Mx Female In Search of Mommy Milkers!

Sam of the North

Aug 12, 2020
Hey there, if you're reading this, then that means that:
  • You clicked on this, willingly or unwillingly! Whichever it is, welcome!
  • You either don't need glasses, or the glasses you currently have work!
If you're not reading this--well, I'm sure you get the gist.

Anyway, my name is Sam, and it's very nice to meet you! If you clicked on this, intrigued by the title, then I'll go ahead and lay out what I'm hoping to find here: MILFs, MILFs, and more MILFs, and all the mommy milker fun that comes with them! And also other non-MILF fun, if that's not up your alley! (side note: if you find the title cringey, I'm sorry. It's my lame attempt at trying to be funny and catchy)

I'm open to various plots, various ratios of plot to smut, and various kinks and faceclaims, with my only real limits being death, gore/violence, rape, and toiletplay. So if any of that interests you, please feel free to send me a DM, I'd love to talk with you!

To get started off with a little about me, as you can probably gather from my username, my name is Sam. I'm from the US, in my 20s, and I both work and go to school full time. I know it sounds like a good time, but it is definitely not as fun as it sounds. Due to my cramped schedule, I can't promise I'll be on every day, but I guarantee at least one reply a week, and in a worst case scenario when I can't even pull that off, I'll try and let you know ahead of time.

With that out of the way, when it comes to roleplaying I consider myself literate. I usually try to match my partner in response length, typically para to multi para. Personally I prefer first person, but I know that that isn't necessarily the general consensus so I have no problems with third.

Note: I am indeed also open to non-mommy-milker related scenes
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Buuuuump! Even if MILFs aren't up your alley, shoot me a dm and let's see if we can find some common ground!
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