Mx Female All about the slice of life.... (Open to other stuff too)

Jan 13, 2023
Hey!. Thanks for checking out my thread. I'm here for fun! I love talking to people and of course role-playing, so if your looking for a good story or just a chat then feel free to send me a message. I've been role-playing for around 12 years and have been on and off BMR for around 7. I'm very much an open book and always up for trying pretty much anything so you are welcome to shoot any ideas my way. On a good week I can post multiple time a day and on a bad week at least once a day. I like to send no less than one paragraph, I try to base my replies on what the scene needs. My grammar isn't perfect and I don't care if yours isn't either, as long as I can understand what you saying then I'm good :).

As the title says I love slice of life, its what I enjoy the most. I like the realism of the pairings, mix that in with something taboo and perfect!!.

im still updating everything so more will be added but until then please feel feww to message me. :)

Looking for:
Slice of life.
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