Mx Female Defying Death...


Libertas in Legibus
Aug 23, 2012
Hello Bluemoon! My name is Jay Conrad, and I'm looking forward to writing a story with one of you fortunate souls! Before I delve into the story line which I wish to explore with you, allow me to share a little background information about me, and what you can expect from me; as well as what I shall expect from you. I have been role-playing now for about 25 years, which makes me a bit older than I'd ever care to admit. My preferred writing style is that of the third person perspective, in the past tense, and I like to keep my role-plays within private-message on site, as it's far easier for me to keep track of the messages, and to ensure that the quality is of the highest that I can provide. I tend to provide three to four fully detailed paragraphs, but I don't necessarily demand that my partner follow suit. Anything is fine, as long as it's not a single line response.

As to the frequency of response, I try to be attentive and provide no less than a response a week. That said, however, being an attorney, my schedule is anything but predictable. Consequently, there will be times when I have to travel for extended periods and will be unable to respond. However, I will do my utmost to ensure that I keep my partner abreast of any such developments, and also tell them when I will be traveling out of town. As for the kinks I'd like to explore, I'll provide my F-list here: F-list These are things I'd like to explore, but not all have to be included, and I'm open to exploring any kinks that you are dying to try, as well.

Now, for what you all are truly interested in seeing, the plot-line which has been percolating in my dark and decrepit little mind. As mentioned above, I love historical fiction. It's a bit of an addiction of mine, and lately one particular idea has been popping up before my mind's eye. There's something fun about the Edwardian era. It's the brief period of time that occurred between the death of Queen Victoria in 1901, and the outbreak of the First World War in 1914. Two years prior to the outbreak of the First World War, the most famous and glamorous ship known to the course of human events set sail on her maiden—and tragically final—voyage.

The RMS Titanic was the pride of the White Star Line, and the best and brightest stars of society, at the time, were happy to have their names included in the ship's logbook. Of course, none of them could know that the vessel was doomed, for in the final hours of April 14, 1912, the ship—traveling at its impressive top speed of 23 knots, or approximately 27 miles-per-hour (or 42 Kilometers-per-hour) the ship struck an iceberg, thereby sealing the fate of some 1,500 people. Among those ill-fated people would be our characters. Two first class passengers who were eagerly anticipating a glamorous voyage across the Atlantic to arrive at New York in the finest style and elegance that one could imagine—at least, at that time—wealthy souls who never once dreamed that their lives would be turned upside down by the events which unfurled on that fateful evening.

Both had been constrained by the social norms of the time and were both were single. Despite this, they couldn't help but be enamored by all of the amazing luxuries that the White Star Line had to offer through their latest ship, the Titanic. However, shortly after the ocean-liner struck an iceberg they both were startled to discover that the engines had stopped. Both knew that the crew wished to get the ship to New York as expeditiously as possible, and that the only reason that the crew would have shut the engines down was if something was terribly wrong. After noticing that the Captain and one of the designers of the ship were rushing toward the front of the ship, they both began to suspect that the ship was mortally wounded. Indeed, several passengers were already discussing the fate of the ship among themselves. A chill swept across the boat deck, and the stars twinkled in the moonless sky above. Yet, at first, there was no sign that the ship was doomed.

Upon hearing the crew give orders for people to put on their life-vests and start making their way to the boat-deck, they both knew that the ship was doomed. On top of this, they figured that there would not be a chance for them both to get out of the situation alive. Here's where the fun starts. Knowing that their chances were not good, and being attracted to one another, they figured that they might as well have a chance to have some pleasure before the inevitable end arrived.

Here's where the fun starts. Knowing that their chances were not good, and being attracted to one another, they figured that they might as well have a chance to have some pleasure before the inevitable end arrived. So, what pleasures could they explore before their demise fell upon them? That is the scenario I'd be interested in exploring. I know that this is a dark theme, but I think there is a lot of fun that could be had. There's a lot of beautiful depravity that can occur when one knows that their end is near. As such, the old conventions will be shoved aside and people can explore their more base and carnal desires. To my mind, at least, it would be interesting to explore this scenario in one of the most well-known maritime disasters to have occurred. Taking the elegant tones of that society, and stripping it down to its most basic elements could be truly exciting.

We can work out all of the details. Yet, this is the scenario which has been playing out in my mind for some time. I'll post the drawing that inspired this scenario for me here, to add a little detail as to what I'm envisioning. If this sounds like fun to you, please shoot me a message! I look forward to hearing from you! And, as promised, here's the drawing.

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