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Fx Male Back and Better than Ever!


May 22, 2014
Hi everybody, my name is Blazefighter but you can just call me Blaze. Before I tell you a few of my pairings let me tell you, I do forum or PM role-plays, but I am strictly on this site. I like to be friendly with my partners but I won't be extending that friendship out of Bluemoon! I suppose I should also add here that I AM ghost-friendly. 9/10 I do it on accident when I get caught up in life but I do it, I’ve had it done to me, it is what it is though! Anyways onto business!

If you want to do a pairing that I don't have listed or you have an idea different than my own please let me know! I am more than happy to explore different ideas than the few that I came up with. I do look to have the story develop past the first sex scene. Let’s have multiple!

I tend to lean on the darker side that I know not a lot of people are comfortable with. If you aren't sure and want to explore I am happy to help, if you don't like those kinds of things just let me know as we discuss, I am very open-minded and can play soft and fluffy too.

#1~ Target x Assassin

After finally tracking her down and studying her daily interactions he's ready to make his move, except he hesitates for a moment; something an assassin should never do when facing an enemy. In that moment of hesitation, the assassin has changed their mind, instead of killing the target why not keep them as a slave for their pleasure? No one has to know about it after all. Would love to explore darker kinks with this.

#2~ Sold to the highest bidder

When my characters father finds himself swimming in debt and hounded by loan sharks he finds himself given a contract. Either he can pay with his life for his debt, though his young daughter will then carry the responsibility of owing the money, or he can sell her to the auction house and pray someone spends enough money on her that it swallows his debt whole. Despite the situation she is placed in the daughter does not go quietly and promises to make anyone who dares to purchase her regret it. For your character who had joined the crowd of buyers, he sees himself a beautiful opportunity to break and tame a woman, similar to how they would do to wild horses. This idea falls heavily into the slave and master roles.

An idea that has been stuck in my head for a while is one of complete loss of control. This would largely be more about building the story and the world rather than just the sex (though I imagine there would be plenty of that). I picture two strangers having minimal interaction in a public location, maybe bumping into each other in a coffee shop or on the street. Something fleeting and innocent, but not for him. For him, it was like it was meant to be, and her polite smile all but confirmed it in his mind. This is where the obsession starts, while he creates opportunities to enter her life and slowly mold her into his perfect woman. This idea is inspired by the song Stalker by Stevie Howie

The first idea actually deviates away from what was posted quite a bit but can still fall under the category of assassin and target. In this one the female character would actually be the perpetrator, whether she be a vampire, cambion, dark elf, or whatever suits our story. She is someone who has lived in this city for years and had while she never tries to portray herself as an upstanding citizen she usually keeps her nose clean enough to turn eyes away from her. The newest target who had caught her eye could either be a new arrival in town or even a knight well known throughout the city who has been poking around a little too close to her home.

Another idea is that over a decade ago a great kingdom disappeared without a trace. The only things left behind were the bodies of the king and queen. No one knows what happened to the kingdom known for producing stellar mages and warriors and it was all to easy for people to forget about it. The female character for this one would actually be the daughter of the fallen monarchs who had escaped into the dead of night. Because her family was killed prior to her magical powers awakening she has no real control over the magic inside of her and instead has to rely on her sword and wits. Attempts to sell her final memory of home; a necklace with the kingdom's symbol on it that is only worn by royalty, puts her under the gaze of old enemies who thought her dead. Yes, anyone who thinks this might possibly sound familiar you are correct, it’s basically a rip-off of Throne of Glass.

Both ideas are ones where species can be discussed. In my head I see both being enemies to lovers ideas but all of that is up for discussion.
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Bump, don't be alarmed if I don't answer for a while, it's 3 am and I have to work in five hours!
Bump, I am also open to ideas outside of my thread. A warning to all, I am not feeling well at the moment and my responses will vary.
Added another new plot, sold to the highest bidder, which I am craving super hard!
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