Mx Female Fandom RP thread


Feb 20, 2023
Wirral, UK
Hello all, I'm a somewhat new roleplayer who is a fan of any of the games listed below. I'm a switch, and would love to hear any ideas you ideas you have or things you can add to mine! You should have played at Least one game in any of these series.

Monster hunter: this one is the most developed idea I have. Its the reason I joined bluemoon, because I couldn't get anyone to bite on Reddit or discord.
The universe is basically the same, except for one key addition:
This addition is monster-kin. Monster-kin are anthropomorphized versions of the regular monsters that have been appearing in the last few years in the world of bherna (or whatever region you like, bherna is just my favourite).for every monster, there is a monster kin. They come in all shapes and sizes.

We will both make human characters. Will you be a hunter who just keeps getting lucky (or unlucky) enough to bump into monster kin, or are you a handler or scholar, seeking them out to learn more about them? The answer is up to you.

Throughout the time we roleplay, we will take turns playing the humans and monster-kin. We will climb the hunter ranks, using more unique and creative monster-kin and scenarios as we go.

I would like this to be an ongoing RP situation, because I really think that there's some good potential in this. Imagine being snuck up on by a nargacuga, or getting lost in a najarala's coils!

I would love to discuss this with someone and get some help and feedback to flesh out this concept!

metroid: you okay as Samus Aran, bounty Hunter extrodinaire, and I okay as your recently hired apprentice. You teach me the ropes of bounty hunting, and we become partners.

Doki doki literature club: I want to play the dating sim Monika took away from the player. I would love to RP with you as any of the girls. Except a ton of wholesome, feel-good vibes out of this one.

Pokémon: you will play as any trainer or Pokémon you want, just DM the your character and the scenario you've got in mind.

Undertale/deltarune: again, I love all of the characters in these games and not have a specific concepts, and would love to hear yours.

breath of the wild: this is the one and only Zelda game I have played, and I love these characters. You can play as any female, and I'll decide on who to play depending on the scenario we choose.

This is all of the games I can think of, for now. If I missed any games you can base around an RP scenario, just ask!
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