Mx Female Suffer for Me - Kwizzard's Cruel and Unusual Requests


Jan 25, 2023

Hello there, and welcome to my request thread. The first post in this thread will be dedicated to a little about me, what I like, and don't like. The second post will contain all the juicy plot ideas, so feel free to skip ahead if you're that kinda pervert.

Also, I'm fairly limited for writing time, and I prefer to only have one or two RPs going at any one time, so I am very picky who I choose to write with. Low effort PMs WILL be rejected.

Who am I?

I am a 30 year old male, living in Australia. My country of birth (and the place I grew up) is New Zealand. Some of my past and/or current interests include roleplaying(duh!), heavy metal, martial arts(Mostly BJJ), tabletop games, MtG, TV & movies, some anime, fiction, sailing, hunting, and *especially* cooking... I tend to bounce from one interest to another, so the list goes on.

I like to think of myself as an easy going, intelligent, and understanding person. Roleplaying, for me, is a chance to unwind, and just chill out with kinky folk who get it. I enjoy most aspects of BDSM, but particularly bondage. I am a heterosexual dominant(Nothing against the guys, but they just don't have the same appeal). My interests on here tend towards the darker pitch black end of the spectrum, exploring all sorts of extreme situations and fantasies that simply don't belong in real life. But erotica isn't all I'm about. I love to collaborate as part of a group when there's a good story to be told. If you've got a good tale, I'm interested.

I'm happy to play in threads, PMs, or discord. Whichever medium you prefer.

I've also played on Elliquy, and some other places as well, under the alias Fyrepyre. If you know me from those, don't be shy, eh?


My expectations of you

I expect a reasonable degree of effort. I have no formal training in writing, and it takes me a long time to research, write, spell check, format, and proof read my posts. I'd like to think my partners are willing to make a similar effort. Pretty standard stuff, really.

I'm a big fan of open communication. If I'm doing something you don't like, you've decided I'm boring, or you're not sure where to go from here, say something, and we'll work something out together.

I know a lot of people have a fixation on plot/smut ratios, but I'm not really a fan of that. I have no idea what a 20/80% plot-to-smut ratio looks like. If the situation calls for it, I'll write smut, if it doesn't, I won't. If you don't like the direction, or want to focus more on the story elements(or the smut ones...), let's just discuss it, eh?

I like to get to know the people I play with, especially for one-on-ones. I like to be able to get a sense of your personality and interests via OOC chat. If this is a problem for you, or I am bothering you in any way, please let me know, or consider playing with somebody else. This goes both ways. Feel free to hit me up whenever, your messages are sure to brighten my day. And if I haven't responded in a while, spam my lazy ass!

If you're writing a post, make sure there's something for me to respond to in there. I realize this can be challenging at times, especially in certain submissive situations. I promise I will endeavor to do the same. I find the one on one writing style quite challenging at times. I have a hard time figuring out where to cut, and deciding what is, and isn't important. I tend to write very character centric, probably due to having more or less learned to write through group RP, but it's my goal to work on fleshing out my backgrounds and side characters more, in order to tell more compelling stories. To that end, I have a bit of a different stance on god-modding than most in that I think it's usually okay when done in the service of the story... So just use your best judgement, and I'll do the same. We can discuss and tweak any issues that come up, or even completely rewrite. In most cases, I'd like to aim for a story centric focus rather than a character centric one.


I like to think my interests are fairly broad. They're likely to vary a bit with the character I'm trying to play, and the mood he's in. From sensual bondage, all the way to extreme body modification, I find it all appealing. The more resistance, the tougher your character, the more intense I'm inclined to go. I want to see her melt into a gooey mess. And then I want to snuggle and comfort her, build her up so I can break her down all over again. I've been known to play a straight up bastard on occasion, so if you're just looking for an utter bastard, I may be open to it.

I'm coming to realise that I'm probably more service oriented than I am sexual, so if you're mostly in it for the rough sex, chances are I'm going to disappoint. Sadism and domination are what I enjoy most, and where I want to focus my stories. The dynamic will usually be sexual in nature, but I am more interested in the power exchange elements than the sexual ones.

Currently craving:​
  • Deeply Masochistic, willing toys/pets.
  • Begging
  • Extreme bondage; mummification, small boxes, suspension, etc
  • Humiliation
  • Pain and fear; needles, clamps, stress positions, sounding, wax, etc.

Other things I enjoy:​
  • Independent, capable women
  • Crushing those women into submission
  • Defiance
  • Teasing
  • Sensory Deprivation
  • Gags
  • Prolonged bondage
  • Female chastity/control(bonus points if edging or plugs are involved)
  • Voyeurism
  • Receiving Oral
  • Fingering
  • Vibrators
  • Butt Plugs
  • Pain/pleasure(overload)
  • Aftercare(where appropriate)
  • Sexualised torture
  • Body horror - this is a bit of a new one for me, that I'd like to explore with the right person. Hit me up if you're interested.
  • & A whole lot more - talk to me about what you want to see!

This is a list of pornographic media that has had a significant influence on my preferences. Some of this is *very* extreme, so go peruse at your own risk.
  • House of Gord
  • Insex
  • Sunstone (Stjepan Šejić)
  • Dofantasy Comics (Fernando, Kitty Hand, Erenisch)
  • Cocoasoft
  • Torture galaxy
  • Nana to Kaoru (Amazume Ryuta)
  • SMdiary (Smasochist)
  • Numerous hentai mangas


As for my dislikes, they're fairly simple really. Not a fan of weak, needy, passive types. If you act like a sack of potatoes, then you'll be treated like one - tossed in a cupboard and forgotten about. As far as kinks go, there's not many that are deal-breakers for me. Certain kinks I'm less keen on, but in the right circumstances I'm open to just about anything. If you've made it to the point where we're discussing it, there's not much that's going to put me off.

  • Littles or even very young women(teens)- Around 21 is about as young as I prefer to go. The most attractive age group in my mind is closer to the 25 - 35 mark
  • Excessively exaggerated sexual characteristics - I don't find the current trend towards massive butts and boobs and lips remotely appealing. Athleticism on the other hand... Very sexy
  • Stupidity - Intelligence is attractive. I'm not expecting rocket scientists(although I wouldn't complain). There's just no challenge in taking advantage of an idiot. It just seems slimy to me.
  • Animals - Just like stupidity, but even worse. Duh!

If I haven't scared you off yet, and you have a concept you think I'd like, feel free to flick me a PM and introduce yourself... Or keep reading for a few twisted little ideas of my own, in the post below.

Thanks for reading!
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Plot ideas

None of my plot ideas are set in stone. I'd love to hear your ideas on how you'd like to change them up and make them your own, what you're thinking for the kind of character you want to play, etc.

If you just tell me you want to play X idea, I'm probably going to reject you. Get creative. Show me you're committed.

Modern (Mostly smut-centric, tbh)

Bad Deal

Set on a university campus, your girl is in desperate need of money, and not afraid of getting her hands dirty to get it. My boy seems like the perfect mark. His family is loaded, he's a social outcast, and rumor has it he's a bit of a pervert, so it shouldn't be hard to wrap him around her finger. Right?


If she wants his money, she's going to have to play along with his perversions, and it turns out he's so much worse than she could have anticipated... a total fucking sadist. Together, they negotiate a deal: Until they both leave uni, she belongs to him. Any time, any where, total submission. It's a terrible deal... And yet...

Strictly Professional

There's a couple of ways I can see this one going, but essentially I want to do a story about a bdsm relationship in a business setting where the secret getting out will ruin both of them, although that's also a big draw for them... As for how it comes about... Maybe they're rivals with some serious sexual tension between them, and they decide to make a bet. Maybe it's a hostile takeover and he's there to do an audit. Maybe he's an employee who stumbles across his sexy boss' masochistic streak and decides to flip the hierarchy on her.

Dangerous Game

Somewhere along the way, fantasy becomes reality when a deeply masochistic E-girl plans out a fantasy with a stranger on a forum about herself being kidnapped live on stream, humiliated in front of her simps, and forced into sexual slavery.

It might have started out innocently enough. But it's going to end with her stream watching on in horror as she's manhandled, stripped, bound, and tightly stuffed into a suitcase by her assailant, like a piece of luggage to be carted off to god knows where... But before he leaves, the masked man scribbles a web address on a note, holds it up to the screen, and ends the stream.

Learning to share?

Two dominants(or a Dom and a switch) fall for each other. In order to fulfil their sexual needs they decide to find themselves a sub to share... How romantic?

They need a toy they can share, to use and abuse together... Someone to be locked away and forgotten about when she's not being used. Someone who's not going to get in the way of their relationship...

But will it really be that simple? Who do they find? Was she willing? A best friend perhaps? Or a super submissive stranger they find online? Maybe a prostitute snatched from the street?

What happens when they don't agree? Do they take turns being in charge? Do they fight about it? If you prefer a switchy character, then maybe if she's not careful your domme might wind up joining the toy occasionally.

For this story, I want to focus on the issues that will undoubtedly arise between the couple, and how they overcome them. The submissive is not the focus. The couple's relationship problems are. Hell, maybe they kidnap their therapist... That could be interesting...

Hopeless Masochists

Basically the opposite of the previous concept, a lesbian couple go looking for a male sadist to fulfill their twisted submissive fantasies. They want to be kidnapped, taken away and tortured in front of each other, forced to watch helplessly as he violates and abuses them for his amusement. No safe words, no way out... They can only watch each other suffer and despair. Perhaps comfort each other in their misery if the master allows. The master shouldn't be a romantic interest, so much as a means to fulfil their shared needs.

I'm not expecting much interest in this one tbh, but it's my thread, right? Preferably I'd be looking for one or two writers to play the couple, while I play the Master, in almost a GM like role. There's a fair bit we'd need to figure out to make this one work, I think.

Cheating Brat

Daddy's slutty little brat loves to cheat, but more than that, she loves getting caught... And Daddy loves punishing her when she inevitably gets caught.

This one needs fleshed out a lot, but yeah, looking to play a really twisted relationship. To be clear, they both know exactly what she's doing, so it's not truly cheating. I imagine a sort of tacticit understanding between them, because they both find the make up process super exciting. It keeps things exciting for them both.

Spot Prize

Somehow, one lucky guy wins, or maybe he just stumbles across a mystery box at an adult convention. It could be waiting in his hotel room, or he could be pulled aside, how exactly he gets his prize is up to you... But inside the box is a woman, a famous fetish model perhaps, or just a really kinky attendee. She is bound, gagged, and hooded, robbed of all her senses. Totally at his mercy.

More importantly though, there is a letter, which upon opening, informs him that she is his to treat as he pleases for the duration of the convention. The exact contents of the letter are up to you. Maybe he'll follow them. Maybe he won't. Either way, his new toy isn't going to get much say in the matter, is she?

Reality Check

This idea deals with chauvinism, misogyny, and misandry. I recognise that it can be a minefield subject, but I know there's an audience for it, so if you're not it, just scroll on. It's become a bit of a taboo to explore, and that just makes it all the more appealing to a deviant like me.

A chauvinistic "feminist" butts heads with her misogynistic male counterpart, tempers flare, and they have a confrontation. One that starts angry, but very quickly takes a turn in a completely different direction.

They could be social commentators debating on a talk show. Or she could be an overconfident rookie cop in the wrong neighborhood. Somehow though, she's going to wind up under his thumb. Only to discover she likes it... A whole lot... Much to her horror and confusion.

We'll have to work out how she comes to submit. If she's debating with him, then maybe she confronts him after the debate... Tries to slap that pig... Well, he decides he's having none of that, and she's about to find out just how much stronger he is when he bends her over his knee...

If she's a cop, then maybe she's a little too fearless for her own good. Does something to piss off one of the local crooks. Waltzes into his favorite haunt, a strip club, and harasses him. So he decides to teach her a lesson... She can flash that little badge of hers all she likes, but it doesn't mean shit here. With a body like hers, she'd be far better suited to stripping than police work anyway...

Domme No More

Two dominants find themselves attracted to each other, but neither is willing to submit. He is the direct kind who does what he wants, when he wants, and isn't afraid to get physical, whereas she would be more of a seductress, using sex and manipulation to get her way.

Despite their differences, and obvious incompatibility, they find themselves flirting. Competing for dominance.

There could be a bet involved. Maybe she's wrestled some subby guys, and feeling cocky, she decides to challenge him. Whatever it is, she bets big, and loses. She has to submit to him for the entirety of the next big fetish party. Her pride won't let her back out... And he intends to enjoy every moment of her corruption.

Or maybe she just teases him a little too much. Only for her to find out just how easily he can manhandle her; that manipulation and seduction are pretty worthless in the face of simple aggression. He simply takes what he wants... And she finds out that actually, maybe she likes that after all? That she actually enjoys being used and abused?!

Nowhere to Run

You wake up. Your head hurts. You glance around, disoriented. Panicked. Your neck feels strange. You touch your fingers to the thick leather band encircling it... A collar?! You feel a chill run through you. It's cold... Where did your clothes go? You're buck naked..!

He sits there. Just watching. Smirking. What the fuck? Who is he?

"Sleeping beauty awakes..." He finally drawls, totally relaxed, in his warm, thick jacket as his eyes devour your nakedness. Who the fuck? You want to ask, but the words won't come. Your eyes dart around, looking for an escape as you try to cover yourself, hide from his lecherous stare.

It's like he can read your thoughts. "Don't bother..." He tells you smugly, "...nowhere to run!"

Your character wakes up in the situation described above. The mystery man has kidnapped you, or reasons unknown... But probably for his own perverse amusement. He hasn't bothered to tie you up. There's no need. You're in the middle of the woods, with no idea where you are, no clothing to keep you warm, and it's snowing.

You can try to escape. He enjoys that. Each time you do, he'll hunt you down. Tie you up, and torture you in the snow, before dragging you back to his den. He's going to domesticate you. Turn you into an obedient pet. And he's got all winter to do it, because...

There's nowhere to run.

Scion of Nox

Drawing inspiration from Game of Thrones, Gothic fantasy, and DnD, this is my own unique setting, and will require a fair bit of world building and plotting.

The basic premise is a dark setting, an undetermined region that is ruled by a council of immortal vampires. Rather than turning just anyone though, each vampire rules over a family of their descendants, from whom they choose only the best to turn and maintain their ranks, thus ensuring loyalty. The families are also entrusted with everyday rule and politics, and the protection of their progenitor during daylight hours.

The life of a noble scion is a tough one. Children are expected to compete with each other, with only the smartest, most ruthless children surviving till adulthood. Weakness is weeded out at every opportunity, keeping the noble houses strong and dangerous. Only the very best of each generation is given a shot at immortality, and sometimes not even then.

This is the environment that my character, Davriel Nox was raised in. Never trust anyone but yourself. The unofficial family motto goes "Rēgulae nūlla at cōnsecūtiōnēs sōlae sunt!" - There are no rules, only consequences. In House Nox, you are not punished for doing wrong, you are punished for getting caught.

Anyway, enough background. Davriel is a capable warlock, his vampiric bloodline fueling his powers, though that power doesnt come without it's downsides. He's confident, intelligent, and ruthless, with a sadistic streak, and an attraction to blood that is likely a result of his hybrid nature.

Some potential story ideas for Davriel:


A battle of wills ensues between Davriel, and the powerful, seductive demoness he summons to be his familiar. She agrees to the contract, planning to seduce him, and manipulate him to her own ends, but she gets more than she bargained for. Davriel is no pushover, and as soon as the contract is agreed, he sets about domesticating his new pet, and making her power his own.​

Seeking adventurers

More of a traditional DnD setup, you find an ad at the local adventurers guild. Davriel is seeking companions for a journey. The terms are decent, though the details of what is expected are a little murky, but you need the money and you decide to go for an interview...


Your character is a slave up for auction. Davriel happens to be there. Maybe he takes a liking to YC. Maybe he sees something nobody else does. Or maybe he buys her just to spite some rival he dislikes. Whatever the reason, he spends a small fortune on your character, and he's going to be damned sure to get his money's worth...


She took the wrong job. It should have been easy, but somehow, he knew she was coming... And Davriel isn't the forgiving type. He's going to break her, and enjoy every moment of it. It's not often he captures such a cute toy. Her only chance to survive is to keep him entertained. Then maybe she'll get a chance to convince him she can still be of use...


She tried to have him assassinated. She failed. Davriel intends to make an example out of her. Killing her would be too quick. Too easy. He's going to destroy her. Humiliate her. It's only a matter of time before she falls into his hands... He's going to enjoy every moment of that bitch's downfall. By the time he's done with her, she'll be nothing but a toy to be tortured at will.

She knows she's fucked. There is no escape for her. He made that very clear... He's coming for her... And she can hardly wait...​

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