Buff monster lady fantasy thread ( M x F or M x Fu )

Jan 28, 2009
Howdy, Y'all!

So as you'd wager by the title of this thread I've really been craving some DnD inspired games! I want fantasy, I want adventure, I want romance and/or crazy smutty shenanigans! If you find any of this or the plots or fandoms below interesting please shoot me a PM letting me know what interests you

Now DnD is a rather broad inspiration pocket to pull from, and honestly, that is one of the reasons I like it. Let me address some of the more common questions you might have if you are interested.

So I'm primarily thinking about some 5e stuff. We can either play by hard 5e rules dice and stats and everything, or we can use the classes and such as for a framework. If I'm honest I think I prefer it to be more of a guideline, but I have nothing against going full dice rolls. Even if we do want to lean hard into stats and rules, I would probably still prefer we play around in original settings.

Gender fluid and pansexual, so I'm happy with any sort of pairing or playing as m, f, or any variation thereof. Far as I am concerned any race you like is on the table...well maybe not a tortle, but like, other than that. Feel free to pitch anything you like. Don't mind me big strong or monster-y partners at all, dare say I prefer them haha. Honestly, there are so many fun things out there, let's go crazy with it!

Current Craving WARNING Most images are NSFW, treat them ALL with care

I currently have a FIERCE craving to play opposite of some buff warrior ladies! I am looking for anything from the cutest orcish war-chiefs to the toned tomboys! I am in the mood to adventure with a nice fit lady!

Important notes:
I am specifically looking for people to play as the buff ladies, I am not currently looking to play buff ladies myself

All the images in the thread are up for grabs for any of these games of course, if they strike your fancy, but I am more than happy to see what sort of character inspirations you might have on hand! Likewise, while I have listed a few plot ideas down below, I'd be more than happy to brain storm something out. Likewise, most things under the 'other plots' could be done with a buff lady, so don't be afraid to ask!

Like wise, these can be Ladies, Trans Ladies, or Futa ladies, what ever you like most. Double likewise I am happy to play as any gender of character from male to female, trans male to trans fem, to what ever you'd like to see!

strong plot ideas

-We met in the pit-

A pair of gladiatorial slaves. YC is Queen of the Arena, the undefeated champion! My character is a newbie and a novelty at that. A sorcerer, blessed with innate magics well suited for flashy combat. A unlikely friendship and even romance blossoms between the pair. Do you pair your strength and escape servitude to the blood sport or do you stay together and continue to rise in popularity and fame.

-A marriage for peace-

YC is the warchief of a massive horde. Kingdoms must pay tribute lest they be crushed beneath weight of your warriors might! One kingdom has offered you...a unique gift. They offer you a yearly tithe of their wealth and supplies, supplies such as armor and blades, as well as a region of land within their borders to call their own to use as their home in between their raids. In exchange, you no longer threaten their lands and will even act as allies if they become under siege of foreign threats. This deal is to nice for YC to pass up. Having a safe haven between raids as well as the good steel of kingdom forge will only make your people stronger! And to officially seal the deal all you must do is...marry one of the kings princes/princesses. Is it love at first sight or will it take time to bridge the cultural gap?

-Dragon Layer-
Inspired by this NSFW image YC is the local Dragon, doing as dragons do. MC can be the unfortunate knight chosen to slay you and ends up having to improvise to keep their life when they prove to be no match. Or perhaps they are the local beautiful noble your kidnapped and is now your plaything and pet. Who knows what things a dragon might get up to, because honestly, who is going to stop them?

-Isekai-ed into a world of Monster Ladies- Craving!
MC through one means or another, has been zapped from their normal boring life into a fantasy world. And while the world isn't exclusively populated by Beautiful buff monster ladies
, they are certainly very common, especially in the adventuring circles. And you know if you get Isekai-ed you are bound to be going on an adventure. MC in this case would have some sort of unique aspect to them that comes with being the Isekai-ed so-and-so. My knee-jerk thought is perhaps they are given a talent for magic in a world where the use of wizardly abilities is rare and unique. Or perhaps they have the ability to enhance the skills of others making them a very useful person to have around for the warrior ladies they encounter/travel with. I think it would also be fun if they are the only humanoid in the setting making them somewhat exotic to their potential partners.

Other Plots
-Bound together-
Our pair of characters, though some misfortune of some sort end up cursed so they can't go more than X amount of distance from one another. Maybe a spell went wrong or someone put cursed manacles on them. Now the pair must go on an adventure to find a way to free themselves from the curse! Hijinx ensue!

Optional details: The curse either causes them to go occasionally horny for one another, or has a sort of 'dom and sub' set up where one can trigger intense lust and heat in the other or put sexual commands on them of some sort.

-Noble and Guard-
The classic escort quest: One character playing a noble person who must get from point A to point B. The reason we can hammer out later, maybe it's for a diplomatic reason, or for an arranged marriage, or some sacred ritual, who's to say! To ensure their safe travels they are given a hired mercenary to act as guide and bodyguard. I'm sure you can guess the rest

Example of Noble/guard plot that I'd love to actually play out:

A massive cursed woodland is an ever-growing danger to the kingdom. Many have tried to reach the heart of the woods, but all have failed. MC is the latest to try, a priestess descended from a noble family. She is hardly a few days into the border of the woods before her whole travel party is wiped out by monsters. As she stands defiantly against these fel beasts, ready to face her end, a traveling barbarian warrior swoops in and adds their strength to the battle. After explaining her situation the barbarian warrior agrees to the elf, they had come to the forest seeking to gain glory by surviving its dangers anyways. (( Extra points if the game is FxF, give me big strong lady please ))

-The Adventure Begins-
This story idea would be more slow going and much looser in format, something we'd figure out as we go along together. But the pitch is very simple. We are starting basically at level one. Armature adventures who are just beginning to set out and make their name for them selves. Are the child hood friends or did they find one another in a random chance meeting on the road to the next big town? Maybe one already has a couple of years of this under their belt and gets convinced to let the rookie work with them, maybe their tired of being alone or like the skills or assets the newbie can bring to the table. Maybe the relationship starts out explicitly sexual in nature, maybe we do a slow burning romance. The possibilities are endless!

A Modern Fantasy Idea

-My Girl friend was A teenage Werewolf Alpha- craving!
inspired by pics like this and this ! There isn't really much in the way of hard plot here so much as a desire to play out something with a cute were-person jock type. Maybe MC discovers YCs secret and gets pulled into the weird and wacky adventures of the hidden modern fantasy world. Maybe our characters are already life long friends and she gets the bite recent and the pair of them are trying to navigate this together? Maybe its just a cute slice of life romance in a modern fantasy setting where monster people and other such fantastical things are common place? Maybe they are both werewolves and MC is a beta to YC alpha? Maybe your cool distant wolf jock has always had a thing for MC and when their heat hit they can no longer control themselves and simply corner them. Who's to say!

Granted the don't have to be a wolf, they could be something else and of course they can have a fully shifted form or just be a full on furry! lets talk details!

Those are just a few ideas. While these are all Routed squarely in fantasy, I wouldn't be opposed to discussing some stuffing in a modern fantasy or sci-fi style setting. Hell I wouldn't be opposed to brain storming something out in general if none of these plots tickle your fancy but you are craving the same sort of adventures I am.
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