Arclight's simple quick adventures (One X One shorts)


Oct 23, 2012
-About Me-
So I have been role-playing on, and off for many years close to 20, I do both smut filled, and story based as well as all I can in-between. I can get caught up in writing the story, and this is only my quicker shorter term ideas good to see if you like my writing or if we click as partners always willing to do new stories, and longer posts if we find we really like writing together.

I play males, futa, and monsters of all sorts. While I usually prefer my partner to be female, I can accept some others if the story or style appeals to me.
-My Kinks-
*Strong personalities, in helpless situations.
*Fighters, women who will resist till the end.
*****Senstive women, I prefer my partners to react to what's happening even when resisting or denying.
****Heavy Cum
****Oral, wet
***Build up/Edging
***Multiple Orgasms
**Messy Wet (Slime creatures, supernatural pre-cum, or other liquids with supernatural effects.)
*Most anything Else, usually pulled from my partners lift.

-The common Nos-
While I can be talked into most things...Let's avoid...

--- Bathroom stuff, Bile, and the such.
--Mutilation (I can be talked into, but usually is a much different kind of story)
-Death (Same as above)
-Vote (Not against, but not sure it would be fun to write more than as a bad end to a character.)
-Torture, Pain (Short scenes for story is one thing, but not really something I care to write out.)

-Let me give you some ideas for quick stories-
Caught by a slime of all things!

-A powerful witch/female Mage traveling the forest finds herself stuck in a slime only to find the thing is completely immune to magic. Trapped with no way to escape all she can do is try to keep her dignity.

Really, a Mimic got you?
-A hauty, better than though prim cleric always chastizing the party for their behavior, and lewd behaviors finds herself top first in a mimic, and attempts to remove her only end in the teeth threatening her. Now stuck, hoping the thing will let her go, finds the barbarian, and rogue knowing they can't help decide to help another way.

*Can be a similar idea with a Druid, and a forest diety for not keeping her vows.
*A Warlock, and her Patron. Demonic, or Abyssal
*A Groper, and a rogue who has caught stealing from the party.

A Monsterous appetite!?
-A female adventurer takes off from her party alone fed up with being held back only to be attacked by a male monster, and used for his desires

*Could also be a male adventure hunting a monster girl.

-Post expectations-
Going to keep this simple, I prefer short quick responses when interactions are dependent on how the partner behaves, or if something story advancing is happening. However if traveling or not really expanding on the story longer bits of time jumping till something more interesting begins to brew.
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