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Fx Male Heroic Adventurers looking to face kinky, wacky and manly Villains! Comedic and erotic fantasy adventures await!


Jan 30, 2023
Note: I have posted this here as I am female behind the screen but I just want to clarify that for this kind of RP, I am open to playing female, male and futa characters. If I have posted in the wrong place, please let me know and I will look at rectifying the mistake! Now, on with the prompt!
A brave hero or heroine delves into a dark dungeon to clear out a bounty target. Simple enough work. They have handled plenty of villains before! What they did not expect was this villain to have posted his own bounty... And he has plenty in mind once he finally lures his hero or heroine inside his lair. Only here's the twist... The way he intends to break those heroes and heroines? Well... It's more like a Saturday morning cartoon. Only... incredibly erotic!

Hi there and thank you for taking a look at my roleplay prompt! I'm based in the EU and my usual availability is in the evenings! That said, weekends my availability shoots up, so I'm happy to chat with folk all over the world!

To start with, I absolutely adore fantasy settings and following on from that, fantasy in my RP. This does mean things can move to the wackier side which I very much enjoy! With regards to a fandom example, think of a setting like World of Warcraft and the races one might encounter in such a land. A few key things I'm looking to include in a scene with someone is magic, fantasy and (here's the odd one) humour! Think Saturday morning cartoons... Silly traps, ridiculous disguises... all combined into a weird and kinky experience!

About my preferences: I enjoy playing the submissive role, so I'm after someone who quite likes the idea of playing dominant 'bosses or villains' for my character to go up against. I am comfortable in playing a female, male or even futa character (if done in a certain way) depending on my partner's preference. I am, admittedly, hoping for a RP partner who is willing for me to play a variety of male and female characters, maybe even at the same time! I currently have an itch to play some male heroes being 'defeated' by a kinky male villain! Especially by his butt! Ahem.

With that said, I do prefer the villain to be a male character either way, as unfortunately I do not enjoy RPing opposite female or futa characters. Apologies!

As for the more erotic side, here are a few things I adore:

  1. Non-con. I imagine that's obvious from the idea behind the ad, but you never know!
  2. An open mind. I am into some rather wacky, yet perverse, things. If you're kind of set in your ways or can't have a bit of a laugh brainstorming some silly ideas, odds are we won't be the best of matches. My mind can go to very silly places, you have been warned!
  3. The male body. Leading on from above, I love exploring the entire male form. A villain who will conquer using his pecs, his thick thighs, his balls, even his feet and (especially) his manly rear? I'm in heaven! The male rear is genuinely my kryptonite so if it can be used by the villain? Then it's a win!
  4. Wackiness/Humor. Again, this leads in nicely with the open mind! It's weird, I know. But if the set up or things the villain is doing are amusing, or my poor heroine falls to some kinky villain in an amusing way? It's something I adore. Think almost Saturday Morning Cartoons meet porn. Yes, it's bizarre. Speak to me for a while and you'll find I am, too!
  5. The chase. I'm someone who adores a bit of build-up and lots of foreplay, especially in this kind of scenario. Imagine it as some kind of kinky cat and mouse game happening between the hero/heroine and villain, rather than just a... clothes off, time to screw kind of scene!

And much more! Let me know if you might be interested and then we can discuss things further. You can also take a look at my F-List for an idea at how bizarre things can get! It is located here: F-list - Warning I'm always happy to discuss things from the f-list, too! Don't feel like everything has to be included as it's quite an exhaustive list!

Now! Here's a basic idea as to what I'm looking for. Warning, it's a tad strange!

It all starts with the hero/heroine/whatever we so choose entering the lair or being brought there. They are being lured deeper inside, maybe in pursuit of a robed figure, the villain leading them down corridors and making them lose track of where they have gone. Along the way, sneaky things begin to happen. Finding themselves met with a locked door, they have to pick the lock or figure out a small series of buttons to get through. While distracted, out pops a hairy leg from a hole in the floor, dexterous toes undoing the clips on their boots and slipping them off without them even noticing.

After reaching the innermost chamber, they catch up with the figure! He throws off the robe to reveal a rather kinky outfit with the heroes realising that they're in just their underwear! Panic overwhelms them so they opt to flee, to escape the villain and his lair realising this isn't a usual encounter! Our heroes are unsure of their way, however, and every room they pass through is a trap of sorts with the villain constantly a step ahead of them, even when they left him in a room behind them!

I realise it does lean heavily into the silly side of things but I like that silliness to add into the humour side of things, as you can probably already tell if you have read this far!

I'm currently craving some potential size difference play, too. Maybe a manly Dwarven villain? Maybe a couple of them? Who knows? There's lots of potential with a variety of races so I'm open to discussions there, as well!

With all that said, I'm always up for a chat, even if the scene doesn't necessarily come to fruition. No harm in sharing ideas! I do my best to reply to messages on here but I'd like to ideally RP this over Discord. I can share my handle on request!

Thanks for reading and I hope to hear from some of you soon! -Ashelia
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Another bump after a couple of months! Still looking for people to explore this with. :)
Summer's here and I'm still eager to explore this idea! Do let me know if you might be interested!
A few months later and I bump this again! Still eager to meet some villainous sorts.
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