you find on looking them up.)
Fan No Hitori

Your Ideas
Obviously, creating a setting and theme can often be more interesting when it's made together! Feel free to bring your own ideas to the table, even if they are relatively simplistic, we can always flesh them out!
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