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Mx Female NEW PLOTS! Cap's Nurturing, Romantic, Smutty Request Thread!


Fuck Donald Trump
Dec 30, 2020
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Hello, people of Blue Moon!

I apologize in advance if this seems a bit disorganized. This is a little (or perhaps a lot) different than my "main" RT (which features a lot of specific pairings, fandoms and what not). Instead, this'll be a more free-form thread where the common themes will be the following:

⭐ Smut (since everything is a numbers game, ranging from 60/40 plot/smut at the minimum to 90/10)

⭐ Nurturing, caring, or romance as a central theme, ideally all three. Just because we might be getting into the good stuff sooner than later, does not mean they'll be fucking for 'porn plot' type reasons. Any buildup could have already taken place before we begin, and we'd just touch on it enough to establish that it happened in our inital posts. Or, well, we can at least pretend to believe in love at first sight, can't we?? LOL!

⭐ A realistic setting, either in the present day or in the past. If it's the future, let's use reasonable extrapolations of current technology and avoid dystopic or apocalyptic themes. Less Cyberpunk, more Star Trek, in terms of general tone and level of optimism. But I'd like to go for modern or historical.

Oh, and those who've followed my thread(s) may note how I have dropped the words 'high smut'. Hopefully that will cut down on some of the discouragement that reading this RT might create.

Note: None of my plots (such as they are), especially on this RT, are set in stone. Please, come to me with your ideas based on the above themes!!

Note 2: Recently, I've come to realize that I range from 'not ghost friendly' to 'ghost unfriendly'. A few times in the past month or so, I've had a few people come to me with brilliant ideas or who have been willing to play out some of mine, only to either just not answer, make one post then disappear, and occasionally even withdraw from the site--all without saying a word. That is not okay, like I know we're all here because we're anxious, introverted little balls of nerves, but I consider common courtesy to be important, and that can and does include just telling me if you gotta blow this popsicle stand. Just do that, and we're good, mmkay? Please? 🥺
Oh, and for the love of all the Gods, please allow me a little leeway. I tend to lean more towards the negative, unfortunately, and so I sometimes think that, if someone hasn't responded, that I must have upset them somehow. If you're the type to make the leap from "I'm just making sure I didn't accidentally piss you off" to "I'm being impatient and intentionally defying the rules on your RT", then do us both a favor and just hit that ignore button right now, cuz neither of us need to waste the other's time with that shit.

So, this will be the spot I'll jot down all the word vomit, but for now, here are two scenarios (more have, of course, been added.) One is a pair of childhood best friends have a one-in-a-million chance encounter at a nude beach thousands of miles from the town where they're still neighbors, or some other similar scenario. The other is that YC just had a really bad breakup, maybe some other things in the string of bad luck but the kicker is that she falls and hurts herself in the shower. MC lives in the apartment next door and they've been really good friends for a long time, but he's wanted something more. After she gets her arm/leg taken care of, he sees his chance when she needs someone to help her while it heals. He's an EMT and like practically her best friend, so she trusts him. Or something like that, don't mean to make your character for you.

Update 13 February 2023: Kinda would like to play against an Asian or Middle Eastern female character.

Update 14 March 2023: Currently craving a plot centered around a delivery courier (MC) and a regular female customer (YC). This still falls in with my 'wholesome smut' approach to things, jsyk. Details to be discussed privately. Still wanting to see if we can explore this one.

24 May 2023: Okay, so time for another update. After joining, then being unceremoniously ejected from another RP site, I was forced to leave behind two very amazing stories. Well, three, but that third one wasn't all that great. The two I'd like to try and resurrect here will be outlined below:

- Adventurer/Lover: A male adventurer known for his prowess and determination to fight bandits, Orcs, Goblins and all other manner of threats to the realm has to rescue his lover from allies of those he has brought to justice. Think of a mid-to-high level fighter of DnD type as the adventurer. The previous incarnation of this story had left off where he had returned from an adventure with a wounded arm that a drunk Cleric botched the healing of, and he and his lover were just about to try to conceive their first child. Themes include, but are not limited to: pregnancy, damsel-in-distress, medieval high fantasy, and possible implied non-consent. Note that this story is exempt from the first "star" seen above. (Reopened due to ghosting)

-Cop/Model: A female, plus-size (this part is optional) model and a police officer of some sort are instantly drawn to each other across the set of a photoshoot. The story that I had to abandon featured a beach in California as the place where they met, and the cop being an LA County Sheriff deputy who was tasked with overseeing security on the set. The story had two incarnations; the second one featured a nude photoshoot. Themes include, but are not limited to: romance that begins with sex, instant chemistry, possible themes of the cop being the first man to genuinely care for her and her pleasure, and slight white-knight themes (e.g. the cop chases off/arrests someone who fat-shames the model).

New Plot (5 July 2023): "Love and War"

During the Second World War, an Allied airman is shot down over enemy territory and even though he survives, he is too injured to effectively escape the enemy ruthlessly searching for him. A family nearby--one of whom is a young woman skilled in medicine--finds him and decides to risk their lives and nurse him back to health. He repays their kindness by not only falling in love with their young adult daughter, but taking them with him when he eventually escapes back to his comrades. When the brass inevitably puts him back in the cockpit, he has a new reason to live. Meanwhile, her skill in medicine prompts her to help with the war effort by becoming a nurse for her lover's armed service.

Alternatively, he could survive the bailing out unscathed, and the woman is a skilled mechanic, who managed to fix up a plane of some kind that happened to be on their property but needs a pilot to fly it. Or she could have no special skills. I'm just tossing around ideas here.

There's also other routes to take, but the point is that our two characters are caught in the midst of World War Two.

New Plot #2 (5 July 2023): "Second Star To The Right"

So, I don't exactly have a specific plot in mind for this one, only that it's a sci-fi story. I will admit that I miss the opportunity to play a Star Trek RP, so if you'd like to play someone opposite my dashing, somewhat heroic, handsome Starfleet Captain, you got yourself a spot at the front of the line! Otherwise, my guy could just have his ship and his emergency holograms for company (kinda like ST Picard's Rios, but maybe not so brood-y? Idk.) Ooh, ooooor, we could go a whole new direction, and maybe he's been framed or set up by this big conspiracy, and your girl is the no-bullshit bounty hunter who happens to catch up to him (or the other way around). Or, we could go the Star Wars route and that's got so many possibilities that this page isn't big enough for half of them, LOL! Either way, you get the idea.

New Plot (2 August 2023): "It's Hot Out Here!"

Okay, so we all know how incredibly hot it's been this past month, right? No? Well, lucky you. For the rest of us, July has been the hottest month on record, hands down, do not pass Go, do not collect $200. Anywho, I like to think that this makes for interesting RP plots. Say for example the local postal worker is just wanting to get back in their air-conditioned mail truck, and accidentally puts YC's mail in MC's mailbox (along with his). MC goes to drop it off, only to accidentally see YC in something of a compromising position? Perhaps she's just getting out of the shower, and forgot to close the blinds? Or maybe she has a fenced-in backyard and she decides to forego a bathing suit as she takes a dip in her pool? Point is, MC can't look away, but eventually tears himself away and goes back home after dropping YC's mail in her mailbox...and possibly standing in full view of YC's doorbell or security cameras the whole time. How does she react? (Well, it's kinda obvious how I WANT her to react, but it's never that simple, is it?) I'd prefer them to not be strangers, perhaps they've seen each other around the neighborhood, maybe he even has a skill that she needed at a bad time, and he helped her free of charge? All of the above can be discussed at a later time.

New Plot (15 August 2023): "Covering For You"

For as long as he could remember, MC has been YC's best friend. Even though they're opposite genders and both straight, they've always considered each other their best friend. After going through puberty, however, YC started acting different. She always wore long sleeves and long pants, even in the hottest months of the summer. Whenever someone wanted to invite them to a pool party or to the beach, YC would beg MC to make something up, a reason why she couldn't go. Eventually, he just did it automatically, and they spent weekends inside, playing games, watching movies, and so on while their friends were all outside. But MC didn't mind, especially because he didn't want to leave YC all alone. And unknown to YC, he'd begun to have a sort of crush on her, but he didn't really want to risk their friendship over it.

After graduating high school, MC just has to say something, even though they're going to the same college, he doesn't want to start the summer with any secrets from her. But before he has a chance, YC says she has a secret of her own. Rolling up her sleeve, she reveals she hasn't shaved since puberty. Apparently, she has a severe allergy to a key ingredient in all shaving creams, and more sophisticated methods were just not happening.

I think you, the person reading this, knows what happens next: nothing changes about how MC feels about YC, he admits he likes her, and so on and so forth. Probably a little niche, but you miss 100% of the shots you never take, so pew.

New Plot (24 August 2023): "Si vis pacem, para bellum"

This is a big plot, folks, so strap in and grab your favorite drink!

In the near future, scientists discover a new element, the rarest found on Earth. It's so rare, that the total amount discovered after extensive searching is not much bigger than a baseball in volume. Excited by this new discovery, scientists were very, very careful to not destroy any of it when they conducted all manner of experiments upon it. After they were done, they discovered, among other, less impressive uses, that it could be used for two very different applications.

The first application, when a tiny grain of the element was made part of the materials powering a laser, turned the machine into a wide beam that, while harmless to both living and non-living matter, would neutralize the properties that made weapons-grade nuclear material function, essentially neutralizing a nuclear weapon. Strangely enough, it had no effect on nuclear materials of lower amounts of refinement, such as those used in nuclear power plants. The possibility of ending the possibility of nuclear Armageddon was, obviously, a closely-guarded secret that not even the governments of the world knew about. After all, they were the reason this was necessary, so what would they do if they found out? Nothing good, certainly!

The second application was far more sinister. This element was the missing ingredient in the guidance system for a proposed weapon system that could be launched from platforms as wide-ranging as a fighter jet or a 40-millimeter grenade launcher. This weapon system would use satellite tracking to home in on a single, human target, and deliver a payload no bigger than a .50-caliber bullet to that target. The problem was that a great deal more of the element would need to be used in the weapon, which meant that the two competing applications for its use are mutually exclusive.

Two various shadowy groups, each of whom support one use of the element over the other, emerged shortly after both applications were discovered and shared among a close-knit group of trusted people. My character leads one group. Yours leads the other. The challenge, obviously, is convincing the other that their group's use of the element is the best way to ensure peace. Or, both of our characters could be on the same side (I'd prefer for that side to be the one that wants to neutralize all nuclear weapons) and they have to deal with the other group while working to put their plan into motion (and into orbit, because the ultimate goal would be to mount these beams onto satellites, thereby making sure all the nukes are neutralized at once).

If you want peace, prepare for war.

All plots should preferably, whenever possible, include the following favorite kinks: pubic hair (this one should be considered a must), creampies/pregnancy, squirting (and just a general focus on making the female character feel as good as possible), toy play, voyeurism and exhibitionism, tattoos and piercings. Favorite optional kinks include, but are not limited to: water play (the act of having sex in and around bodies of water, such as lakes and rivers; as well as man-made ones, and acts such as using shower heads and hot tub jets to enhance stimulation), nudism, consensual free use, and watersports, specifically watching women pee in both "proper" and "improper" places (e.g. in the bathroom vs. squatting down in the woods) and helping her wipe.

Anyway, that's all for now. Hope to hear from you all soon!!
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