Mx Female Concept of My Otome


Feb 12, 2023
Hello Blue Mooners

I'm looking to write an eRP story that is closely described by the anime My Otome. Keep in mind, just the concept, we won't actually be in the universe. If you have seen the anime, you might have the idea already, but for those who don't, here's a quick hints.

- Otome literally means maid, (YC) and she can morph, power ranger style, to enter battle, but with only the approval of her master. There can be other master and maid out there. Battle with them is almost like a digimon/pokemon style.
- Her master (MC) is a figure like a Lord or anyone from the Elites. He is but a normal human but hold authority over his Otome.
- Master x Otome partnership happen through a contract, where they devout their life to each other. It does come with a caveat for the master though. Despite the Master full ownership of his Otome, if she in any way dies, in battle or not, the Master will die too. I guess their souls are connected to one another.
- As you have probably guessed by now, this RP will include smut scene between Master x Otome, a change from the anime I convenient made, while originally Otome could not have sex as it will disable her power, contact with semen to be precise.

- YC cannot be older or larger in size than MC, ageplay is okay too
- Incest (optional)
- master x slave, dom x sub, freeuse
- exhibitionism

Basic limits
- Scat
- Extreme violence & torture

- Minimum one paragraph per reply per day.
- I can 1st person or 3rd person, your choice

More detail can be discussed through PM. I don't have high expectations, but if things don't work out, I'll tell you things don't work out early in our RP without ghosting you and save our time.
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