Mx Female Actual request thread! (Offering gentle domming, hurt/comfort, and ‘lighter’ stories!)

Mar 29, 2019
Hey there!

This will be brand new territory for me, as I usually don’t post any requests I have. For the longest time, I simply offered to do whatever the reader wanted, but this time, I will actually post requests for something I’d love to do. That counts as progress, right?

I write in third person past tense, and can dish out multiple paragraphs, and needless to say, I’m hoping for a slow burn, a story that can last for a bit. Of course there’s smut, but I also want a story. I play either through PM’s or discord. I'm not too uptight about you being a perfect fit, but I do appreciate people who want the same things as me.

So what am I looking for? Well, if you read the title, you can probably already tell, but in case you didn’t for some reason, here are the themes I’m looking for:
  1. Gentle domming
  2. Hurt/comfort
  3. Affection
  4. A/O verse
  5. Subverse
Anything that relates to the above themes is always a ‘yes please!’ for me, so if you had an idea that has to do with these themes, please feel free to suggest what you had in mind, and I will be more than happy to go through your plot, and brainstorm something from scratch.

General pairings i'm always happy to play:
  1. Father x Daughter
  2. Cousins
  3. Teacher x student
  4. Neighbors
  5. Boss x employee
  6. Pretty much anything that qualifies as a 'generic' pairing.
If you didn’t have any specific ideas however, I have a few concepts that will hopefully tickle your fancy.

In a post-apocalyptic world, everyone is a survivor, and nobody trusts anyone. People will gladly kill for even the smallest amount of resources. One of the many survivors is forced to leave the small community that he was a part of, after a devastating attack by raiders left the community in tatters. He knows of a major town where most survivors end up going to, but it is quite the journey to get there.

On the road, meeting all sorts of dangers is essentially unavoidable, but what happens when he comes across a female survivor who seems to have been escaping as well. She happens to be heading exactly where he is, and the possibility of traveling together comes up. There is strength in numbers, but can he trust this person on a journey like this? How do things change for him when he eventually realizes what ties she has?

He was quite famous within many circles as a premier dom. He was charismatic, handsome, and experienced with all things related to the kink world. What no one knew however, was that he was feeling the void that this reputation left him with. Countless clients and countless faces that he interacted with left him wanting something with more substance. He was feeling less inclined to be the kink and fetish expert that many knew him to be, and more desiring to be a different sort of dom.

All that comes to bear when he is hired by a girl who was looking to get into the kink world. He could tell she was inexperienced, and clearly more innocent than his usual clientele, which leads him to being conflicted, and unable to fulfill her request which she got in contact with him for. He ends up talking to her, and the more he got to know her, the more he was taken by her, and the more that he wanted her around him. He had no desire to pull her into his world, but his past is not so easy to discard, and it is even more difficult to untie himself from the life that he was involved with for so long. Can he protect her from that world, while simultaneously being with her?

A local town’s only doctor is known to the populace as the ultimate embodiment of a Good Samaritan. He was skilled, gentle and caring, and he was always willing to help care for the people, even if money was an issue. However, one day, a curious case appears at his doorstep. It wasn’t what ailed her that was the problem. It was all of the other issues that seemed to plague her.

She was clearly not from the village. He had never seen her before, but it was clear that she was not just a random patient. She seemed to be running away from something, and that she had nearly died in her efforts to arrive at his doorstep. The doctor of course provided the medical care that was needed, but he also could not help but want to help in more substantial ways, offering to take her in. He needed an assistant, and she needed help. What sort of past is she hiding, and what is she running away from?

He always accompanied the princess nearly everywhere she went. There was not a journey, an event, or even a day where he left her side. He was nothing more than a guard, until one day, he intervened, saving her in the nick of time, but sustaining a major injury in the process. He survived, and as a result, he was promoted to be the princess' personal guard, responsible for keeping her safe at all time. What he did not know was that he was assigned to her by her father, the king, at her request. Over the course of their time together, they grew to be fond of one another, developing an intense desire for one another. However, not only is it absolutely forbidden and off limits for someone of his stature to be involved in such a way with the princess, but also neither one of them knows that the other has developed feelings for them.

Their dynamic changes however, when one day, her father announces that she has been given to be wed to another prince from a different country, as a means of strengthening their diplomatic relationships, and in the hopes of bringing the two kingdoms together. As her personal guard, he was now responsible for taking her on a journey to the neighboring kingdom, to be given to the prince as his bride. How do both of them take this news, and how does that change their dynamic? He does not want to take her, because he does not want to lose having access to her, especially knowing that she does not desire to be married, but neither one of them can disobey the king's orders on their long journey. Right?

All of the plots mentioned above are open to changes if you would prefer, but if none of this appeals to you, and you have a plot in mind that is in any way similar to the above mentioned themes, please, suggest away. If you would like to come up with a plot together from scratch, again, just reach out.

When it comes to kinks and limits, I’m open to most things, but I do prefer to avoid the usuals. The usual being watersports/scat/vore/gore/snuff/underage (below site rules). I’m open to negotiations so to speak, so ask away and the worst I can say is no!

P.S. I know this thread is rushed, but I’ll be cleaning it up as I go.
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