Mx Female Monsters, lust, and romance! [NSFW]


Feb 17, 2023

Welcome to my thread. Don't mind the lackluster of the thread stop you from looking. I've just migrated here and still very much getting settled in.

Here's my f-list For some light reading beforehand.

For story versus smut I enjoy both. Though for system games I can be more on the story focused side of things and smut just being a thing that happens when it happens. This is more of a rarity outside of system RPs since I havent done so in a very long time.

For smut stories I have a very well worked strategy of making sure they don't get too stale or bogged down in the smutty goodness. It NEEDS to have a bit of story after every smut scene. That way it keeps us moving and motivated on getting to the next scene or even drawing us into the story itself

My posting rate is slow. I have some health issues that make thinking hard sometimes and I also have a small minion to take care of. I post when I can and can do multiple posts at a time but sometimes it escapes me and can be a bit of a wait for a reply. Don't be afraid to give me a poke and see whats up!

That being said you can expect the same thing coming from me. I don't mind long delays or if life gets in the way. I will never be mad about a partner having to take a break or needing time to do what they need doing, or if a story isn't doing it for them. Writing is a hobby for most, and myself.

Any male character in a prompt can be more than happily replaced with a futa character. The stories are pretty much the same regardless. Plus the thought of the girls being dominated or used by another woman is fantastic. The ideas here are the cleaned and scrubbed versions for the public space. If you want to see the nsfw versions just message me and I'll hook you up with the dirty fun version. They have pretty pictures and usually more to the plots as well.

How NOT to summon a demon lord


Jurassic Park/world Series
Primeval Terra Nova
Femalien Event Horizon

-Video Games
Monster Hunter (System or no system, yiss pls)
Trials in tainted space
Corruption of champions

Story Ideas- Also note if you have an idea, I'd love to hear it!

Cold. That was what she woke up to. The damp smell of cool dirt around her and something dripping onto her bare skin. Where was she? How long had she been asleep? Ever so slowly waking up and becoming more aware. More awake. She was bare save from the warm scraps of leather covering her chest and loins it seemed. Her body intact. Wiggling her fingers and toes to bring movement to her limbs. Feeling the faint beat of her heart and listening to the nearly inaudible sound in her head. Life. She was alive. Where was everyone? Why was it so quiet.

Time passed a d she fou d the strength to open her eyes. Slow blinks to break the crust of sleep away. A light she could see. Ahead of her. She leaned forward and slumped off the table. Bed? Gathering herself off her hands and knees and wiping away the dirt. Stumbling carefully to the light ahead.

The tunnels never seemed to end. Twisting and turning. Yet still she followed. A pain of hunger going through her body. So hungry. Eventually reaching something of a door that the light shined through. An outline in the dark. A hand gently touching and feeling smooth stone and pushing against it. Heavy and weak as she was she struggled but the door eventually gave way. Opening to a cascade of light her eyes struggled to adjust to.

Birds sung and a gentle wind blew through the trees. Life. A far cry from where she had awoken and yet this still felt strange. This still was nothing like home. She sat down and rested against the rough bark of a tree nearby. A safe distance away from her resting place. Everything was wrong. Where were the planes? The cities? The sounds of roaring engines and beeping horns? People?

The wind picked up, trees swaying violently and that when she saw it. Barely through a gap of the twisted limbs. She saw the glint of glass high above them. Though as she stared more and got more looks she realized it looked to be overgrown. Windows smashed and plant life growing out of them like a bleeding wound.

So hungry. Her stomach growled as she be t over and clutched at it. So weak. Maybe there would be food there. Sta ding up and heading in the direction of the only piece of what she knew was. To home.

So, i was thinking this story is something of a post apocalypse style one. Something like zero dawn with a mix of robotic life and natural life as it finally starts to return.Where the woman, a lost succubus, wakes up far from her own time. Where things are long since abandoned and overgrown. She has to piece together what has happened as she travels. Thinking her only companion will be a horse or something of the like that gains the ability to speak to her telepathically through enough of her "feedings" since she's a succubus.
Craving. Really, really, REALLY wanna play this

This would be about the story of an intelligent deathclaw taking a woman as his mate. That he wants to be surrounded in new experiences. This, of course, would mean he finds/forces a woman to hear him out and show her why it's worth having him along. Not only would she have a terrifying monster that towers over most humans in the wastes, and make even the most heavily armed and armored people think, but also that she'd know eat it means to be well and truly bred by a monster.

OR we could star the hunter herself, Samus Aran. Follow the same beats but there's a lot more fighting and him fucking her into submission. Not that she'd let anyone one. Boasting how she overcame and conquered him only to be fucked like a bitch in heat for it after.

Details: loved series and the setting. Have played 3, 4, 76, and new Vegas. I have the most experience in new Vegas but would be happy to play in other areas too or have them travel around. I have not seen the show though but will be correcting that soon.

Thinking for how they get by without him being attacked on sight is that she'd "own" him. Even though when no one else is around they're more equals when he isn't in rut or, Alternatively, he uses her as nothing but a toy for his needs and conversation otherwise.

Looks for him

If Samus crashes instead of the zetans


Average session

There lives a dragon high in the mountains. One who's lived longer than our land has had a name and wealth well beyond belief. One who claims these mountains for himself and gives death to any who trespass. That is, my child, except for our little village.

That was the story going through the woman's head as shescrambled up the hillside. Rocks and pebbles clattering down the slope before her. They needed his help. The old dragon they'd known all thier lives. Who drifted lazily in the clouds and watched over them. That, despite his reputation, had allowed them to settle here. Growing into the bustling town.

That was until the plague hit. So many left for fear, buildings empty and falling into ruin, people leaving in fear of what could happen if they stayed. All as he'd just watched. Uncaring to thier suffering. They sowed what they made.

But he was watching like he always did. Noticing the little woman climb well before she'd gotten this far. Curiosity having him take flight and start to circle closer and closer to her. Her village in shambles yet she climbed up to his roost. What had her more afraid if staying there than the dragon who'd eat her up? Though, as herbody became clearer and clearer, maybe he'd make a break of her in his roost yet.

Thinking for this story it could be more of a city building one. Where the dragon uses his vast wealth to help rebuild and cleanse the town but not without a price.

Maybe the first woman to go up is related to him? That her mother is the reason why they were never attacked and she is his daughter? With her being the main girl in his harem since, due to his genes in her, she's able to better take him?


After all who wouldn't want to be a size queen for a big, thick, monster? Sucking him down, bent over, and used like a sex toy. Got these bouncy tits, big ass, and tight holes just for some lucky monster/s.

A girl at the gym (YC) has had her eye on a fellow member horseman (MC) for a few weeks. Catching him glancing at her occasionally but never staying like some other creeps. Fortunately she's been fascinated by both him and the prodigious bulge in his shorts. Taking every opportunity to make sure she works out in front of him while he's in the middle of his sets. Hoping he'd approach her but to no avail. This leaves her with no other option but to come onto him one night when it's just the two of them there. Wanting to him to help her stretch one way or another. Though, unbeknownst to her, this is exactly what he wants. He just wants to see how she handles being told no and how far she'd push before she gets what's cumming for her.

The vault has been breached. Screams and gunfire echo through the hallways as chaos spills throughout the underground lair. Something, someone, has broken in. Sirens blare and tell everyone to stay in their rooms until an all clear is given. All do as they're told and soon the signal is given. Peace comes back to the vault. Though among the dead there is someone missing.

Through a blinding haze of smoke and gas Zoey makes her way to the only thing she can see. Light and the smoke getting thinner. Near the entrance, on show of a potential job since she was eighteen, when it had first been breached she was out cold for a few minutes thanks to hitting her head. Blind and panicked she had headed through the nearest door to where safety should've been. Others to care for her. Though as her vision cleared and she breathed deep she realized she was out in the wastes. A rumbling echo telling her that the vault door had been resealed. She was alone.

Another pair of eyes watched from a distance. Growing ever closer to the wandering lone female. A lone subject escaped from its containment. Appearing as a normal dog but was the end result of genetic testing by them. Having an insatiable libido and urge to breed with whatever female it came across. A new start from its own pack called as it went closer and closer.

It's been weeks of this. Everyday a new hell amongst these foul creatures. Hearing them laugh as they torment us. Bring the strongest of my kind to their knees for their sadistic pleasure. not a drop of our fertile seed going to an egg to bear a foal. All for wast and nothing for us.

Soon I will be the next as more and more of the others are spent and shipped off to do labor until we drop dead from exhaustion or die from an accident. I don't know what to think of it. Dying a quick death would be a pleasure than to know ,with your dying breath, you've helped them enslave others with your work.

The door creaked and swung open. Slamming into his legs he yelled in pain as the woman strode into his cell. Looking over him with disdain and how ill kept everything was. As though, with everything they had to endure, keeping a tidy cell was anywhere near the list of things to do.

"Get up you beast. " Her voice filled with venom as he could do nothing to stop himself. They had ways of making them do things. No matter how badly to rise against them they wanted to with a word they would be pacified. their magics a deep one to have such control over such a strong willed kind such as his.

As he did she took a step closer. Grabbing his crotch and gently feeling up on the sack that her little hand couldn't fully hold. "Hope you're ready to unload all this for me today." Laughing as she let it go and he groaned with growing lust. Anything he would do to hold them down and show them what would happen if they didn't need to waste the seed. How virile they were and easy it would be to make them bear a foal.

As they walked the hallway that was lined with cells he noticed most were empty. Unable to speak and ask what was wrong and where they went he simply kept silent. Though he did notice this woman wasn't keeping her space from the cells as they normally did. "Careless." Was all he thought when suddenly a fist sprang from one of the cells and hit her in the jaw. With a cry she fell to the ground and a small winglet fell from her hand.

At once he felt the weight of her words drop away and could feel his will coming back to his body. Moving quickly he swiped up the thing she had dropped. Eyeing it it looked like a ring of sorts but seemed fire too big for an elven finger. Her head turned and her eyes, bright green, filled with hate as she moved to her feet. Give me that back!" She cried out!

"Stop." Was al he said and she seemed to freeze. Wobbling for a moment before she came to a still. Breathing hard and her eyes going wide when she realized what was going on. Cocking his head he held the ring up to the nearby torch to better see. The woman's eyes following too. Her throat bobbing as she swallowed hard and realized just what she had done and what it meant for her.

Brianna was what people would call a mega bitch. She always seemed to think she was better then everyone else. Teachers, parents, other students or colleagues. None seemed to be spared from her unrelenting ability to not give a fuck and speak what was on her mind and treat people like she thought they should be treated as. This lead to many people avoiding her and guys not wanting to deal with her attitude. This lead her having to cover up the fact she was more often than not incredibly lonely and craving attention.

That is until one faithful day. She noticed a guy had been staring at her the whole day. Finally having enough, she goes off on him when they're alone. Saying how she knew he was staring like some weird ass pervert, and that if he liked what he saw he should just touch her touch then since he wanted to so badly. The guy takes her words in for a moment before shrugging and grabbing her ass. Things escalate from there with her acting cold to his advances despite absolutely loving the attention.

This was the inspiration for this idea. Basically a girl being a cold ass bitch despite wanting the attention. Always phrasing things to make her partner seem like they're detestable despite egging them on and really enjoying themselves. Would like this to heavily feature ass worship and anal, with all the other usual sexy time things in too. Very much would love the start to be based on the picture, with her calling him out and telling him to just have at her ass if he likes it so much.

Like this to be mostly smutty with a dash of story as she starts to gain feelings for this guy and coming to terms with her wanting to be his sub whore.

Lately Alexa has been feeling down. Not because of anything anyone else is doing though. Her life is great. She has a bunch of close freinds, her work is easy and she gets along with everyone quite well, and, despite her mom dying when she was young, her father makes she she is catered to. Her every whim and desire always quickly gotten or seen to. That goes without mentioning the many boyfreinds she had in the past years. Though she was single now and very much enjoying it.

All that should've been enough but.. her butt. She just had a massive ass. Not that going to the gym had helped and even before that it was quite large. Not that it was an issue when she was younger. She knew what was getting her all the attention and quite enjoyed it. It just had been getting to be too much for her to take anymore lately. All the looks, getting felt up as guys passed by her. She just didn't want to deal with it anymore. Even her clothing had become hard to find as she had to cater to the fact her her ass was so massive. She wanted to be more than a fat ass to people. To find someone that really cared for her and not just what she looked like.

So, as any girl seeking advice would do, she goes to the one person she can trust the most: her father. Knowing that she can be honest with him and he'll be understanding about it. Help her with perhaps even getting a butt reduction. Unknown to her though her father had grown quite attached to her large posterior. She was even more attractive than her mother and he had always loved a nice ass. Having one as close as his daughter was a dream despite not being able to touch her. Always having been careful not to be caught staring.

So, when she came to him about her ass being too big and wanting it something done to it he was not pleased. Though he wouldn't show it. No, he knew his daughter through and through. He'd have to change her mind about how wonderful having such a magnificent ass could be. Even if that meant having to do this no father should do to his daughter.

Asher leaned back in his seat and sighed. This was the life. The insects were starting to hum around them again as it had been awhile since the car had been turned off. The cries of the multitudes out there soothing him more than he remembered. Letting an arm hang out the window of the door. He simply got comfortable.

This was something he could get used to. The only noises he loved more though was the wet sucking sounds that Sara was making. She seemed to be absolutely in love with his cock. Gluck, gluck,gluck,gluck. Pausing to take a few deep breaths as she licked him before going back down and shoving it into her throat. He moaned as he bucked his hips upwards and towards her.

So wrapped up in the moment they hadn't noticed the figure coming down the driveway. "Hey, Asher. Why are you just..." his eyes shooting open as he heard his sisters voice. Despite the sitting up Sara kept on sucking his chicken. Either oblivious to what was going on or not caring at all.

"G-Go back inside I'll be up in a second. " Moaning loudly as Sara gagged before coming up. Looking to the shocked Sami, waving art her, and dropping back down. Asher couldn't help but be impressed. Watching as his sister stormed off into the house. Unable to keep his eyes from following her butt as it bounced with every step.

"Damn. I'm lucky to be able to see that ass every day." Though, he would never admit it, he had imagined her in the position that Sara was on occasion. Wondering what it would be like to have his sister drop down onto his star. To see her smiling a she wrapped his cock between her... sighing he had to force himself out if the daydream again.

Grabbing a fistful of Saras hair he pushed her down onto his cock and held her there. Pulling her up and then back down rough and hard. "Why do you need to start shit? You just had to stay low and I would've handled it." Bringing her up to make her look up at him. "Now you can wait until later and I put this in a more pleasant hole."

Sara rolled her eyes with a smile. "Whatever. Not like it matters to her. You're all mine after all." A hand sneaking to his shaft to stroke it. She was right though. As much as he knew it. Letting go of her hair and putting everything back in his pants. What a way to start the next few months. The parents weren't going to be home and they had allowed Sara to stay with them while they were gone.

Little did he know that a silent frustration had been brewing. His sister had grown jealous of his girlfriend and this had just pushed her over the edge. The next few months would escalate from a silent war to one where both of the woman in the home would be willing to do anything for his attention.

You're young, about to be engaged with a girlfriend who's leaving to her friends for plans and alone time. Then there's me, your hot 20 year old neighbor from across the yard who's been wanting to be with you ever since I moved from Russia. Despite this it's always infuriated me you've stopped my advances based off the fact of how goregous I am, most men would jump at the chance but you seem to be reserved. That's why, after you see me going into my house as you kiss your girlfriend off for the week I show up at your door, knocking lightly wearing some open toed sandal heels, a black tee with a matching lace bra and some black leggings and a black lace G-String. I'd simply smile, waving slightly as you open the door. Showing my clevage off in the top I'm wearing as I bend my knee forward a bit to give you a better view. Hey there, do you think I could come in? Everyone's busy and there isn't much of anything to do today. I give you a dazzling smile as my plump lips tug up and my eyes look into your own.

- Cleaned up some prompts for spelling. Autocorrect is still very much not my friend.

- New stories added:
- "Deathclaws mate" - An intelligent deathclaw toes of the lonely life and decides to go after a human or two.

- "Skyrim Succubus" - The dragon born reimagined as a succubus. Sucking the souls from dragons in a much more fun way!

- "The dragon and his hoard of bimbos" - A village in peril, an old dragon that watches over it, and a girl who seeks his aid as one of her ancestors had done before.

- "The bimbo scientist" - Having seen such fine specimens of male virility, how could she ever hope to resist them?

- "A long, hard... workout" - A girl who knows what she wants finally approaches the other gym goer she desires.
Last edited:
-Added an unused tab for the stories I'm not interested in.
-Added some more idea in!
-"You thot"- Bitchy ice queen calls someone out for staring at her ass. He calls her on it and she ends up liking the attention and keeping on antagonizing him for more.
-"A bull and his elves"- A Minotaur is captured by elves and used for lewd fluids. One of them drops the item and finds herself being controlled by him instead.
-"Tales of the woods"- A group of campers picks a bad night to go camping and soon they are dragged into the darkness for whatever plans the monsters have in store for them.
-"Dark Depths"- A spaceship crashes on a water planet. The sole survivor must find a way to escape and not fall prey to the many monsters of the planet.

And a reminder that if you like a story and want to see the NSFW stuff for each just let me know! Be happy to show them in all their smutty glory.
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